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Qute for PC/Mac

Qute for PC/Mac
Qute for PC/Mac is a text editor with Markdown and TeX support. Qute offers per paragraph preview, i.e., users can switch between editing the source and viewing a rich text rendering with typeset formulas for each paragraph separately. Qute is currently evolving to include support for user-defined markup languages and transformers via OMeta, see this post. To make looking at a single text file for hours appealing, Qute offers switchable themes with subtle background images and font effects. Also, Qute includes a couple of great open-source fonts that are a joy to work with. Qute's user interface is distraction-free and offers a full-screen mode. Qute reads and writes plain text files using the Markdown markup language for rich text formatting and TeX syntax for formulas. Qute is built using web technologies. Qute is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. Finally, Qute is experimental and comes without any warranty whatsoever. Qute is themable! 1. 2. 3. 4.

ouderen & computer Online Text Editor - Writing made easy - Quabel Zim - a desktop wiki Tools Online WikiSyntax - support - The reference to the wiki syntax for Google Code projects - User support for Google Project Hosting - Google Project Hosting Each wiki page is stored in a .wiki file under the /wiki directory in a project's repository. Each file's name is the same as the wiki page name. And, each wiki file consists of optional pragma lines followed by the content of the page. Optional pragma lines provide metadata about the page and how it should be displayed. Paragraphs Use one or more blank lines to separate paragraphs. Typeface You can mix these typefaces in some ways: Code If you have a multiline code block that you want to display verbatim, use the multiline code delimiter: Which results in: def fib(n): if n == 0 or n == 1: return n else: # This recursion is not good for large numbers. return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) For more control over the syntax higlighting, the <code> tag allows you to specify a file extension: To disable highlighting entirely, use the <pre> tag. Headings = Heading === Subheading ===== Level 3 ======= Level 4 ========= Level 5 =========== Level 6 ====== Dividers Lists The following is: Quoting Someone once said: Links

How to Focus Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning Studies show that focus is a key attribute for performance improvement and success in life. Yet today’s modern workplace is full of distractions, from text to tweets. Check out these effective techniques for increasing focus for adult learners participating in e-learning, classroom training, and other learning events. From nano-learning to rewards, learn how to focus attention and improve e-learning outcomes. Daniel Goleman, psychologist and author of the bestseller Emotional Intelligence, has just written a book called Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. How can you help learners focus in a workplace dominated by email, IM, texts, and tweets? 5 Effective Techniques for Improving Focus and Attention in Adult Learning and E-learning Keep learning shortReality is, you may only be able to get 15 minutes of someone's focused attention, particularly for e-learning. Are you still with me?

ConnectedText - The Personal Wiki System Organize Bookmarks List of reportedly haunted locations in the world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of locations in the world that are reportedly haunted by ghosts or other supernatural beings including demons. Reports of haunted locations are part of ghostlore, which is a form of folklore. Argentina[edit] Australia[edit] Barbados[edit] Brazil[edit] The Joelma Building in São Paulo is allegedly haunted by victims of the fire that started on February 1, 1974, after an air conditioning unit on the twelfth floor overheated. Cambodia[edit] Sihanoukville:The Independence Hotel has been rumoured to be haunted by a poltergeist.[19]Phnom Penh:The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum the imprisonment and murder of thousands of prisoners during the Cambodian Civil War in the late 70's, many tourists feel that they are on track with the spirit as a safe surfing to new at this.[20] Canada[edit] China[edit] Beijing: The Buma Inn has been reported to have a ghost walking throughout corridors looking for the chef that poisoned his food. Colombia[edit]

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