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From The Clubhouse

From The Clubhouse
As practitioners of social media, one can forget that many are not aware of its value, especially in business. Social media to some professionals is something that their teenage daughter/son wastes time on. This type of thought process may result from a lack of understanding of social media as a tool to reach strategic business goals. Businesses, some may say, value on a few things such as ROI, customers, market research, and marketing to generate revenue. I hope the points listed below will assist you in building a case to communicate the value of social media to business.

How to Use StumbleUpon: Your Comprehensive Guide You’ve likely heard of StumbleUpon. But do you really understand how to use its full power? StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking and rating site where people can “Stumble” their favorite web pages, write reviews and share their discoveries with their followers. This network is like Delicious, but with a more enhanced social platform and sharing system. Why Use StumbleUpon? Electronic News Electronic News was a publication that covered the electronics industry, from semiconductor equipment and materials to military/aerospace electronics to supercomputers. It was originally a weekly trade newspaper, which covered all aspects of the electronics industry, including semiconductors, computers, software, communications, space and even television electronics. Fairchild Publications started the newspaper in 1957, as a complement to its other trade newspapers, including Women's Wear Daily, Home Furnishing Daily, Supermarket News, among others. At its peak in 1984, Electronic News took in $25 million in revenue with margins above 50%.

Sales and Marketing Strategy: Shout it from the rooftops? Marketing and sales, the key functions of any business to generate the revenues to keep you in operation. But when is the right time to start marketing and sales activity when you are a start-up business? This question needs a bit of thought. When you are ready is the right answer, but what on earth does that actually mean? Join SMA — Social Media Association SMA brings together the media community both online and offline. Today’s media world never stands still — our members are forward-thinking people who are passionate about staying on top of business and media innovation. We are entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, influencers and strategic decision makers.

Getting Mass Traffic from StumbleUpon: A Definitive Guide Many bloggers end up having a love-hate relationship with StumbleUpon. They love the amount of traffic that the service – which now boasts over 10 million members – can send, but they hate the conversion rate on that traffic. , yet their average time on site was just 26 seconds (overall site average is 2 minutes and 24 seconds) and they each viewed around 1.22 pages. Simply put, compared to other traffic sources, StumbleUpon is terrible. However, because the service sends so much traffic, even leveraging just a small percentage can see a decent increase in your comment count and subscriber numbers. Today I’m going to give an in-depth guide to the service and then give my tactics for getting the most out of it.

The Xuropean Interlaken is the name of a very picturesque town in Switzerland (pictured), but it’s also the name of the next communications protocol that will be driving a cloud near you! Maybe the fact that Interlaken, the town, sits between two huge lakes in the Alps is what inspired the name of the protocol. Think of the lakes as huge pools of data that needs to move from one lake to another. You get the idea. Twitter Search Gets a Little More Powerful We missed this last week when ReadWriteWeb reported it, but maybe you did, too. So here's something we've just discovered. A small but very handy change at Twitter's search engine,, means it now peeks inside the expanded versions of web addresses shortened using services like and TinyURL. The implications for you? Here are two: Searching using your site's domain as a keyword (e.g.

10 Tools for Measuring Your Social Media Influence Meaningful exchanges constantly take place all over the social Web on a variety of platforms, connecting people and enabling them to share, critique, and interact with content and with each other. The type of information we share reveals a lot about who we are, who we know, and what we know — people tend to talk about the things they care about/are most knowledgeable about with others who are interested in similar subjects. The impact of those relationships affects our Web authority.

State of the Media I'm going to save you thousands of dollars on a common marketing practice. And you probably won't like what I have to tell you. If you are like most companies, especially young start ups, there comes a moment that you believe you need to let your customer base know about your latest business deal, technology breakthrough, or product update that is industry leading and the quote says your “CEO is pleased to announce it”. The only problem; you spent your entire marketing budget on a trade show booth and brochures, so you don't have the money to put on a real marketing program to reach your customer base.

Making the most of improvements to the +1 button Webmaster level: All For the past few months, you might have used +1 buttons to help visitors recommend your content on Google Search and on their Google Profiles. We’ve just announced a few changes that make +1 even more useful. First, the +1 button now lets visitors share links to your pages on Google+. If someone wants to start a conversation about your content, it’s easy for them to do so. Second, you can use +Snippets to customize the name, image and description that appear when your content is shared. The Secret Military History of Silicon Valley This video of a presentation given by serial entrepreneur Steve Blank in 2007 is priceless. It maps out the military roots of what was to become Silicon Valley, and just as important, it explains the birth of the university/start-up phenomenon which began at Stanford University. The video takes us on a trip through World War II, the Korean War and the Cold War, looking at defense and intelligence gathering electronics and how they were developed at secret and not-so-secret laboratories around the country.

Get Your Avatar Almost Anywhere With Gravatar The internet is increasingly a social place where we can actually see the things our friends and colleagues are doing across the web. Social networks bring updates from all of our connections together, and RSS feeds help us see what others are writing on their blogs. However, it can still be surprising sometims to stumble upon a random blog post and see that one of our friends have already commented on it. You might recognize what they wrote just from their name, but most often you can easily recognize them from their profile picture. With the hundereds of sites you might visit over the course of a week, there’s no way you’d have enough time to upload your profile picture to all of the sites you comment on.

A Simple Act of Transparency Americans, in general, don’t know the first thing about war. And that’s exactly how our military leaders would like things to be. When a soldier or seaman or airman comes home from basic training at Christmas, and tells his or her cousins and uncles, “I disagree with what you are saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it!” there’s always an element of contempt in their voices, as if to say, “You don’t know the first thing about fighting, you wimp.” And that’s true, but neither do they.
