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Freunde von Freunden

Freunde von Freunden
Related:  curating 2016

Removable Handles Alberto Vasquez for IDEA Groups When performing all sorts of complex operations in the kitchen it is important to have a set of safe instruments to work with in this fairly dangerous environment, surrounded by hot ovens and sizzling frying pans. The tools used need to be simple but with plenty of usability. This set of newly designed instruments by Alberto Vasquez has removable handles that are special made with refractory silicone material that can handle 300-400 Celsius which makes it okay to be place inside the oven. The red clip fixes the handle when it is closed, made in the same material but different color. The clip is styled so it’s easy for cleaning with water and detergent spray. There is a metal part inside the silicone to brace the handle, this metal part has concave incisions in its form therefore it won’t move in the silicone when you shake the pot.

1.5 Million Stitch Sweatshirt by Ashley Marc Hovelle About this project Risks and challenges Challenges: Ensuring every sweatshirt has at least 1.5 million stitches due to size differences! Risks: Production errors or defects. Qualified: With over 10 years experience in the fashion industry I am able to handle all quality control checks in person before, during and after production with a full inspection before packaging to ensure our garments are of the highest standard. Learn about accountability on Kickstarter Have a question? Ask a question the style files | Cool Stuff to Buy Online

Cargo - Gallery pia ulin OMC Industrial Design Studios by OMC // Andreas Preis // ClosetVoyeur {*style:<a href=' [drop_cap style="color:#ff6a28;"]M[/drop_cap]agali Alcaide lives in Paris and has a job that would make any one of you (and me) green with envy. This is what she does: she curates beauty.
