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Create Free Interactive Timelines – Stories Displayed on Maps

Beautiful web-based timeline software Cube Time Series Data Collection & Analysis Cube is a system for collecting timestamped events and deriving metrics. By collecting events rather than metrics, Cube lets you compute aggregate statistics post hoc. Collecting Data An event in Cube is simply a JSON object with a type, time, and arbitrary data. Cube’s collector receives events and saves them to MongoDB. Querying Events Cube defines a simple language for querying events. You can intersect filters and customize which event fields are returned. request(browser).gt(duration, 250).lt(duration, 500) Cube supports both HTTP GET and WebSockets for retrieving events. Querying Metrics You can also use Cube to group events by time, map to derived values, and reduce to aggregate metrics. The first few results of which appear as: Or, to count requests to the path "/search", change the expression: sum(request.eq(path, "/search")) sum(request(duration)) Want to learn more?

MFX Newsletter : July 26, 2011 Now it's time for the group to describe and note what Freddie's personal experience is (empathizing from his point of view) in each of the categories above. Remember, the context is very important; what he's seeing, hearing, thinking, doing, feeling and saying will be very different, depending on the situation (i.e. say, Freddie wants to sell more product). Spend about three minutes on each section, moving through the sections as a group. You can fill in each section using Post-it® notes or marker, asking: What is Freddie hearing? What is Freddie thinking? The most important thing to keep in mind throughout the exercise is that the group should keep the emphasis on Freddie as they fill in each section.

Neatline Framalab Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Because there are so many details to the styling, this is not exactly simple, but, if you have some technical capacity, you can override TimelineJS's CSS rules and have complete control over the look of the timeline. For details, see Using the TimelineJS CSS selectors. You will need to be able to instantiate the Timeline in javascript on your own page. (There is no way to override the CSS using the iframe embed.) Then, either in <style> tags in that page, or in an external stylesheet, you can specify CSS rules changing some or all of TimelineJS's default presentation. The basis of TimelineJS's styles are in these files, which use the Less CSS preprocessor.

Mind42: Free online mind mapping software Capzles: Create A Timeline From Images & Videos Advertisement There are web applications that let you create photo albums (Piacasa, Jalbum), and then there are applications that allow you to create videos and animations (Animoto, e.t.c.). However, sometimes you want something in between those, thats where Capzles come in. 10 Tips to Manage Photos Better using Google Picasa 10 Tips to Manage Photos Better using Google Picasa Read More Capzles allows you to create a timeline from captured moments of your life such as photos, videos and various other features like music and background. It doesn’t animate your photos or make a slideshow out of them. Rather, capzles treat every photo as a moment and combine the moments to create a timeline. Creating a timeline is very simple. 1.Sign up at the site and click on “Create ” to create a new capzle.2.Add a title for your capzle and specify tags and categories if you want to allow people to search for your capzle. Step 3. Check Out Capzles @

Kuizza. Pour faire des quizz et des qcm Kuizza est un outil pour l’enseignement qui permet de créer très facilement des quizz, des QCM et des flashcards en ligne. Kuizza sort du lot par la facilité d’utilisation qui ne demande ni mode d’emploi, ni long apprentissage. Kuizza se prend en main en quelques secondes. Il permet de créer des questionnaires ou quizz avec des questions à réponse multiple, des QCM. L’outil vous permet de créer autant de QCM que vous le voulez. Il vous faut tout d’abord donner un titre à votre QCM, puis une description. Une fois que vous avez fini d’écrire vos questions, il ne vous reste plus qu’à le publier puis le partager via une URL unique. Les quizz créés par Kuizza sont autocorrigés. Le service propose par ailleurs la possibilité de transformer d’un clic n’importe quel QCM en flashcard ou carte mémoire pour réviser une ou plusieurs notions. Un outil simple et gratuit pour se créer des fiches de révision ou proposer des quizz simples à ses élèves. Lien : Kuizza Sur le même thème

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