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Shut up! Announcing your plans makes you less motivated to accomplish them.

Shut up! Announcing your plans makes you less motivated to accomplish them.
Shouldn't you announce your goals, so friends can support you? Isn't it good networking to tell people about your upcoming projects? Doesn't the “law of attraction” mean you should state your intention, and visualize the goal as already yours? Nope. Tests done since 1933 show that people who talk about their intentions are less likely to make them happen. Announcing your plans to others satisfies your self-identity just enough that you're less motivated to do the hard work needed. In 1933, W. NYU psychology professor Peter Gollwitzer has been studying this since his 1982 book “Symbolic Self-Completion” (pdf article here) - and recently published results of new tests in a research article, “When Intentions Go Public: Does Social Reality Widen the Intention-Behavior Gap?” Four different tests of 63 people found that those who kept their intentions private were more likely to achieve them than those who made them public and were acknowledged by others.

Bodies in Motivation » Blog Archive » Buying (and riding) a new bicycle: things to consider if you’re a n00b I recently sent some bike-buying questions to Jennifer, who wrote this awesome article for Bodies a while back. Her answers were so fantastically helpful, I’m publishing the whole thing here so you guys can take advantage. For the record, I ended up buying a Trek 7.3 Fx WSD, and so far I am in LOVE! I’m thinking of getting a bike. I think to seriously give cycling a chance (but spend as little as possible in case you decide to chuck it), your best bet on a price range is between $350-$600. You will certainly see bicycles at Target or WalMart for less than $200 even, but spare yourself the torment – don’t go there. If you can find a good used bike – either from a store or from Craigslist – that’s a way to save more money. Last weekend I talked briefly with a bike specialist at REI who recommended I consider either a “comfort” bike (specifically, the Novara Flirt) or an “urban” bike (like the Buzz). Good suggestions from Mr. Upgrade your pedals as you go. Put thinner tires on it.

How to Get Beyond the Fear of Criticism Fear of Criticism is a guest post by Clare, founder of MoneyEnergy, a personal finance and investment blog focused on creating cash flow and life leverage. MoneyEnergy also features a regular series of interviews with other financial bloggers, authors and anyone else who has a great story to share about how they maximized their own “life leverage.” You can connect with MoneyEnergy on Twitter @MoneyEnergy. “The stronger your voice, the stronger both your support and your opposition will be.” These are wise words spoken by Jonathan Fields (author of Career Renegade: How to Make a Great Living Doing What You Love. We’re all afraid of many things: afraid of failure, afraid of success. One of our greatest fears is the fear of criticism: what will others think of me if I do/say X? Are you afraid of what “they” will think? Realize that the only genuine (i.e. constructive) criticism is directed at your work – not you. People who don’t know you don’t know you.

Santa Barbara Silver Safari – Vintage Airstream Rentals More job searchers just quit looking More job searchers just quit looking By Stephanie Armour, USA TODAY When Steven Weinberg was laid off in November, he decided not to fritter away his savings on a job search he assumed would be fruitless. Instead, he decided to go to law school — a career move he made in large part because so few employers are hiring. "I realized there are no jobs out there, and I needed to go back to school," says Weinberg, 32, of Chicago, who was laid off from a firm that helped Japanese companies do business in the USA. A growing number of white-collar workers and other job seekers are so discouraged that they're giving up. Some disheartened job seekers are making money on e-Bay, selling their poetry or doing odd jobs for neighbors instead of sending out more résumés. About 4.7 million Americans want jobs but are not looking for work, up from 4.6 million in January of 2003, according to the Department of Labor. "They're watching soap operas and drinking beer. Odd jobs or back to school just don't know it.

