Walk, Talk and Learn French iTunes Rewind Podcasts: Best of 2010 We’re delighted to announce that three Radio Lingua podcasts have been voted iTunes Best of 2010 – for the fourth year running! This year Coffee Break French, Coffee Break Spanish and Walk Talk and Learn French all feature in the “Classic audio/video” sections in the UK list. To check out the top 100 podcasts of the year – from the 200,000+ podcasts in iTunes – click on the iTunes Store link here. Meet the team at the London Language Show This weekend (Friday 30th October – Sunday 1st November) the Radio Lingua team will be at the Language Show in London’s Olympia. Come along and chat with Mark from Coffee Break Spanish/French and Pierre-Benoît from Walk, Talk and Learn French. We’re at stand 33, to the left as you enter the main entrance. Walk, Talk and Learn French update Just a word from Mark to update you on things with Walk, Talk and Learn French. As many of you have pointed out it’s been a few weeks since our last episode.
Utiliser les Podcasts en cours de FLE Utiliser les Podcasts en cours de FLE Pour cette première édition de la lettre d’information multimédia, nous vous proposons de découvrir ou redécouvrir le podcast et ses applications en classe de langue. >Quèsaco ? Qu'est-ce qu'un PodCast ? Le terme podcasting est issu de la contraction du nom iPod (le célèbre baladeur numérique d'Apple) et du terme anglais broadcasting (procédé de diffusion automatique de fichiers sonores ou vidéo sur Internet).Les podcasts, sont des émissions audio ou vidéo composées de plusieurs épisodes diffusés sur un site web ou sur un blog. Ensuite, vous pouvez naviguer par thème ou faire une recherche dans le champ “Recherche”. Le podcasting permet donc de rapatrier sur son ordinateur ou sur son baladeur les fichiers auxquels on est abonné : émissions radios, émissions vidéos, textes littéraires lus, contenus culturels et éducatifs. >Les pistes pédagogiques Production orale· Optimiser le temps de paroleEnregistrer ses propres podcast, c’est possible !
How to improve your English skills - Learn English Free Grammar | Vocabulary | Listening | Pronunciation | Speaking | Reading | Writing Learning Skills | Other Tips Our most important piece of advice is: "Do something (anything). If you don't do anything, you won't get anywhere. Make it your hobby, not a chore. Above all have fun! Oh, and don't be in too much of a hurry. There are many ways to improve your level of English, but only you can find the right way for you. Improve your Learning Skills Learning is a skill and it can be improved. Your path to learning effectively is through knowing yourself your capacity to learn processes you have successfully used in the past your interest, and knowledge of what you wish to learn Motivate yourself If you are not motivated to learn English you will become frustrated and give up. Why do you need to learn/improve English? Set yourself achievable goals Joining a short intensive course could produce better results than joining a course that takes place once a week for six months. The visual learner ! ! !
Exercices d'écoute avec bandes-annonces Ça va Ce site utilise des cookies pour assurer les services de Google Analytics et Google Adsense. Plus d'info Cookie Consent plugin for the EU cookie law Bandes-annonces Exercices d'écoute pour étudiants de niveau avancé avec bandes-annonces de films français Les adieux à la reineJacquot Benoit Amélie PoulainJean-Pierre Jeunet AmourMichael Haneke L'AscensionLudovic Bernard L'auberge espagnoleCédric Klapisch Avant l'hiverPhilippe Claudel Beaux-parentsHéctor Cabello Reyes La Belle ÉpoqueNicolas Bedos Bienvenue chez les Ch'tisDany Boon Les choristesChristophe Barratier Comment j'ai tué mon pèreAnne Fontaine La conquêteXavier Durringer Dans la maisonFrançois Ozon Demain tout commenceHugo Gélin De Rouille et d'OsJacques Audiard Deux moiCédric Klapisch EllePaul Verhoeven Elle s'appelait SarahGilles Paquet-Brenner La famille BélierÉric Lartigau Les femmes du 6ème étagePhilippe Le Guay Grâce à DieuFrançois Ozon Le hérissonMona Achache Les héritiersMarie-Castille Mention-Schaar Des hommes et des dieuxXavier Beauvois
France radio stations streaming live on the internet listenlive.eu European radio stations streaming live on the internet Home New additions Contact France Stream types: requires Windows Media Player requires Real Player requires a streaming MP3 player such as Winamp, iTunes, Foobar2000 or VLC Media player requires an Ogg Vorbis compatible player such as Winamp, Foobar2000 or VLC Media player requires an aacPlus player such as Winamp 5.08+, Foobar2000 or VLC Media player requires Macromedia Flash Player ©Copyright (Design) Mike Dean 2014 The copyright and ownership of any website, logo or live stream referenced on this site remains with the broadcaster. artes y mas!! Learn French Online - Rocket French I joined Rocket French a few years ago. After a respite, decided to try it again. What was already