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Beyond Current Horizons : World 1: Trust yourself | Technology, children, schools and families Send to a friend Download PDF Print friendly Scenario 1: Informed choice Scenario 2: Independent consumers Changing work and housing patterns have led to an increase in mobility as people relocate to regions far away from their established communities and social groups, shrinking their horizons to encompass only themselves and their immediate family group. People have been forced to look to themselves for support, rather than relying on any wider social structure, and have become more used to existing independently of others. This affects people’s notion of citizenship and what it means to be a member of society. One result of this newfound sense of independence is that the state is expected to do less. Discharging even these few responsibilities is difficult. For the majority of people, this is in keeping with their principles of self-reliance. The only group to which this transient attitude does not apply is the family. Play is important. Education Goals and outcomes

15+ Innovative Accessories for your iPad There is no doubt that the iPad is a revolutionary device. This beautiful tablet has opened many doors for users, developers and accessory manufacturers. Today we have an incredible, small yet sweet, accessory showcase for your interest. These industrial products provide functionality, creativity and the cool factor. We are stunned by how many innovative products have been recently created to compliment the shiny & sexy iPad. If you’re willing to spend a minimum of $500 on the tablet, why not deck it out a little bit to protect your investment and to unleash its full potential? Angry Birds Sleeve Soft Case Bag for iPad High Quality Soft Neoprene Sleeve Case. Buy $15.60 Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover How do you make the perfect iPad even more perfect? Buy $99.99 Just Mobile UpStand for iPad Just Mobile UpStand is the high-style desktop stand for iPad. Buy $44.86 CF Card Reader Compact Flash Card Adapter Buy $33.99 Seagate GoFlex Satellite Mobile Wireless Storage 500 GB USB 3.0 Buy $173.28 Free

Onderwijs 2032 Wat hebben leerlingen die nu op school beginnen nodig om in 2032 klaar te zijn voor de arbeidsmarkt? Welkom op de verslagpagina van de brainstorm rondom #Onderwijs2032. Op 17 november 2014 gaf staatssecretaris Dekker bij De Wereld Draait Door (DWDD) de aftrap voor een nationale maatschappelijke dialoog over de toekomst van het onderwijs. Dit gebeurt onder de noemer Onderwijs2032. De nationale brainstorm over het onderwijs van de toekomst staat aan de basis van deze maatschappelijke dialoog. Samenvatting Verreweg de meeste berichten gaan over de discussie Onderwijs2032. Sociale aspecten Opvallend is de grote hoeveelheid berichten rondom de sociale aspecten van het onderwijs. Hieraan gerelateerd is ook het thema pesten. Toepasbare kennis versus universele vaardigheden Er is een spanningsveld tussen het pleidooi dat onderwijs meer aandacht moet geven aan de ontwikkeling van toepasbare kennis, en het leggen van de nadruk op de ontwikkeling van universele vaardigheden. Inspiratie van elders

GOOD Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. Every week, tens of thousands of amazing people pledge millions of dollars to projects from the worlds of music , film , art , technology , design , food , publishing and other creative fields. A new form of commerce and patronage. This is not about investment or lending. Project creators keep 100% ownership and control over their work. Instead, they offer products and experiences that are unique to each project. All or nothing funding. Each and every project is the independent creation of someone like you. Thanks!

The Other 21st Century Skills: Educator Self-Assessment Chartkamp–I think I understand what you are saying, but in any scenario, someone, or something will spur the impetus for learning to occur. We could have a toddler go about and learn the world from scratch, but I don’t think anyone would say that is as efficient and as effective as a “parent” facilitating, or at least providing for a safe environment. And the better the parent, the more effective the toddler will be at contributing to the learning within the community as he/she progresses. Can you describe what you mean by informal learning? 14 Kickstarter Projects We're Excited for in 2014 After the holiday leftovers have disguised themselves in countless sandwich renditions, it'll be time to put 2013 behind us and look to a new year. Along with 2014 comes a new year for innovation, and where else to look for smart design than the budding projects on Kickstarter? We browsed some techie Kickstarter projects and picked our favorites that are nearing funding or were just recently funded. From controlling the temperature of your house with a swipe of your hand to coding a website by simply drawing a design, 2014 is starting to look like a futuristic year already. 1. Sometimes it only takes a simple idea to get your life organized. Funding for the project is over, but Peg's creators will be taking pre-orders soon. 2. Install the Smart Wheel onto your bike and you’ll ride effortlessly wherever you go. The Smart Wheel also comes with the Smart Light, which is not only a bike light but also a phone holder and charger. 3. 4. 5. 6. You don’t need to know code to build a website. 7.

Jaap's maatschappelijke context van het onderwijs | MLI LA4 Het leerpotentieel van grenzen: "Boundary crossing" binnen en tussen organisaties. (Dutch) | Arthur Bakker Elektronisch Patiënten Dossier (EPD) omdat het bedoeld is om verbindingen te leggen tussen meerdere specialisten in de gezondheidszorg ente voorkomen dat patiënten verschillende inor- matie en ragmentarische behandelingen krijgen. Als het goed is, helpt het EPD dan als grensobject in de coördinatie van verschillende organisaties. We kennen allemaal de langdurige discussies die hebben plaatsgevonden over het EPD, vooral in relatie tot de veiligheid van privégegevens. die discussie is ook in het ontwerpen (nationaal en internationaal) veel discussie over hoe het EPD er praktisch gezien uit moet komen te zien. Een dergelijk dossier moet immers in ‘een taal’ geschreven zijn die in alle onderdelen van de ge- zondheidszorg ‘verstaan’ wordt, maar ook weer niet zo algemeen zijn dat een willekeurige speci-alist er niet zijn o haar specifieke notitie o label in kan zetten. de kwalificatiedossiers die in het beroepsonder- wijs geschreven zijn om beroepsopleidingen be- ter a te stemmen op de beroepspraktijk.
