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Daniel Goleman on compassion

Daniel Goleman on compassion

Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript Father Daniel Berrigan once said that "writing about prisonersis a little like writing about the dead."I think what he meant is that we treat prisoners as ghosts.They're unseen and unheard.It's easy to simply ignore themand it's even easier when the government goes to great lengths to keep them hidden. As a journalist, I think these storiesof what people in power do when no one is watching,are precisely the stories that we need to tell.That's why I began investigatingthe most secretive and experimental prison units in the United States,for so-called "second-tier" terrorists.The government calls these units Communications Management Units or CMUs.Prisoners and guards call them "Little Guantanamo."They are islands unto themselves.But unlike Gitmo they exist right here, at home,floating within larger federal prisons. There's an estimated 60 to 70 prisoners here,and they're overwhelmingly Muslim.They include people like Dr. So, why was he moved? (Laughter) For the record, I'm not. Thank you.

למי אכפת מהתקן של הקמח המלא, ומאיזה קמח מכינים לחם מלא? (כתב: אורי מאיר-צ'יזיק) לפני כשנה פנה אלי יריב ספקטור היקר וביקש ממני להחליף אותו בועדת התקינה העוסקת בקמח. הוא סיפר לי שהוא יושב בועדה מטעם המועצה לצרכנות כי ביקשו ממנו1 , אבל הוא לא ממש מבין בקמח והוא מרגיש שאם ישב בועדה מישהו שכן מבין בקמח אז הוא יוכל באמת להגן על האינטרס הציבורי. מכון התקנים הוא גוף לא כל-כך מוכר לציבור הרחב, אך מדובר במוסד מרכזי וחשוב שמשפיע כמעט על כל דבר שקורה לנו – החומרים מהם בנוי ביתנו, הרכב הדלק של האוטו, מבנה הכסא עליו אנו יושבים ועוד ועוד… – כולם חייבים לעמוד בתקנים שנקבעים במכון. אז כמו שכתבתי, קפצתי למים ונכנסתי לועדה לתקנון קמח ומוצריו. רגע של היסטוריה פעם (לאורך ההיסטוריה), כשהיו רוצים לטחון קמח היו פשוט לוקחים את זרע החיטה השלם וטוחנים אותו, זה בעצם קמח מלא. קמח לבן איננו מזון, הוא חומר מזיק די מהר הסתבר שהקמח הלבן יוצר חוסרים וגורם למחלות. ואז משרד הבריאות ניגש לשינוי התקן. איך מייצרים קמח מלא? נקודת המוצא אותה צריך להכיר היא שהתקן של הקמח המלא בישראל הוא "הונאה" בחסות החוק. בנוסף, על-פי התקן אפשר לקרוא "לחם מקמח מלא" אפילו ללחם שיש בו 51% קמח מלא. ע-ו-ד

:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology Quiz: What's Your Emotional Intelligence? The questions in this brief survey asked you about the types of behaviors you engage in that reflect the five key skills that contribute to a person's emotional intelligence -- also known as the RULER skills of recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions. Your scores in these areas are reported as consider developing, competent, or highly skilled. Because this is a self-report instrument and not a performance assessment, this survey does not measure your actual ability. Instead, these scores will help you reflect on how these emotional abilities affect your teaching. Recognizing Emotions You reported that you might not pay much attention to your emotions or those of your students. It is possible that you may not attend to these signals. Understanding Emotions You reported not knowing how your emotions influence what you think about and how you act, or what causes you to feel different emotions. Labeling Emotions Expressing Emotions Regulating Emotions

Невероятная способность к концентрации Невероятные фокусы 1.81K Просмотров4 Лайков Шоу этого канадского иллюзиониста заставило открыть рты даже самых скептически настроенных членов жюри. 100 I fatti molto cool sul corpo umano - TV Global One The Brain The human brain is the most complex and least understood part of the human anatomy. There may be a lot we don’t know, but here are a few interesting facts that we’ve got covered. Nerve impulses to and from the brain travel as fast as 170 miles per hour. Hair and Nails While they’re not a living part of your body, most people spend a good amount of time caring for their hair and nails. Facial hair grows faster than any other hair on the body. Internal Organs Though we may not give them much thought unless they’re bothering us, our internal organs are what allow us to go on eating, breathing and walking around. The largest internal organ is the small intestine. Bodily Functions We may not always like to talk about them, but everyone has to deal with bodily functions on a daily basis. Sneezes regularly exceed 100 mph. Sex and Reproduction As taboo as it may be in some places, sex is an important part of human life as a facet of relationships and the means to reproduce. Senses

Redefining Smart: Multiple Intelligences Edutopia reports on the resurgent relevance of Howard Gardner's ground-breaking theory, which changed the game for students and teachers. Credit: iStockphoto Editor's Note (2013): There is no scientific evidence, as of yet, that shows that people have specific, fixed learning styles or discrete intelligences, nor that students benefit when teachers target instruction to a specific learning style or intelligence. However, providing students with multiple ways to learn content has been shown to improve student learning (Hattie, 2011). Read more about the research on multiple intelligences and learning styles. In his landmark book Frames of Mind: The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, published in 1983, Harvard University education professor Howard Gardner unveiled a theory of multiple intelligences that famously rejected the traditional and long-held view that aptitude consists solely of the ability to reason and understand complex ideas.

The Top 10 Psychology Studies of 2010 The end of 2010 fast approaches, and I'm thrilled to have been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to write about the Top 10 psychology studies of the year. I've focused on studies that I personally feel stand out, not only as examples of great science, but even more importantly, as examples of how the science of psychology can improve our lives. Each study has a clear "take home" message, offering the reader an insight or a simple strategy they can use to reach their goals , strengthen their relationships, make better decisions, or become happier. 1) How to Break Bad Habits If you are trying to stop smoking , swearing, or chewing your nails, you have probably tried the strategy of distracting yourself - taking your mind off whatever it is you are trying not to do - to break the habit. That's because habit-behaviors happen automatically - often, without our awareness. J. 2) How to Make Everything Seem Easier J. 3) How To Manage Your Time Better M. 4) How to Be Happier J.

Learning Styles Quiz Results: Digging Deeper Learn more about each learning style: naturalistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, and verbal-linguistic. Editor's Note (2013): There is no scientific evidence, as of yet, that shows that people have specific, fixed learning styles or discrete intelligences, nor that students benefit when teachers target instruction to a specific learning style or intelligence. However, providing students with multiple ways to learn content has been shown to improve student learning (Hattie, 2011). Read more about the research on multiple intelligences and learning styles. Go back to the Learning Styles Quiz or check out some of our other quizzes and explore how you measure up. Credit: Ian Roberts Bodily-Kinesthetic Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is about thinking in movements and includes the ability to use movements for either self-expression or precision to achieve a goal. Sample activities: Back to Top Interpersonal Intrapersonal Musical

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