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Nostalgia Critic

Nostalgia Critic

I write for myself and I'll say anything I damn well please Transcripts follow. (Source: Dexter; Image above, via NME.) Transcript December 2, 1996 Green Day P.O. Box 710 Berkeley, Ca 94701-0710Re: InsomniacTo whom it may concern:I am a parent, and I am very disturbed by the cassette tape my 8 year old son was listening to. His 60 year old grandmother bought it for him as a birthday present and was totally unaware of its explicit content. Zero Punctuation Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw. Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it. South Park: The Stick of Truth - Yes, There Really Were Crying Koalas

Mark Reads Flander's Company - Nolife-Wiki De Nolife-Wiki. La Flander's Company est une entreprise qui recrute, forme, et assure un soutien logistique et moral à la crème des Super Vilains d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Elle apporte aux générations montantes ou confirmées de Super Héros l'assurance de combattre des ennemis de qualité, prêts à tous les sacrifices pour leur procurer un challenge digne de leur renommée. Leur devise : "Nous servons le Mal, et nous le servons bien" [modifier] Equipe technique

Top 10 Twilight Zone Episodes This classic episode opens with an old woman, played by Agnes Moorehead, living alone in a rudimentary shack and speaking not a word. Soon surprised by tiny, hostile intruders who disembark from a wee flying saucer, she fights them, killing one. When she follows the other back to his ship, we’re surprised to hear him warning his fellow ETs in English. Then we see it (spoiler alert): the side of the ship reads “U.S. Apple Pie Egg Rolls – Miss in the Kitchen Apple Pie Egg Rolls I saw one of the Food Network stars making apple chimichangas and thought I had to have some for myself. I bought flour tortillas and apples, and then I used the flour tortillas for tacos. Still wanting some kind of fried apple pie dessert I used the egg roll wrappers I had in place of the flour tortillas. I know, I know frying dessert just makes it more sinful, but these are totally delicious.

C.G.P. Grey 💦 Sneeze on FB: 💦 💦 Sneeze on Twitter: 💦 💦 Sneeze on Tumblr: 💦 😡 Argue about this on the reddit: 😡 Get more updates from CGP Grey: CGP Grey Hoodie: CGP Grey on Patreon: CringeHumor : Les vidéos de Cyprien ! Watch This! top 50 list Top fifty films for children up to the age of 14 In alphabetical order: This list is based on nominations and votes from those attending the Watch This! The Spoony Experiment - Because bad movies and games deserve to be hurt back!

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