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Schoolhouse Rock: Adjectives

Schoolhouse Rock: Adjectives

Conventions Rockin' the Six Traits of Writing Classic Schoolhouse Rock : A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing (1973) Punctuation Rap: Song Lyrics and Sound Clip This song is available on Earth Tone's Mind Games. Chorus: Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna say? If you don't know punctuation. Amazing Adjectives Guided Lessons are a sequence of interactive digital games, worksheets, and other activities that guide learners through different concepts and skills. They keep track of your progress and help you study smarter, step by step. Guided Lessons are digital games and exercises that keep track of your progress and help you study smarter, step by step. Vocabulary development helps second graders advance their reading and writing skills. This guided lesson uses exercises and techniques targeted to building vocabulary.