in my estimate, a fine program, has become even better!. What Rocket Languages has done has been to involve its' members in all aspects of learning : reading, hearing, saying and writing . A self- paced no stress program. A program where the student can reach out to other members in his/her language group or outside of it allowing for socialization and/or support in a peer related environment. A program based on a rewards points system that motivates its' members to keep on going to achieve the next level thus assuring continuous growth and enrichment . A program that has a very empathetic customer service department for any technical questions to afford full quality and comprehension. A program that asks for feedback from its' members ,thus aspiring to further enhance the quality of the instruction by listening to and acting on constructive comments . Cathy Wolferman 1528 More Reviews
Avoir des atomes crochus - Français Authentique Dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui, je vous explique le sens de l’expression « Avoir des atomes crochus » J’attends vos avis sur Facebook : cliquez ici. (Faites un clic droit sur ce lien pour enregistrer le fichier MP3)(Faites un clic droit sur ce lien pour enregistrer le fichier PDF) Transcription de l’épisode : Bonjour les amis ! J’ai fait un test et je dis que si ça marche, je ferai d’autres vidéos comme celle-là. Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler d’une expression qui m’a été suggérée par notre ami Omar que je salue et que je remercie pour sa participation et sa suggestion. Cette expression est composée du mot « atome ». Quelque chose de crochu, c’est quelque chose qui a la forme d’un crochet. L’expression au sens figuré, ça veut donc dire « avoir des affinités ». Comme d’habitude, on va regarder à quelques exemples d’utilisation de cette expression dans trois contextes. Voilà, j’espère que ces trois petits exemples vous permettent de mieux comprendre l’expression « avoir des atomes crochus ».
Weather Powder Springs Here we display the weather development for the next 7 days. Click on a tab to view a detailed day forecast. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate through the days, or if you use a touch screen, you can use the swipe function. Each tab includes a pictogram with the weather condition, maximal and minimal temperature, dominant wind speed and wind direction, the precipitation amount for 24h in mm and the sunshine hours. If you move your mouse over the logo for sunrise and sunset, also the current UV index is displayed. The 3-hour overview shows a more detailed forecast for the selected day: The top-left shows sun and moon rise and set times. Click on additional parameters to extend the forecast by the following parameters: The 3-hour values are extended by felt temperature, wind gusts and relative humidity.
Languages - Learn French 18 French Newspapers to Improve Your Reading Skills This article contains affiliate links. This means French Together may earn a commission for purchases made through these links. Read affiliate disclosure. There are many ways to get to know a country and culture. As is the case for most countries with a free press, France has a number of newspapers, and each one has a particular connotation. As someone learning French, there is another advantage to learning about the major French newspapers: reading one(s) that interest(s) you can be a great way to expand your language skills and vocabulary. Let’s look at the best-known French newspapers, from the key differences between them, to how to read them wherever you are in the world. 14 must-know French newspapers There are many newspapers in France, but these are the best-known. Note that, as this helpful article about the press in France points out, France doesn’t have a tradition of Sunday newspapers; most of its major newspapers are published daily. Le Monde Le Figaro Libération Mediapart Les Echos
You Know You Want Sexy Abs! | healthkicker The next month or two of work on Xanga 2.0 is going to be busy, so I wanted to share with everyone a roadmap of how we’re thinking about things! We’re dividing the work on this project into four basic phases. Phase 1. Data migration As described here, we’ve imported over every account that we have on Xanga over to the new system so that anyone who could sign into Xanga can still sign into Xanga 2.0. Finally and most important of all, we’ve imported over 2 million blogs from the old system. * We’ve archived the blogs of the hundreds of thousands of blogs where the user has logged in in the past 5 years and has at least two subscribers. * We did an additional set of archives for 200k users who had logged in the past year and had at least 10 blogs. * We’ve also archived the blogs of every single user that’s ever been premium at any point in the past… And of course, a lot of you guys archived your own blogs using the old Xanga archive generator. Phase 2. Phase 3. Phase 4.