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Ballerinas take over the Big Apple by Dane Shitagi

Ballerinas take over the Big Apple by Dane Shitagi
Dane Shitagi is a NYC based photographer. Originally from Honolulu, he followed his instincts to live the photographic life. Taking inspiration from the sights and sounds of “the city” as well as the energy and diverse arts, Dane has formed a unique and heartfelt body of work that is sooo beautiful and personal. Rather than molding his ideas to the studio set, he has taken his creativity and inspiration from the world outside – preferring the rawness and atmosphere that only a living city like the Big Apple can bring. We loved this project of shooting ballerinas from the New York City Ballet all over the city with a delicate and soft vibe combined to the streets, traffic, landscapes, city sights of NYC as a background! Where is the Black Swan? Like this: Like Loading...

5 Crazy Street Performers (Who Happened to be Geniuses) Even when times are good, you're going to see guys on the corner asking for money in return for the privilege of watching them struggle through "Free Bird." That's just how it goes. The guys on this list, however, aren't your run-of-the-mill bums who've decided to take up an instrument to help with their panhandling. These are the guys with acts superior to what you're likely to see on a stage. Guys such as ... Charlie Barnett, aka Dave Chappelle's Mentor Get a picture of Eddie Murphy in your head. Via maryellenmark That's street performer and comedian Charlie Barnett, and in 1980 Eddie Murphy took Barnett's slot on Saturday Night Live. Through the 70s, 80s and 90s, Barnett was a guy who could win over any crowd with his raunchy, racially inappropriate jokes. Back in the day, comedians loved Charlie Barnett. So when the movies didn't do well and TV auditions stopped rolling in, Barnett just kept killing it at the park. Who were mortally afraid he might point at them next. A.

Bono's Top Tips to Being a Frontman (The April edition of Q magazine features a list of the 100 Greatest Frontmen, with Bono coming in at Number 2.) 1. Front is important but so is back. Get the right people to watch yours -- band, missus, management, your mates. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...You need just enough low esteem to get where you need to be. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. © Q Magazine/Bauer Media, 2010. First Music Video Created Using Real-Time MRI 22inShare We have seen some works of art created using radiographic equipment before, but nothing that comes close to the amazing video below. A musician named Sivu had a music video created by director Adam Powell for his song “Better Man Than He” using only MRI images. It looks like real-time MRI techniques have been used to create the video, capturing movement of the vocal system in a single mid-sagittal imaging plane. Real-time MRI is a relatively new technique that allows the live capture of images of moving objects and is being employed to study organs such as the heart, joint kinetics and complicated coordinated movements employed during speaking, swallowing and, as seen here, singing. Shooting the video required Sivu to lay in the scanner while repeatedly singing his song for 2-3 hours. On a related note, researchers at University of Southern California are currently studying how beatboxers produce the sounds of their music. Sivu’s homepage: Sivu…

5,000 Free Loops - Drums, Guitar , Orchestra, Heavy Metal, & More Here are over 3 gigabytes of free loops of drum samples, guitar loops, Dubstep loops, bass loops, Hip Hop loops, and many more free loops. Please share this post and follow us to show support. New free downloads added weekly. Free Loops to Download Sell Your Music & Products Create a website to sell music, beats, and products. P.S. Check out these other free sample posts: Enjoy! Written by Mark Hi I’m Mark V, a creative designer, full-time blogger, and coder.

What It Really Means To Be A Working Musician Takin' what they givin' 'cause I'm workin' for a livin' As the title of this blog suggests, I pride myself on being a working musician. This year marks my 10th anniversary of making a living through my music and I couldn’t be happier with how my life has turned out. When I quit my day job in 2001 I had no idea what my life would end up looking like, but I knew that whatever the outcome I’d be happier if I at least tried to build my life around my passion for playing music. From where I sit now, I can’t imagine it turning out any other way! One thing I’ve realized over the years is that most people have no idea what it really means to be a working musician. In the last few days there has been renewed discussion of this topic because of an article NPR wrote about the band Cake, and their dubious distinction of having the lowest-selling #1 record in the 20-year history of calculating record sales (it sold 44,000 copies in one week, FYI, which still seems a staggering number to me!).

Guitar vs Piano - a Comparison Recently, a friend of mine sent me a letter asking for some help and advice as she tries to learn guitar on her own. She is already a classically trained pianist, and so is quite familiar with music, but is struggling with learning to play guitar and, as in the movie “Young Sherlock Holmes”, doesn’t quite understand why it might take her more than a few days to master it. If you are a guitar player yourself, please stop smirking! We all know how hard it is at first, and we all know the secret handshakes, etc., but it’s time to be nice and let new members into our secret club now. Having a piano player is a privilege. She is not a spy here to learn our secrets and then scoot back to the piano player’s club meetings and divulge all our best-kept jewels. Here’s what you need to know about that guitar playing stuff:Start with chords. Most of the kid’s rock music these days is all played on power chords with only down-stroke picking. There are exceptions, of course. Anyway, try it.
