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Ascii Street View

Ascii Street View
Ascii Street View Real-time Ascii Art conversion of Google Street View panorama's done in WebGL. You'll need Chrome, Firefox 8+, or another browser that supports CORS WebGL textures. Coded by @peter_nitsch. Inspired by Sol's TextFX library. Built with @thespite's Google Street View Panorama library, and three.js. Read about this at Teehan+Lax Labs. Map data ©2014 Google, ZENRIN Terms of Use Map Satellite

Google Street View Hyperlapse A Teehan+Lax Labs experiment for creating interactive Google Street View hyper-lapse animations. Learn more about this project. See the possibilities Built with Hyperlapse.js, Three.js (r57), a modified version of GSVPano.js, and Google Maps API v3. Tweet Imprimer des odeurs sur une carte postale ? Reproduire les odeurs courantes est une chose. Développer une imprimante qui serait en mesure de placarder n'importe quelle odeur, ou presque, sur un bout de papier, en est une autre. Et c'est d'ailleurs de ça dont il est question ! Imaginée dans le cadre du Student Design Workshop, organisé par Sony, cette imprimante a remporté le prix de concept « le plus fun ». [newlaunches]

Barcelona Go Mobile Spain.js - A Summer JavaScript Conference in Spain I am a "technical expert" for the R&D Team at Centralway, Zurich. I make a living evaluating new technologies, coaching our employees and having an eye on the overall code quality. I also write a lot of code - either for our open source tools or internal projects or in my free time, just for the fun of it. The web is my favorite platform, but when I have to use a computer, I prefer linux. Our company has been developing web sites and web applications as well as mobile applications for iOS and Android for many years now. The recent step to dump pure-native iOS and Android development in favour of HTML 5 + Javascript + CSS 3 hybrid apps was a tough but fruitful one. There are many different options to pick from, many decisi ons to make and various roadbumps you're likely to run into.

Meu Porto Maravilha - SuperUber As part of the interventions surrounding the renovation of Rio de Janeiro’s Port area, SuperUber was invited to create the interactive multimedia exhibition allowing the public to explore the new urban project of the Port area. Called “My Porto Maravilha”, the exhibition is divided into three moments: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, with installations integrating the architecture, technology, design. The Today installation shows the evolution of the project Porto Maravilha. The curved screen is the largest multi-touch surface in Brazil, and one of the largest in the world, measuring 22 meters wide with a height of 1.6 meters, projected with nine synchronized projectors.

Current position of the ISS : Genezap Le principe L'idée m'est venue pendant une de mes pauses-glandouille, pauses pendant lesquelles j'ai l'habitude de divaguer entre les vidéos débiles du net pour m'amuser et abrutir encore plus qu'elle ne l'est ma cervelle. Je tombe sur une vidéo assez populaire mais qui ne m'avais jamais été proposée, montrant un anglophone essayant sur lui un de ces colliers de dressage pour chiens. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, ces colliers sont capables de détecter (plus ou moins bien) les aboiements et émettent des décharges électriques assez désagréables pour que le chien finisse par associer l'aboiement avec la douleur et s'arrête donc d'aboyer pour rien. Dans le principe, l'idée est presque la même: associer un événement désagréable a une peine désagréable. Pourquoi la Megadrive ? Le fait que ma cartouche flash n'était plus reconnue quel que soit le jeu flashé m'a définitivement convaincu de changer de plateforme. On retourne chez Nintendo ? Le hardware cote joypads Le hardware coté collier

National Geographic shares rich map content with the world via Google Maps Engine (Cross-posted from the Google Enterprise Blog) Editor's note: Today’s guest blog is about the newly launched Google Maps Engine public data program, which lets organizations distribute their map content to consumers using Google’s cloud infrastructure. Frank Biasi, Director of Digital Development at National Geographic Maps, tells us how his organization is participating in the public data program and sharing over 500 maps to the world. Why are maps important for National Geographic? Medieval England (1979) Dominican Republic: Adventure Map Why did you want to take part in the Google Enterprise Maps public data program? We will also use Maps Engine to overlay our maps with interactive editorial content, so the maps can “tell stories” and raise awareness about environmental issues and historic events. Why did you choose to work with Google and not another maps technology partner? Which Google Maps Engine advanced tools do you use the most?

Jam - The JavaScript package manager The City Limits / Amazing Timelapse by Dominic 22 Flares Facebook 0 Twitter 8 Pin It Share 4 Google+ 9 LinkedIn 1 inShare1 StumbleUpon 0 Reddit 0 22 Flares × The CityLIFE challenge is near the finish-line, just 10+ days to go… and I found an amazing timelapse today, named “The City Limits”, that I like to share with you all – kick-starting the day and inspiring all the challengers to take their entries to the finish-line. Over all it is one year in the making! Music is “Time” by Hans Zimmer

This is cool. The first time I heard of computer mapping was when one of the geograhers at Ohio State bought a used IBM main-frame, put most of it in his garage, teed off his wife by taking up part of the house, too. And what was the result? On green & white striped tear-off paper, was a map of one layer of print that clearly made the shape of Ohio...very crude by today's standards, but a piece of work back then (no GPS, so he had to manually enter the data from government survey maps, incredibly tedious...we were still on punch cards). That was about 10 years before the MAC came out: it was after that that things developed rapidly for the CPU ability and speed handling data, and the arrival of GPS. Prior to that, map-making classes in Geography required you to be exact (and very neat) with an ink-loaded Rapidograh pen arsenal, calipers, compasses, rulers and pen shields. by judearnold Apr 30
