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Helps you remember what's happened in your life

Helps you remember what's happened in your life

Write! People really like the original Write app. It’s powerful, it’s simple, and it’s only 99 cents. But for more advanced writing experience, we introduce you to Write 2 and Write 2 Lite, the ultimate on-the-go writing, note-taking, and markdown editing app for iPhone,iPod Touch, and iPad with Auto Sync to Dropbox. brides could learn a lot! How common is it for a girl to idealize and fantasize about her future wedding? My impression, at least in my circle of friends and our age demographic, is that it is very common. I used to view my wedding as a day where I would look perfect and feel perfect. All the things I don’t like about myself now would be different. And now, I am in the thick of things, planning a real wedding. Things cost money.

Yes, I was hacked. Hard. So maybe you saw my Twitter going nuts tonight. Or you saw Gizmodo’s Twitter account blow up. Or you saw this in AllThingsD. Or this in the DailyDot. Although embarrassing, Twitter was the least of it. 12 Enjoyable Names for Relatively Common Things Fancy yourself a logophile ... and didn't have to look up "logophile"? See if you know these 12 words for common things. 1. The plastic table-like item found in pizza boxes is called a box tent and was patented in 1983. Most people in the biz now call it a pizza saver. Confessions What happens in Vegas... 2012 As Art Production Fund Artist-in-Residence, Candy Chang lived in the The Cosmopolitan and turned its P3 Studio gallery into a contemplative experiment around anonymity, vulnerability, and understanding in the heart of the Las Vegas strip. Visitors were invited to submit their confessions on wooden plaques in the privacy of confession booths. She hung the anonymous plaques on the gallery walls so they gathered over time like a Shinto Shrine prayer wall.

Fetchnotes Launches A Simple, Cloud-Based Note-Taking Service (That Twitter Users Will Love) Fetchnotes is a promising, lightweight note-taking app for list makers and idea-havers which looks deceptively simple. But that simplicity is actually one of Fetchnotes’ key selling points. It’s meant to be fast and easy to use. And although there are a ton of apps for taking notes, from robust offerings like Evernote to more limited mobile apps like the Notes app that ships on the iPhone, Fetchnotes has an interesting idea about how note-taking apps should work - that is, they should work more like our own minds do. Thoughts come to us unbidden and we jot them down. That’s it.

3 ways to “unfriend” a Facebook friend without really unfriending them Got an oversharing Facebook buddy who can’t stop with the food photos, a sullen friend who’s bringing you down with all his depressing updates, or a frenemy who you don’t want peeking at your Facebook photo albums? Well, you could always hit the “unfriend” button, but doing so might seem a bit extreme—and hey, what if they find out? Luckily, there are a few of ways to keep marginal Facebook pals at arm’s length without cutting them off altogether, starting with… 1. Add chatterboxes to your “Acquaintances” list So, you added a long-lost friend you remember fondly from high school, but now they’re constantly peppering your news feed with random links about their favorite TV shows, silly cat photos, and endless snapshots of their kids.

2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales? On large scales?