100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know | Tools If someone asks you, off the top of your head, what search engines you use or know off, chances are you’ll be naming the regulars: Google, Bing, Yahoo. The Internet however is a really big place and there are plenty more search engines out there that can cater to very specific requirements. General Search Engines We’re skipping the search engines that everyone know about so you won’t be seeing Google, Yahoo or Bing in this list. Aol – Aol offers search results combined with content from AOL. MyWebSearch – MyWebSearch is search engine that shows results from Google. Regional Search Engines Search Nigeria – Search Nigeria is a web based portal and search engine. Kid-Safe Search Engines These search engines provide children with a search service that keeps out age-inappropriate materials unfit for consumption for young ages. Social Media Search Engines Pixnet – An online mobile photo sharing and networking service. Image & Icon Search Engines Knowledge Search Engines Private Search Engines

Can’t-Miss Marketing: Just Ask - Stepcase Lifehack In the year since I started blogging, I’ve gotten a bunch of freelance writing gigs and regular jobs writing all over the Web. But, initially, no one offered them to me. I had this blog I was proud of, a super-cool design, and yet the offers didn’t flood in. Crazy, right? Tell me about it. I finally decided that if I wanted something to happen, I had to go and get it. I couldn’t give you an exact number, but the response rate to my emails was extraordinarily low. And it didn’t matter. I got my dream job this summer from exactly the same thing: I sent an email. Simply asking is the most useful marketing tool I’ve ever discovered. If you’re anything like me, you’re afraid of asking for things – especially things you really want. The more opportunities you put yourself out for, the more you’ll get. Thanks to simply asking, I’m now writing for ten or so websites I never dreamed would care what I had to say, working for the man with the career I want, and loving every minute of it.

Selam Store (Viget, a Grand Rapids wiki) Selam Store is a convenience store and Eritrean food restaurant located 654 Michigan St NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 in the Midtown Neighborhood. Eritrean and Northern Ethiopian (like that found at Little Africa) are VERY similar, and by their nature are vegan when vegetarian. History Selam Store has been open with food for about seven years. 15 total as a kind of weird convenience/Eritrean food supply store. Menu There are two menus: one meat, one vegan. but there is really no point in reading or using them because they tend to only have a few things prepared per day. Staples The vegetarian menu has three daily items: Alitcha - potatoes and carrots and such Birsen - Lentils Shiro - ground chickpeas Hot Tea - prepared with cardamom, clove, and cinnamon in Addis Tea. Occasional extras Sada (sp?) Exernal Links ExtraVEGANza blog post

Blogs 7/7/09 at 05:15 am | 23 Comments I’ve always had a knowing that whatever I’ve found interesting or exciting or passionate or moving or motivating there’s a way to make a living at it. It doesn’t make any difference what it is. I tell him there’s a way to make a living while following his passion. Namaste, Wayne Further commenting has been disabled for this post. FirstPaper’s e-book machine: Kindle rival said to be on the way, backed by Hearst Interactive, arm of media giant | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home By David Rothman A rival of the Kindle e-reader is to come from a Hearst-backed venture called FirstPaper, which PaidContent describes as a “stealth start up” with offices in Palo Alto and New York City. If speculation pans out, the new e-book reader will use a flexible color screen nearly as big as a tabloid paper, and you’ll be able to change “pages” by touching the screen. Supposedly Hearst’s Seattle P-I was to be a testbed. Media giant backing First Paper What is clear is that giant Hearst corporation (headquarters shown) is backing FirstPaper. The involvement of a content company like Hearst in a rival e-reading device might also reduce Bezos’s power over details such as pricing and distribution. No format info known—but reader will be Linux-based, with Mozilla-related tech On the technical side, I don’t see any information about formats to be used. Use of .epub would be consistent with Heart’s plans to rely on some open technologies. Job announcement “Interested?

What To Do When Your Whole World Is Falling Apart? 6 Support Ideas To Stop Anxiety and Give You Back Your Life | Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote: inspirational sayings and positive affirmations for a great life What To Do When Your Whole World Is Falling Apart? 6 Support Ideas To Stop Anxiety and Give You Back Your Life - Jonathan Lockwood Huie What if you lost your job, your house burned down, the creditors were closing in, and your marriage had become hellishly confrontational? No, that's not make believe. That's the real life of a real person. Six ways to find joy in the face of overwhelming circumstances: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. May your days be bright with joy and hope.
