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Recent Mobile Learning Findings

Recent Mobile Learning Findings

10 Surprising Facts About Mobile Usage Around The World The Current State Of Technology In K-12 6.81K Views 0 Likes What is the next device most students will soon purchase? How many schools have a digital strategy? Find out in the current state of technology in K-12. How Online Education Has Changed In 10 Years 11.01K Views 0 Likes We all know that education, specifically online education, has come a long way in the last few years. Why TED Talks Have Become So Popular 7.73K Views 0 Likes TED talks are useful and free ways to bring high-level thinking and through-provoking ideas into the classroom and your home. 5 Things To Know About SXSWedu 5.79K Views 0 Likes The real story for anyone reading this is SXSWedu, the education-oriented version of the conference that's turning into a force of nature.

Monster List of iBook Tutorials There are numerous sites that are now offering Tutorials and how-to guides for creating ebooks in iBook Author. As teachers are now comfortable with the idea of creating their own e-textbooks more and more people are looking for resources to learn how to build touch enabled books that take full advantage of the iPad capabilities. Inserting video and high resolution photographs is one thing but how about inserting 3D manipulatives and models that are touch sensitive. Here is a list of some of the resources online. If you know of other good ones please add them in the comments section and we will update the list. Web Tutorials: Publishing with iBooks Author: This book is intended to get you up and writing in iBooks Author. Want to create your own interactive eBook for the iPad? Emerson College - Department of Journalism: This is a great little site with close to 40 small tutorials for learning to use iBooks Author. Videos: 1. 2.

Evernote: A 0-to-60 MPH Guide Evernote is many things to many people because it’s so powerful. But for the same reason, Evernote’s purpose is vague enough that it can be hard to get started with it. First, you have to figure out what it can do for you. Here’s a guide to how to think about Evernote, so you can get better at using it. What Is Evernote? Evernote is an application that lets you create notes that sync between all your devices. Evernote has amazing search powers. The free version is already pretty powerful, but for $45.00 per year, you can upload up to 1GB per month, attach up to 50MB of just about anything to an individual note, you can go back in time and view past versions of notes, search inside PDFs and more. A “note” in Evernote can be text only, or it can include photos, audio or other attachments. Evernote allows for two levels of organization of individual notes. There are also a couple of tricks. So Evernote is clearly powerful. Evernote Is Your Digital Desk Drawer That’s still too vague.

Over 25 Links Uncovering Project Based Learning Resources On The Web Welcome to this first in a series of PBL Mania Posts. For the next few weeks I am celebrating Project Based Learning by hosting a webinar at Edtech Leaders Online, and by presenting a PBL session at the NICE Conference in Chicago. In this post I will introduce you to some awesome places on the web containing some of the very best PBL resources. Before reading, please take a moment to subscribe to this 21centuryedtech Blog by email or RSS and also give me a follow on Twitter at mjgormans. You will not want to miss this series or future posts involving STEM, Flipping the Classroom, Technology Integration, Common Core, and 21st Century Skills, So Sign Up Now! As always… thanks and have a great week. - Mike Gorman (21centuryedtech) Welcome to the land of PBL knowledge. BIE – BUCK Institute BIE – Also known as the BUCK Institute for Learning. BIE Videos – What Is PBL Video – A great collection of videos that demonstrate PBL and its best practices. West Virginia Teach 21 PBL Learning Reviews

24 Essential iPad Learning Tools From edshelf by edshelf: Reviews & recommendations of tools for education Use iPads in your classroom? Then you will need this collection of essential tools. All work on the iPad, either as a mobile app or an iPad-compatible website. This collection is curated by Melissa Hero, a high school biology and AVID teacher. Which iPad-compatible edtech tools do you consider essential? 24 Essential iPad Learning Tools From edshelf Image attribution flickr user smemon Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves Tablet test: Nicholas Negroponte, founder of One Laptop Per Child, describes experiments involving children in Ethiopia at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech conference. With 100 million first-grade-aged children worldwide having no access to schooling, the One Laptop Per Child organization is trying something new in two remote Ethiopian villages—simply dropping off tablet computers with preloaded programs and seeing what happens. The goal: to see if illiterate kids with no previous exposure to written words can learn how to read all by themselves, by experimenting with the tablet and its preloaded alphabet-training games, e-books, movies, cartoons, paintings, and other programs. Early observations are encouraging, said Nicholas Negroponte, OLPC’s founder, at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech conference last week. The devices involved are Motorola Xoom tablets—used together with a solar charging system, which Ethiopian technicians had taught adults in the village to use.

