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Quick and Simple Life Hacks - Part 1

You Are Not a Photographer | Exposing fauxtographers since 2011 Awesome, a picture of a child that no longer looks anything like the child! Well done! Only some of these ladies are important enough to be in color but none of them are important enough to be in focus! It looks like your arts and crafts skills are just as bad as your fauxtography! Great idea Fauxtog, edit the crap out of this image so that the girl appears to have stubble that matches her man’s! Tokyo Tower Gigapixel Panorama About this photo This is a 150-gigapixel image shot from the top of the Tokyo Tower. It was shot in September 2012 with the kind assistance from the management of the Tokyo Tower. The trip to Tokyo was sponsored by Fujitsu Technology Solutions, and this panorama was rendered and edited on a Fujitsu Celsius R920 workstation. This image was shot with a Canon 7D digital SLR camera, with a 400mm telephoto lens. The image was shot from three different locations around the top of the tower. See our other recently-released Tokyo gigapixel panorama from the Mori Tower in Tokyo Roppongi district for another amazing view here. You can see our other world record gigapixel images we have made of Prague, London 2010, and London in 2012. Embed this panorama on your blog or news site! Would you like to embed the interactive version of this panorama in your news website, non-commercial website, or personal blog? How big is this image, really? Why did we make it? How did we make it? Will you print this image?
