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Fuel your fascination Main Page - KeyWiki GNH INDEX Bhutan GNH Index GNH: Concept Gross National Happiness is a term coined by His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the 1970s. The concept implies that sustainable development should take a holistic approach towards notions of progress and give equal importance to non-economic aspects of wellbeing. The concept of GNH has often been explained by its four pillars: good governance, sustainable socio-economic development, cultural preservation, and environmental conservation. The GNH Index: What is it? The Gross National Happiness Index is a single number index developed from 33 indicators categorized under nine domains. The GNH Index is decomposable by any demographic characteristic and so is designed to create policy incentives for the government, NGOs and businesses of Bhutan to increase GNH. The 2010 GNH Survey: The Gross National Happiness survey was carried out in 2010 with representative samples taken at district and regional levels. GNH 2010 Index Part I

GazoPa similar image search AcaWiki Educaţia 2.0 - cea mai importantă revoluţie din istoria omenirii + zoom Galerie foto (3) Omenirea se confruntă astăzi cu o transformare fără precedent în istorie: o revoluţie a informaţiei. Un rol important în acest proces îl joacă Internetul, tehnologia care transferă puterea cunoaşterii din mâinile instituţiilor de învăţământ superior în cele ale tuturor persoanelor interesate. În ultimii ani au fost lansate mai multe platforme online ce îşi propun să transforme viaţa studenţilor din întreaga lume, oferindu-le acestora şansa unei educaţii de cea mai bună calitate cu cost minim. Iată câteva dintre iniţiativele online ce au potenţialul de a transforma viaţa pe Terra: Khan Academy Khan Academy este o platformă înfiinţată de Salman Khan, unul din pionierii educaţiei online. Khan nu a intenţionat să transforme lumea, ci doar să ajute o verişoară mai tânără să înveţe. Clipurile lui Khan au avut un succes neaşteptat, astfel că el şi-a dat demisia de la fondul de investiţii la care lucra pentru a se dedica integral proiectului „Khan Academy”.

Wikispecies, free species directory Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is published by the Union of International Associations (UIA) under the direction of Anthony Judge. It is available as a three-volume book,[1] as a CD-ROM,[2] and online.[3][4] Databases, entries, and interlinks[edit] The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is made up from data gathered from many sources. List of databases[edit] World Problems – Issues is a database with 56,000+ entries and 276,000+ links. Basic universal problems include danger, lack of information, social injustice, war, environmental degradation. Global Strategies – Solutions is a database with 32,000+ entries and 284,000 links. Abstract fundamental strategies include compromising, transcending, providing. Constructive values include peace, harmony, beauty. Human Development is a database with 4,800+ entries and 19,000+ links. Concepts of human development include vocational training, benevolence, emancipation of the self. Entries and links[edit]

The Faculty Project List of wikis This page contains a list of notable websites that use a wiki model. These websites will sometimes use different software in order to provide the best content management system for their users' needs, but they all share the same basic editing and viewing website model. §Table[edit] §See also[edit] §References[edit] §External links[edit] the free encyclopedia Wikiversity
