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Stewart Brand on the Long Now

Stewart Brand on the Long Now

UniCredit Foundation News 16.03.14 Sei cliente di UniCredit? Puoi partecipare a "Scegliamo insieme!": aiutaci a destinare 80.000 Euro a 7 progetti non profit dedicati alla Terza età [...]31.03.14 Bando "Occupiamoci!": selezionati i progetti per dare a 100 giovani in tutta Italia nuove opportunità di lavoro [...]25.03.14 Social Innovation in Ageing: ecco i 3 vincitori! tutte le news

Weatherhead East Asian Institute Professor Gerald Curtis discusses Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in The Economist and in Reuters. Call for Papers: The Fifth Annual Consortium for Asian and African Studies Symposium from October 3-4, 2014 at Columbia University WEAI mourns the loss of Peter Berton, a longtime friend of the Institute and an alumnus, who passed away on March 28, 2014. Our condolences are extended to his family, friends, and colleagues. Modern Tibetan Studies director Robert J. Senior Research Scholar Duncan McCargo writes about Thailand’s political turmoil in The Guardian and Foreign Affairs Check out the new issue of the APAC Journal via, APAC page, or pick up a copy at the WEAI. Theodore Hughes receives the 2014 James B.

NWO Urbanisation Introduction Approach Urban studies or urban sciences have been trans-disciplinary since the Chicago School of urban sociology borrowed the models of animal and plant ecology and applied them in analysing cities. Urban studies is also interdisciplinary in the sense that urban scholars use theories, concepts and methods from economics, geography, political sciences or ecology in their studies of urban areas and situations. Inter-, trans- and multi-disciplinary urban studies investigate various questions in cities and urbanized regions. Agenda In contrast to many people who urge for a new science in the urban fields: there is not such an academic discipline called: urban science and, even stronger, we do not need such a new cupola. The same can be said about the holistic thesis underlying, for example, Peter Halls opus magnum Cities in Civilization in which he tries to mould socio-economic dynamics common to ‘great cities’, into one singular theory of urban innovation. Urban Studies

Overview of Human Geography: Urban Geography A sushi restaurant in Montreal illustrates the more diverse services and experiences available in the city than in many parts of rural Canada. Next door, a shop offers to wire money to Africa, helping immigrants stay connected to their place of origin and making the city a node in an international from Flickr/caribb Figure 1: Urbanization rates. Map shows percent of a country's population that lives in an urban area. data from CIA World Factbook For most of the 200,000 years that Homo sapiens has existed, there were no such things as cities, as humans lived in small, usually nomadic, bands. It is surprisingly difficult to define what exactly makes a city or where a given city's boundaries lie (Massey, Allen, and Pile 1999). Cities are defined and made possible by their location within networks that extend beyond the city. Places can be organized into an urban hierarchy (Neal 2010). Figure 2: Major world cities. Figure 3: Models of the internal structure of cities.

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