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19 Reasons You Should Include Visual Content in Your Marketing [Data]

19 Reasons You Should Include Visual Content in Your Marketing [Data]
Pretty pictures are the best. But you know who likes them even more than your readers, leads, and customers? Marketers. Well they should, anyway, because marketers who are embracing visual content are seeing huge returns in terms of, well, more readers, leads, and customers. Whether you're already a champion of visual content and just want a little affirmation, or you're interested in dipping your toes into the burgeoning visual content space, these 19 statistics should help you make the case for doing just that. 1) 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text. 2) 40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text. 3) 46.1% of people say a website's design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company. 4) Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don't. 6) Visual content drives engagement.

Kenneth Goldsmith - If It Doesn't Exist on the Internet, It Doesn't Exist If It Doesn't Exist on the Internet, It Doesn't Exist Kenneth Goldsmith Presented at Elective Affinities Conference, University of Pennsylvania, September 27, 2005 The following statements are directed at academic production and should be considered in that context. This does not include painters, potters, printmakers, book artists or metal workers. I'm going to start right out by saying it: If it doesn't exist on the internet, it doesn't exist. You might deny this until you realize that much of your self-worth is derived from Googling yourself; if you don't exist on the internet, you don't exist. You get frustrated as I do when you are researching in front of your computer and what you're looking for doesn't show up on Google. It is our obligation as educators and intellectuals to make sure that the bulk of our production ends up there, preferably with free and unfettered access to all. Problems of Access I'm not saying don't publish on paper. Institutional Leverage is on Your Side

About wikiHow Because wikiHow is editable by anyone, our content changes every day. Each edit can be seen on our list of Recent Changes, which gets reviewed constantly. Volunteer recent changes patrollers quickly revert poor edits. Several other quality control tools work together to make sure each article improves over time, as more and more people contribute their unique knowledge and skills. We share our instructions freely via a Creative Commons license that allows wikiHows' to be republished by any organization or person for any non-commercial purpose. We consider ourselves a hybrid organization, a for-profit company focused on creating a global public good in accordance with our mission. Want to learn more?

Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos | Wired Opinion Image: Paul Bartlett/Getty “Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty, because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. The most consistently creative and insightful people are explorers. Instead, they seek out people with different views and different ideas. We rely so much on our ability to learn from the ideas that surround us that some psychologists refer to humans as Homo imitans. Along with their continuous search for new ideas, these explorers do another interesting thing: They engage with others in order to winnow down their most recently discovered ideas to the best ones. Idea flow is the spreading of ideas, whether by example or story, through a social network — be it a company, a family, or a city. In fact, humans rely so much on our ability to learn from the ideas that surround us that some psychologists refer to us as Homo imitans. The studies paint a picture of humans as sailors.

It's Time to Take Mesh Networks Seriously (And Not Just for the Reasons You Think) | Wired Opinion The internet is weak, yet we keep ignoring this fact. So we see the same thing over and over again, whether it’s because of natural disasters like hurricanes Sandy and Katrina, wars like Syria and Bosnia, deliberate attempts by the government to shut down the internet (most recently in Egypt and Iran), or NSA surveillance. After Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines last month, several towns were cut off from humanitarian relief because delivering that aid depends on having a reliable communication network. In a country where over 90 percent of the population has access to mobile phones, the implementation of an emergency “mesh” network could have saved lives. Compared to the “normal” internet — which is based on a few centralized access points or internet service providers (ISPs) — mesh networks have many benefits, from architectural to political. Yet they haven’t really taken off, even though they have been around for some time. But the Real, Often Forgotten, Promise of Mesh Networks Is…

Work in the New Economy | Sustainable Economies Law Center We want to live in a world where every person has satisfying options for making their livelihood, including through participation in cooperative enterprises, micro-enterprises, social enterprises, nonprofit enterprise, low-profit enterprises, and gift-economy enterprises. SELC’s Program on Work in the New Economy seeks to navigate and overcome legal barriers that prevent people from participating in sharing economy enterprises. In particular, we examine the ways that employment laws create barriers to creative economic activities. Why Rethink Work in the New Economy? Particularly during times of economic recession and high unemployment, people experience a strong pull to put their time and skills to use, make a contribution, learn, and obtain sustenance in non-traditional ways. SELC’S Projects and Resources: Refugee Farmer Project: SELC is working to support the approximately 1300 Hmong and Lao refugees who operate small family farms in and around Fresno, California. Situation: Objective:

How to pick a co-founder - Venture Hacks Naval · November 12th, 2009 Update: Also see our 40-minute interview on this topic. Picking a co-founder is your most important decision. It’s more important than your product, market, and investors. The ideal founding team is two individuals, with a history of working together, of similar age and financial standing, with mutual respect. The power of two Two is the right number — avoid the three-body problem. One founder companies can work, against the odds (hello, Mark Zuckerberg). Two founders works because unanimity is possible, there are no founder politics, interests can easily align, and founder stakes are high post-financing. Someone you have history with You wouldn’t marry someone you’d just met. One builds, one sells The best builders can prototype and perhaps even build the entire product, end-to-end. The seller doesn’t have to be a “salesman” or “business guy”. Aligned motives required Pay close attention — true motivations are revealed, not declared. Don’t settle Pick “nice” guys

Original Answers To Interview Questions Throughout your career, you will participate in many, many job interviews. In all of these interviews, there are a few questions you will hear time and time again. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Your answers to the cliché questions say a lot about you. Here are seven of the most cliché interview questions and how to answer them with originality: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Even though all of these questions are fairly cliché, you can use them to truly shine in your interview.

Startup Lessons - Having industry momentum at your back Two years ago, I partnered with an awesome CTO, Alex Lines, to start a company called Path 101. We didn’t get enough traction on the product and business to continue it fulltime, so we’re now working on it as a nights and weekends project as we take on other jobs. This is the 2nd of a series about what I learned starting up a company. A few months ago, I wrote about the three types of deals VCs do. No matter what they started with, social shopping was definitely an interesting area when the company started in 2005 and got funded in 2006. That's exactly what we didn't have at Path 101 in the jobs space. I can't exactly blame investors either. On top of that, it's easier to get press if you're in an industry with some buzz around it. The other thing was that ideas don't happen in silos. It's hard, because there wasn't another industry that I really wanted to change so badly.
