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Bow to the Brow: Brow Grooming

Bow to the Brow: Brow Grooming
If you know anyone in your life who does makeup, one thing they will always attest to is the importance of good brows. I can't say enough about how much brows can completely make or break your face, and no one wants a broken face! I, myself, have problem brows. I used to fight and fight with my brows, trying to make them have more of an arch, until one day I realized my brows look terrible with a fake, forced arch. Take a look at all of these brows. To help you on your journey to great brows, I've put together this step by step for maintaining and grooming them. Here is what you will need: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. This is what my brows look like before I do anything to them: See? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ta-da! Recommended Products:

THE ONLY WAY TO POP! post + photos by amy nadine, graphic design by eunice chun I tell my clients this so much, I feel like a broken record. If you squeeze a whitehead: you inflame it and the tissue around itit bleeds and scabs over, making it harder to cover upit ends up lasting a week instead of a few daysyou might even damage the skin, leaving you with a scar. But I get it. Run hot water that is pretty hot but not so hot that you can’t touch it with your finger. Congrats, you’ve removed the head without doing any damage or inflaming it! Note: If it wasn’t a whitehead to begin with but a cystic pimple deep underneath the surface, you shouldn’t be squeezing it anyway because it’s not offensive to anyone. Tags: amy nadine, beauty, blemish, blog, DIY, do it yourself, easy, hot, how to, make up, makeup, pimple, pop, pretty, scar, skin, squeeze, the beauty department,, tip, tips, tutorial, washcloth, zit Related posts:

10 homemade natural beauty and spa treatments found right in your kitchen - Special Sections 10 homemade natural beauty and spa treatments found right in your kitchen BY JANUARY THOMAS For Sun-Times Media Reprints Forever searching for the Fountain of Youth, many people may find themselves spending hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on beauty products, salons and spa treatments each year hoping to achieve the latest and greatest skin, hair and body. You'd be amazed to find many natural and low-cost ingredients found right in your kitchen cupboard that produces amazing results and often work better than the expensive brands. Brown Sugar Lemony Body ScrubThis particular scrub has lemon, which works as a natural disinfectant. Milk Foot SoakAdd 4 cups of warmed whole milk, 2 tablespoons of Epsom Salt and 6 drops of your favorite essential oil such as lemon, sandalwood or lavender to warm footbath. Invigorating Coffee ScrubCoffee contains Magnesium and Vitamin E. Avocado Conditioning MaskMash an avocado (two for long hair) in a bowl with a fork until it is a thick, rich paste.

Basics: Perfect Brows Tutorial Happy Sunday everybody! As we all prepare our homes for annual Spring cleaning, the requests for cleaning up brows has been high on my list as well! I think it's only appropriate as the appeal for a fresh-faced look is more and more alluring as the weather warms up. So how do you get those perfect brows? Products mentioned:Sephora angled eyeliner brushLioele Automatic Eyebrow pencilThe Body Shop brow brush/comb Slanted tweezers (I don't use a specific brand but Tweezerman is excellent)Cuticle scissors Anastasia Brows in Bloom palette in Brunette (discontinued packaging but this is the same thing, or just powder duo here) As I mentioned near the beginning of the video, the perfect brows depends on the shape of your own face. What is the Golden Ratio? And here is some sweet gif action of the golden ratio for brows on my face: 1. Generally, following these key points will help to guide a basic shape into your brows, especially if you have vaguely shaped brows as I do. 1.

» Overclock Your Reading Speed This is a guest post from Kim Roach of The Optimized Life. In today’s Information Age, reading is now a prerequisite for success in life. In fact, many presidents, including Kennedy, have required their staff to take speed reading lessons. Brian Tracy, a best-selling author, points out that just 1 hour per day of reading will make you an international expert in your chosen field within 7 years. If you’re looking to increase your learning rate while decreasing your effort, speed reading is a method you should consider studying. The Brain’s Power Speed reading actually began as part of military training to identify enemy war planes. But what was interesting about this method of military training is that it began to unveil the idea that the brain could process more things visually than was previously thought. What many people don’t realize is that the mind becomes bored when it’s not constantly stimulated. 1. In fact, I would suggest skipping parts of a book that you don’t need. 2. 3. 4. 5.

BROWS 101 photos: Justin Coit for post by amy nadine We’ve gotten tons of requests for a brow tutorial– how to shape them, how to fill them in, how to elongate them, etc… This is so great because the correct brow shape can really lift the eye and slim the face. First let me share my #1 rule: DO NOT OVER-PLUCK!! Please! There is nothing pretty about thin overly-tweezed brows. Brows frame your eyes. Spooly brush or disposable mascara wand, cuticle scissors, angled/slant tweezers, pointed tweezers, brow shadow (taupe for blondes, brown range for everyone else), stiff brow shadow brush, pencil (to line up the angles). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. XO Amy Nadine Tags: amy nadine, beauty, blog, brow, eyebrows, lauren conrad, makeup, the beauty department, tutorial Related posts:

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Top 10 Things That Determine Happiness photo: meddygarnet Happiness is, by nature, a subjective quality with a definition like a moving target. There is scant evidence — qualitative or quantitative — to lend convincing support to those life variables most critical in determining individual happiness, which is likely why past researchers committed to the scientific method rarely tried to tackle the subject. This is changing. While we’re not entirely convinced of this marriage between science and subjectivity, we can still offer up a top 10 of things that determine human happiness, as supported by this growing body of research. No.10 – Having a short memory Are you one to hold grudges? No.9 – Exacting fairness According to a recently published study in the prestigious journal Nature, people derive more happiness from scenarios and situations that result in a perceived fairness for everyone involved, even when this fairness goes against self-interest or comes at some personal cost. No.8 – Having lots of friendships No.2 – Good genes
