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"Exploding Box" Class...

"Exploding Box" Class...
Exploding Box Class - "An Exploding Year" - by Anso Please feel free to use these instructions to make your own boxes. You are free to link to this page from any forum etc if you wish. Please do NOT copy this information and/or photos to use for your own classes/forums/webpages without permission. Please also note that I'm not claiming that I have invented the exploding box, but these simple step-by-step instructions and photos are mine.Class Supply list: For the box you will need:* 3x 12x12 sheets of cardstock For the lid you will need: * 1x 12x12 sheet of cardstock (though this can be A4 also, you only need a 6 ¼”x6 ¼” piece) Tools: * trimmer * scissors * scoring tool, like a bone folder etc, or the scoring blade if you have a Zision trimmer or similar * glue (I would recommend double-sided tape PLUS a wet glue like Glossy Accents, Diamond Glaze etc) * 4 paperclips (to hold card in place while drying) – optional * corner rounder – optional * inkpad for edges of card - optional 1. 2. 3.

Stenciled Watercolors Tutorial At the suggestion of a friend, I am posting a tutorial on how to make a nice watercolor painting using plastic stencils! It really is quite a simple process and you end up with something that looks professional. I love sharing these little secrets with people. So here is what you need to get started... Materials: watercolor paints paintbrush plastic stencils (I found some cheap ones at the dollar store) watercolor paper Step 1: Pick out the stencil you want to use and place it on top of your paper. Step 2: Hold the stencil down tightly with one hand. Step 3: To give it a varied look, add several different colors in random areas of the stencil. Step 4: Fill in the entire area of the stencil and ever so carefully lift the stencil away from the paper. Step 5: Let your painting dry completely and there you have it... your own mini artwork! Tips and Tricks:If you notice that your watercolors are bleeding around the edges of the stencil you can try mixing less water with the paints.

Buy Self Adhesive Foam Board for DIY Projects | FoamologyFoamology | Peel * Wrap * Stick * Done! Maker Mama Craft Blog: Thrifted Clock Redo One of the things I always see at thrift stores are random pot lids in cute colors without a pot to go with them. I came up with the idea of turning one into a clock while shopping at my local Goodwill the other day, with the thought that I'd purchase a clock kit at the craft store. But for the sake of keeping it as green as possible (and making one less shopping trip) I decided to give an old clock new life, and voilà, the thrifted clock redo was born! What makes this project even better is that supplies--and time--are minimal. Pick out a lonely (but cute) pot lid, a clock with hands to go with your pot (and that looks like it might work), a screwdriver, and you're ready. Here's a photo-tutorial to help you make your own: Every clock is a little different, so inspect the mechanism on the back carefully to see if it looks detachable. Now just find a wall to hang your clock and listen to it's sweet little ticking.

50 Clever DIY Ways To Organize Your Entire Life Genius Ideas For Hiding Eyesores In Your House & House Organization Ideas Keeping your house clean and tidy can do wonders for the mood of everyone that lives inside. Nothing is worse than wading through a disorganized pile as you’re trying to get through your house. Luckily, these genius tips will help cut back on the clutter. Whether your hiding eyesores or just trying to keep your electronics organized, these awesome tips will help you out. 1.) 2.) (Be careful not to block the airflow, though.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.) Karl Zahn 16.) 17.) 18.) 19.) 20.) 21.) 22.) (H/T Bored Panda) Keeping your house tidy is important, but keeping it tidy and impressing guests with your creativity is even better.

How to Make a Coffee Table from Wine Crates As we all know, a new coffee table is quite expensive, so today will show a solution that with a little skill and creativity you can do it yourself. There are several options for materials, but depending on the table size, you can choose pallets or wine crates. If you choose wine crates follow the steps below … and belive me you can create a very atractive coffee table … What you will need: 4 Wooden Crates2 1x2x6 planks of recycled pallet4 Caster WheelsScrewsScrew DriverStain or Paint your choiceSatin Polyurethane How to make it: 1. Source : DIY Vintage Chic

Geoball Je vous ai parfois parlé des belles réalisations de la créatrice Zü,de ces doudous nuages, gouttes, oizo et des jolis petits faons qui me font littéralement craquer…et bien la collection s’agrandit avec de la papeterie et de très jolies affiches à découvrir sur son shop ! En plus de toutes ces belles créations, elle propose gratuitement sur son site un PDF gratuit pour réaliser cette geoball super mignonne. Elle l’utilise pour ranger ses masking tape mais on pourrait aussi s’en servir comme vide poche, pour ranger des petits bijoux ou pour pleins d’autres choses ! Pour accéder au PDF imprimable c’est par ici ! Posté par: Natalia Stellated dodecahedrons! Hello there. I seem to be stuck in a geometric-paper-model rut at the moment! I promise this will be the last one for a while! Making stellated dodecahedrons is fairly time consuming and requires a light-touch and a fair bit of patience…so teenagers/adults only! As usual there is a how-to below…along with printable templates. It’s ‘summer’ here in the UK but it hasn’t stopped raining for months (or so it seems). You will need – – – – – – – – // Scissors // Paper (or thin card) // Double sided tape (I also made one using a gluestick but the tape yielded much better results) // Ruler // Needle…or similar sharp point for scoring the paper 1. 2. 3&4. 5&6. *If you run into problems then do leave a comment below and I will get back to you ASAP*
