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9 Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

9 Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
By Dr. Mercola Testosterone, a hormone produced primarily by the testicles, is often associated with the epitome of "manhood" (although women have testosterone, too). Indeed, it does play a large role in male sexuality and reproduction, impacting such factors as sexual and reproductive function, muscle mass, and hair growth, but also has some less "flashy," albeit equally important, roles like maintaining bone density, levels of red blood cells and a sense of well-being. Beginning around age 30, a man's testosterone levels begin to decline, and continue to do so as he ages. A wide range of chemical exposures included prescribed drugs like statins, adversely impact testosterone production in men. If you're a man who's experiencing symptoms such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, and difficulties with concentration and memory, and you think low testosterone may be to blame, you can have your levels tested. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Related:  Health and fitness

untitled Here's How To Start Running, Stick With It, And Not Totally Hate It 5 Most Common Low-Carb Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) A few months ago, I read a book called The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living. The authors are two of the world’s leading researchers on low-carb diets. Dr. These guys have performed many studies and have treated thousands of patients with a low-carb diet. According to them, there are many stumbling blocks that people tend to run into, which can lead to adverse effects and suboptimal results. To get into full-blown ketosis and reap all the metabolic benefits of low-carb, merely cutting back on the carbs isn’t enough. If you haven’t gotten the results you expected on a low-carb diet, then perhaps you were doing one of these 5 common mistakes. 1. There is no clear definition of exactly what constitutes a “low carb diet.” Some would call anything under 100-150 grams per day low-carb, which is definitely a lot less than the standard Western diet. A lot of people could get awesome results within this carbohydrate range, as long as they ate real, unprocessed foods. 2. 3. 4. 5.

36 Pictures To See Which Muscle You’re Stretching » Make Your Life Healthier You should all know that you need to stretch, whether you are a chronic sitter, a weekend warrior, or a daily exerciser. Stretching helps your blood reach your muscles and your joints move through their full range of motion, but it also improves your posture and athletic performance and reduces the risk of injuries and pain. How do you know which muscles you are actually stretching or if you are performing each stretch the right way while you do yoga or the flexibility routine? Well, here is a little knowledge on the topic, and having this in your back pocket, you can opt for the best stretches that best fit your goals. These stretches should be felt in the belly of your muscle. Stop thinking about the time you are holding the stretch, but instead, start concentrating on feeling your muscles relaxing and returning to their natural, resting length. 1. Muscles emphasized: Rectus Abdominus and External Obliques. 2. Muscles emphasized: adductors. 3. Muscles emphasized: adductors. 4. 5. 6.

Depression is Allergic Reaction to Inflammation Research Finds Inflammation is a buzzword these days. We might be familiar with inflammation in the sense of having a messed-up knee from a sports injury, but what is it in the broader sense? Inflammation can also be a systemic problem affecting the major organs and the entire body. It’s interesting to note that “pain may not be a primary symptom of an inflammatory disease, since many organs do not have many pain-sensitive nerves.” Generally feeling achy, having low energy, shortness of breath, skin issues, and fluid retention are possible symptoms. Perhaps most surprising are correlations research is finding between inflammation and depression. However, Tim De Chant of NOVA writes, “Inflammation is our immune system’s natural response to injuries, infections, or foreign compounds. An article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience notes, “Inflammation is therefore an important biological event that might increase the risk of major depressive episodes.” Herbs that may help reduce inflammation are: Add To My Goal

High-cholesterol diet, eating eggs do not increase risk of heart attack, not even in persons genetically predisposed, study finds -- ScienceDaily A new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that a relatively high intake of dietary cholesterol, or eating one egg every day, are not associated with an elevated risk of incident coronary heart disease. Furthermore, no association was found among those with the APOE4 phenotype, which affects cholesterol metabolism and is common among the Finnish population. The findings were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In the majority of population, dietary cholesterol affects serum cholesterol levels only a little, and few studies have linked the intake of dietary cholesterol to an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases. Globally, many nutrition recommendations no longer set limitations to the intake of dietary cholesterol. However, in carriers of the apolipoprotein E type 4 allele -- which significantly impacts cholesterol metabolism -- the effect of dietary cholesterol on serum cholesterol levels is greater.

5 Types of Exercises To Make You Have Better Sex Sex can be simultaneously the most pleasurable and the most stressful experience that we share with another human being. It is a natural conclusion of the ritual of intimacy we engage in with a person we find attractive on both a physical and psychological level. Yet, we are far removed from our animalistic roots, and that which was once a matter of instinct has become somewhat complex. This is a good thing; we have grown as a society, and there are many factors involved when it comes to the relationship between sexual partners. They engaged in a huge amount of physical activities daily — activities that ensured their cardiovascular system and muscles were in great shape, which allowed them to have healthy libidos, strong erections, and the muscular strength, limberness and endurance to maintain different positions for a long time without getting exhausted. 1. These exercises can be performed every day or every other day, and the goal is to work on both endurance and speed. 2. 3. 4.

NaturoFAQs How to Make Yourself Work When You Just Don’t Want To - Harvard Business Review - Pocket There’s that project you’ve left on the backburner – the one with the deadline that’s growing uncomfortably near. And there’s the client whose phone call you really should return – the one that does nothing but complain and eat up your valuable time. Wait, weren’t you going to try to go to the gym more often this year? Can you imagine how much less guilt, stress, and frustration you would feel if you could somehow just make yourself do the things you don’t want to do when you are actually supposed to do them? The good news (and its very good news) is that you can get better about not putting things off, if you use the right strategy. Reason #1 You are putting something off because you are afraid you will screw it up. Solution: Adopt a “prevention focus.” There are two ways to look at any task. What you need is a way of looking at what you need to do that isn’t undermined by doubt – ideally, one that thrives on it. Solution: Make like Spock and ignore your feelings.

What is Tabata Training? There are countless workout styles you've probably heard about over the years, and all of them are meant to help you reach your fitness goals. You may want to increase strength, lose weight, improve flexibility or build muscle. Whatever yours goals are, most exercise programs can help you reach them, as long as you stick to the plan. If you're looking for a new program to add to your routine, you may want to give Tabata try. Tabata training is a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, featuring exercises that last four minutes. The History of Tabata Tabata training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr. Tabata and his team conducted research on two groups of athletes. The results; Group 1 had increased their aerobic system (cardiovascular), but showed little or no results for their anaerobic system (muscle). In conclusion, high-intensity interval training has more impact on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems. The Tabata Program You can do pretty much any exercise you wish.

untitled Let’s start with what to eat and the foods to avoid eating. What follows will likely sound familiar to aficionados of a Mediterranean-style diet: a plant-based diet focused on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and cold-water fish and plants like soybeans and flax seeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids. A Mediterranean-style diet is rich in micronutrients like magnesium, vitamin E and selenium that have anti-inflammatory effects, and its high-fiber content fosters lower levels of two potent inflammatory substances, IL-6 and TNF-alpha. Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. In their stead, Dr. Coffee and tea also contain protective polyphenols, among other anti-inflammatory compounds. The bottom line: the less processed your diet, the better. At the same time, don’t neglect regular exercise, which Dr. Let’s start with what to eat and the foods to avoid eating. Dr. In their stead, Dr. The bottom line: the less processed your diet, the better.