iMovie is a Great App with Disappointments Mobile By Kevin Purcell | We love the iPad 2 and especially GarageBand and iMovie. In fact, after thought the excitement about the iPad 2 had as much to do with these two apps as it did the faster processor, more memory, thinner design and the cameras. What’s Great about the iMovie iPad 2 App Ease of Use: We love that the iMovie iPad app is easy to use. Speed: We like the way it exports the resulting project quickly. Price: The price is right too – $4.99 for a decent video editing app is crazy cheap. What Disappoints us about the iMovie iPad 2 App Video Compatibility: The sad truth is, iMovie is of limited value for a number of reasons. Theme Selection: Limited themes are a problem. Because we can’t import video we are unhappy. Check out our iPad 2 Review.

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education SLJ Reviews Gobstopper and Subtext: Apps that Enable Interactive Classroom Reading “If you think about math teachers, they’ve always been able to give assignments in which students are required to show their work. That makes it easy for them to check individual understanding, pretty much on a daily basis. English and humanities teachers who give extended reading assignments have never had that luxury. That’s what Jason Singer, the CEO and founder of Gobstopper, told me was the central issue his product is designed to address: the challenge of ensuring that every student is meaningfully moving forward in a given reading assignment—and not just faking it. Just by glancing at their Gobstopper dashboards, teachers can see what percentage of kids in a specific class did their homework, how much time they spent reading, and what percentage of questions in a given Common Core standard such as “determining author intent” or “understanding historical context” their students answered correctly.

I have iPads in the Classroom. Now What? Mobile Learning Network (MoLeNET) The Mobile Learning Network (MoLeNET) is a unique collaborative approach to encouraging, supporting, expanding and promoting mobile learning. It is 'certainly the UK’s, and probably the world’s, largest and most diverse implementation of mobile learning to date. 115 colleges and 29 schools are, or have been, involved in MoLeNET. Approximately 10,000 learners were involved in 2007/08, around 20,000 learners in 2008/09 and the same again in 1009/10 together with over 4,000 staff.' The LSN and consortia led by Further Education colleges have together invested over £12 million in MoLeNET. Tribal has been involved with MoLeNET (the Mobile Learning Network) from the very beginning, both as a member of the steering group, and also as specialist trainers, or suppliers of mobile learning tools. LSN chose Tribal as partner in MoLeNET Jill Attewell from Learning and Skills Network (LSN) talks about why Tribal was chosen as a partner in the MoLeNET project (October 2008): Useful resources from MoLeNET:

bloomsapps Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Two Links to some iTunesU courses relating to iOS Integration: 1 iPad by Erie 1 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services ( Movie Making\Digital Storytelling Camera to PDF Free - cool little app that turns your device into a scanner. LiveBinders: I would be remiss if I didn't post this.

Most Popular Free Apps For iPhone, iPad: Apple Reveals Biggest Downloads Of All Time After a very brief countdown, and with the next iPad just days away from its release, Apple recently passed 25 billion apps downloaded on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and as part of the celebration, it has released a list of the 25 most downloaded iOS apps for both the iPad and the iPhone of all time. You can download all of these super popular apps in iTunes here (if you haven't already!), but if you're just looking to browse, we've got the list right here. Here, for example, are the top 25 free iPhone apps (with download links, for your convenience): 1. Facebook 2. A few things to note here: - Facebook, who has often been called an enemy of Apple's, has the most downloaded app on the iPhone of all time. Also out are the top 25 free iPad apps. 1. Of note here: Related on HuffPost:

Daily Five and Technology As of this moment, one of the bigger movements in my school district at the elementary level involves The Daily Five, by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. “The Daily Five is a series of literacy tasks (read to self, read with someone, writing, word work, and listening to reading) which students complete daily while the teacher meets with small groups or confers with individuals.” The book “explains the philosophy behind the structure,” and it shows teachers how to train “students to participate in each of the five components.” As teachers begin to implement different aspects of the Daily Five into their classrooms, many teachers have been curious as to how one would integrate technology with the Daily Five. Here is a quick list that might prove useful (and I will probably refer back to this during my own literacy instruction): Read to Self: There are countless websites that students can use in order to record themselves while they are reading.
