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MOOCs are really a platform

MOOCs are really a platform
We can officially declare massive open online courses (MOOCs) as the higher education buzzword for 2012. Between Coursera, edX and smaller open course offerings, nearly $100 million in funding has been directed toward MOOCs in that past 8 months. Newspapers from NYTimes to Globe and Mail to publications such as the Chronicle of Higher Education, TV programs such as NPR, radio programs such as CBC, and a few hundred thousand blog posts have contributed to the hype. Largely lost in the conversation around MOOCs is the different ideology that drives what are currently two broad MOOC offerings: the connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs?) Our MOOC model emphasizes creation, creativity, autonomy, and social networked learning. Phil Hill, who has been an early and consistently informative voice on MOOCs addresses the different MOOCs in a recent post: When analyzing the disruption potential of MOOCs, it is easy to forget that the actual concept is just 4 or 5 years old. MOOCs are a platform

As California Goes? California has taken centre stage in the discussions around online learning and MOOCs in recent weeks, prompted by passage of tax increases (see more and more) to cover rising deficits in the state's higher education system. An organization called 20 Million Minds (20MM) organized a conference to discuss proposals. E-Literate provided very good coverage of the event, which was called Re:Boot California Higher education - a post listing statements made before the conference, some opening thoughts from Michael Feldstein, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg's introduction, and bottleneck courses. What will the future hold in the rethought California system? One idea or technology will not solve higher education's affordability problem.An adversarial relationship won't work within or outside of higher ed.Education leaders must look forward and think creatively to make higher education relevant. Total: 3954

A Practical Response to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Webcast If you haven’t heard the hype about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), you soon will. These free classes are only offered online and they’re wide open to anyone who wants to sign up. Some of the biggest brands in academia have announced impressive MOOC plans, and a few superstar instructors have jumped in with both feet. Skeptics call MOOCs outliers, but most people agree that whatever happens, MOOCs will make an impact on the way we teach both students and adult learners in the future. So what does this trend mean for you, your faculty and your campus? Join our live webinar, hosted by Casey Green of The Campus Computing Project, to participate in a lively discussion on how to take advantage of the MOOC buzz to get your own courses online, right now. Our panel will discuss: Where do MOOCs fit in the larger online learning ecosystem? What impact will MOOCs, flipped and hybrid classes have on traditional, synchronous face to face education?

oldsmooc Ein neuer Stern am E-Learning Himmel: MOOCs - HR-Management - Personal E-Learning-Expertin Gudrun Porath Bild: Haufe Online Redaktion Was tut sich auf dem E-Learning-Markt? Welche neuen Trends und Angebote gibt es? Unsere E-Learning-Expertin Gudrun Porath beleuchtet in ihrer monatlichen Kolumne das Thema "E-Learning" für Sie. Heute: "MOOC" - der große Hype. Haben Sie schon an Ihrem persönlichen "Massive Open Online Course" (MOOC) teilgenommen? Derzeit kommt man an MOOCs einfach nicht vorbei. "cMOOC" und "xMOOC" Bei MOOCs ist der Name Programm: "Open" steht dafür, dass sich jeder, der über einen Internetzugang verfügt daran beteiligen kann, ohne Gebühren zu zahlen. In "cMOOC" steht das "c" nach dem Vorbild des von George Siemens und Stephen Downes 2008 veranstalteten Kurses "Connectivism and Connective Knowledge", für "connectivism". Vom Hype zum Tool im Corporate Learning Als diese prominenten Universitäten auf den MOOC-Zug aufsprangen, wuchs ihre Popularität sprunghaft. Haben Sie Fragen oder Anregungen zu dieser Kolumne?

MOOCs: neither the death of the university nor a panacea for learning The childhood I experienced was not unusual. For baby boomers, Kodak was our memory collector of choice and Encyclopaedia Britannica the Google of its day. But neither has survived the remorseless advance of the digital economy. The invention of the internet, the inevitable convergence to a mobile phone or tablet, and the discovery of how to monetise a digital transaction have been death blows to these two icons and to so many others we can all name. And this transformation is far from finished. Over the last few months most of us who work in higher education, as well as those who watch and comment on what we do have been fascinated by a singular topic: the MOOC. This abbreviation – for Massive Open Online Course – is a term likely to enter into our common vernacular. Most MOOCs are now delivered by acknowledged experts and outstanding teachers. The rise of open and online courseware Open courseware has been around for many years, following the example of MIT and, more recently iTunes U.

MOOCs for Organisational Learning - Conversation with Kevin WerbachLearning Cafe I recently participated in a MOOC (Massively Open Online Course) on Gamification along with 66,000 fellow learners run by Kevin Werbach. Associate Professor, The Wharton School. I thoroughly enjoyed the MOOC and learnt a lot from it. We decided to speak to Kevin about his views about MOOCs. Kevin is a leading expert on the legal, business, and public policy aspects of the Network Age. Jeevan: What was involved in the design of the MOOC on Gamification? Kevin: I knew that doing a MOOC would involve a lot of work. Jeevan: Kevin, you have run the Gamification MOOC twice. Kevin: I’m torn! I ran my MOOC for the first time starting in August 2012, I ran the same course with some minor updates and corrections for the second time starting April 2013, I’ll probably run it again either in early 2013 or January 2014. The reason that I am torn about it is that this was an initial first effort, experimenting with a new way of teaching on a new platform. Kevin: Oh! Kevin: Absolutely!

Peer-to-Peer Learning Handbook | Sitting in a bar with a really smart friend. The ai-class: Notes from a Lab Rat Guest Contribution by Rob Rambusch Picture by Ressaure (CC licensed) Me: Test Subject Rob Rambusch is a Project Manager for software development and implementation based in New York City. This was his first exposure to any class on Artificial Intelligence. He can be contacted at robrambusch [AT], or through Google+. It: Experiment "A bold experiment in distributed education, "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" will be offered free and online to students worldwide from October 10th to December 18th 2011. Them: Experimenters "Peter Norvig is Director of Research at Google Inc. "Sebastian Thrun is a Research Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University, a Google Fellow, a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the German Academy of Sciences. One Month Before: Preparation I started working on the prerequisites in the month before the course began. October 10th: Class begins Sebastian Thrun wrote: The second unit for this week covered search. Afterthoughts
