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Moodle News

LiveStream Podcaster Live streaming is hardly new on the web. And a lot of startups are focused on it. One of them, Mogulus, now hopes to simplify the process, while upping the quality and adding new options. Mogulus’ is launching a new desktop application tonight called Procaster. But much more interesting are the side features of the new app. You can also zoom in on any area of a screen to highlight it with the click of a button. Even more interesting may be the game-casting feature. With Procaster, all of this can be done using any standard computer. Procaster is being unveiled right now at the NY Video Meetup. Apprendre Moodle Page 1/22 1. Qu'est-ce que Moodle?2. Powered by JOGTHEWEB Index Share It : Apprendre Moodle The page must be refreshed to take effect.

elearning, virtual classroom | Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro The Adobe USA site has been optimized for users within the United States. If you live outside the U.S., we recommend that you visit your local site for the most relevant information, including pricing, promotions, and local events. United States Canada - English Your country selection will be remembered for future visits. You can change this selection at any time using the country selector at the bottom of the page. Le site web américain d'Adobe a été optimisé pour les utilisateurs résidant aux États-Unis. Canada - Français Le pays choisi sera enregistré pour vos prochaines visites. View complete list of countries ›

» Moodle explicado con lego Buscando información sobre las características que va a incluir la nueva versión de Moodle, encuentro este vídeo, que me ha parecido, cuando menos, interesante: Creo no conocer a ningún profesor que no estaría de acuerdo con los cinco postulados con los que comienza la presentación: Potencialmente somos al mismo tiempo profesores y aprendices. Aprendemos mucho observando a los demás. Aprendemos bien cuando creamos nuevos conocimientos y expresamos lo que hemos aprendido para ayudar a los demás. Comprender a los demás nos transforma. Aprendemos bien cuando el entorno de aprendizaje es flexible y se adapta a nuestras necesidades. Y para terminar, os dejo con otro vídeo, en el que podéis ver las características de Moodle 2.0. escrito el 23 de septiembre de 2010 por jvtic en General

Livestream web-TV Livestream, formerly known as Mogulus,[4] is a live streaming video platform that allows users to view and broadcast video content using a camera and a computer through the internet. It offers a free ad-supported service and multi-tiered premium services.[5] Livestream also offers wireless HD broadcasting in the form of a device combination called Livepack, described as "a satellite television truck in a backpack History[edit] Livestream was cofounded as Mogulus in 2007 by Max Haot, Dayananda Nanjundappa, Phil Worthington, and Mark Kornfilt, and has offices in New York, Los Angeles and Bangalore.[11] It launched with a free streaming service, and introduced its white label “pro” service in April 2008 with Gannett Newspapers as its first customer. Services[edit] Livestream[13] is both a virtual television studio and embeddable video player, offering users the opportunity to produce and broadcast Web video in the manner of a television network. Concerts[edit] Twitcam[edit] See also[edit]

Offshore Banking, Private Banking, Offshore Corporation, Second Passport and Asset Protection - Offshore Legal Associates Law Firm E-learning, Moodle y la web 2.0 Websites It is estimated the wild population of Siberian tigers at around 350-450 tigers. Almost all wild Siberian tigers live the Southeast corner of Russia in the Sikhote-Alin mountain range east of the Amur River. Their former range included northeastern China and the Korean Peninsula, and as far west as Mongolia. The Siberian –or Amur- tiger is considered a critically endangered species with the primary threats to its’ survival in the wild being poaching and habitat loss from intensive logging and development. Tigers are most commonly poached for their fur and for their body parts used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In 1993 the State Council of the People’s Republic of China issued a notice declaring the use of tiger bone for medicinal purposes to be illegal. However, because it is such a lucrative trade –a single tiger can bring up to $50k on the International market- the practice is still flourishing. Research has demonstrated the Siberian tigers require vast forest landscapes to survive.

M@@dle Chile | Somos Profesionales de la Formación Virtual MoodleChile desarrolla y gestiona proyectos de e-learning, b-learning y formación en línea para organizaciones, instituciones educativas, empresas o profesionales. Proporciona las infraestructuras tecnológicas y el personal técnico-pedagógico especializado, con soluciones personalizadas para cada proyecto y cubriendo todas las fases del proceso de implantación de un plan de e-learning, en las áreas de gestión de proyectos y recursos, procesos editoriales para materiales educativos, tecnología multimedia, y desarrollo de la infraestructura tecnológica. La planificación y desarrollo de un proyecto de formación a distancia, con base en Internet, es un proceso complejo en el que intervienen múltiples factores que dificultan enormemente su realización. Muchas organizaciones no pueden asumir el coste de mantenimiento de la infraestructura técnica y humana necesaria. Soluciones con garantías para cualquier proyecto de formación en línea: Contacto:

Current News Feeds A SURGE in the number of applications for undergraduate science and maths courses has been attributed in part to a federal government scheme. The scheme is aimed to reduce student fee contributions in priority areas. Applications grew by 12.6 per cent to 19,390 for courses starting this year, following a 17 per cent rise to 17,222 last year. Demand was flat until last year, a spokesperson for Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans said. The federal government allocated $562 million over four years in the 2008 budget to enable universities to lower fees for science and maths courses, amid concerns over the low demand for the courses, especially among high-performing students. Rob Norris, Monash University science dean and president of the Australian Council of Deans of Science, said applicants nominating science as their first preference at Monash next year had jumped by 28 per cent. "If it were clearly cheaper to do an arts degree, they may very well do that.

Teach Typing on Moodle with MooTyper  Welcome to A resource site for all Moodle-related news, tutorials, video, course content information and original resources. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe: RSS feed| Weekly Email Newsletter | Moodle News Twitter Thanks for visiting! Here’s a slick new activity that allows you to setup typing exercises for students and then let’s them type it out so you can see their progress and proficiency: Mootyper. Seems like it could be a solid activity for elementary school courses using Moodle (or students that might be more used to taping out texts than essays). Check it out

Glad you like Moodle - I'm designing 100 courses that cover 20 qualifications (Business Services). I upload many PDFs and Powerpoints to and publishing them as embedded books in the Moodle topics. It's a great resource! by pauljacobson Nov 12
