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Malice In Wonderland - Animation by Vince Collins (new) Music by Edd Harris

Malice In Wonderland - Animation by Vince Collins (new) Music by Edd Harris

Des personnages d'opéra chinois au XIXème siècle L’opéra chinois est une tradition qui remonte au XIIème siècle qui subie plusieurs évolutions jusqu’à arriver à l’apogée de sa popularité à partir de la fin du XIXème siècle quand il s’ouvre à une culture plus populaire : A partir du XVIIIe siècle, de nombreux genres provinciaux apparaissent et rencontrent la faveur du public. Le plus fameux d’entre eux est l’opéra de Pékin qui adopta sa forme actuelle au milieu du xixe siècle et connut sa plus grande popularité vers la fin des Qing (1644–1911).Dans l’opéra de Pékin, les instruments traditionnels à cordes et à percussion fournissent un accompagnement rythmique marqué aux comédiens. Le jeu de scène est basé sur l’allusion : les gestes, les pas, tout le jeu d’expression corporel mime de façon conventionnelle des actions comme monter à cheval, sortir d’une maison, monter un escalier, ouvrir une porte ou manœuvrer un bateau. [Wikipedia] [Via]

Your Weekly Organasm: How to Keep Your Clothes off the Floor In an attempt to reenact the past, I’ve poured all my laundry onto the floor. I have to admit to something, you guys. Back in college, I was too cheap to buy furniture to hold stuff. Then one day, my housemate stopped by my room for a chat. Let’s start by thinking about the clothes that always end up on the floor. I think that a good, workable solution needs to follow the golden rule of organizing, which is to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place. My chair doesn’t have any convenient prongs for me to hang my dry cleaning bag, so I’ve improvised with a purse hook. For me, the chair is the best part of the clothing control center. Since I’ll probably have trouble keeping the pile small, I’ve attached a little green sticker to the chair back. I know that some of you don’t wear clothes more than once before cleaning them. But the airing out your clothes part is a pretty good idea. Let’s move on to the laundry basket. It’s time for you to dish.

Dans une mine de sel russe psychédélique Sous la ville de Yekaterinburg en Russie se trouve une mine de carnallite, un minéral servant à faire de l’engrais et qui prend des couleurs allant du jaune au rouge en passant par le bleu et qui s’est déposé en couches naturelles pour former des vagues psychédéliques. La mine est fermée au public mais le photographe Mikhail Mishainik a réussi à s’y introduire pendant une vingtaine d’heures pour ramener ces images spectaculaires. Vous pouvez voir la suite des images sur le site du Mail Online. 22 Funny Drinking Games to get you Drunk | Blog Ye Olde Drinking Games: a List In this Internet age, there’s something sweetly old-fashioned about a drinking game. You don’t need any fancy props, extension cords or air pumps—just booze, partners and a will to compete. It’s Saturday night. Are you sitting around with friends, talking about the same old stuff? Play a drinking game. For your drunken pleasure, I now present you with a list of drinking games. 1. Questions is sort of like Truth or Dare but without the dare. Questions gets pretty silly very fast. Tools needed: any kind of alcohol, slight imagination 2. I Never is a great game to play with good friends. Each player takes turns making a true statement in the form of “I’ve never…” For example, if you’ve never been to France, you’d say, “I’ve never been to Paris.” Naturally, when I play this game with my friends, we don’t make statements about vacations. Tools needed: alcohol, a sordid past 3. Someone begins the game by saying the first and last name of someone famous. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Fractale Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ce terme était au départ un adjectif : les objets fractals (selon un pluriel formé sur l'exemple de "chantiers navals"). Les fractales sont définies de manière paradoxale, en référence aux structures gigognes dont ils constituent des cas particuliers : « Les objets fractals peuvent être envisagés comme des structures gigognes en tout point – et pas seulement en un certain nombre de points, les attracteurs de la structure gigogne classique. Cette conception hologigogne (gigogne en tout point) des fractales implique cette définition tautologique : un objet fractal est un objet dont chaque élément est aussi un objet fractal »[2]. Caractéristiques[modifier | modifier le code] Un objet fractal possède au moins l'une des caractéristiques suivantes : sa dimension de Hausdorff est strictement supérieure à sa dimension topologique. Domaines de validité[modifier | modifier le code] Les systèmes de fonctions itérées. (pour homothétie). Quelques exemples :

We Will Not Surrender Our Freedom to Travel: Gender-based Terror and Tempting Fate « Last Friday, a male acquaintance of mine made the following comments on a Facebook thread in response to this article about Brandon Lavergne’s signed statement detailing the murder of Mickey Shunick: Just don’t go places alone in the middle of the night!…If my wife or one of my female friends told me they were planning to bike home alone at 2:30 AM, I would insist on giving her a ride. I would never blame a victim. My only aim is to prevent similar tragedies. It’s a sad fact, but the world is full of monsters. Clearly, he means well, despite responding to the violent and disturbing details of an abduction and murder with the warning to other, still living women that it’s really simple to not get abducted and murdered – just don’t ride your bike late at night! Despite his good intentions, his arguments are highly problematic. When it comes to political terrorism in America, we are told to assert our freedoms and not let the terrorists win. Victim blaming is victim blaming. Like this:

Supa Gro Kit 100% 'McKennaii' Supa Gro Kit 100% 'McKennaii': Supposé être encore plus fort que les hawaïens Psilocybe Cubensis McKennaii est censée être une variété encore plus puissante que la célèbre et populaire (et difficile à cultiver) hawaïenne (Copelandia cyanescens). Cette variété convient aux plus expérimentés des utilisateurs et elle provoque un effet philosophique avec une forte composante visuelle. Ces kits de cultures contiennent un substrat de 1200ml totalement colonisé, prêt à cultiver et sans aucun filtre tel que la vermiculite ou la perlite : c'est un ensemble 100%. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un peu de patience et vous pourrez récolter au moins 700 à 800g de champignons frais en quelques semaines (si vous n'atteignez pas ces quantités, vous avez réussi à trouver une manière de rater dont nous n'étions pas au courant). Contenu : Une boîte de culture 1200ml Un sac de culture Par Stijn E. le 16/Avr/2015 : Par Juraj M. le 16/Avr/2015 : Par Bogdan Alexandru C. le 06/Avr/2015 : Zamnesia So, no casing?

25 Of The Best Short Films You Can Watch Online Short filmmaking has always been an understated component of cinema. It contains all of the magic, escapism, and even technicality that goes into making full length feature productions. In fact some may argue that it is even more difficult to master given the short amount of time that one has to work with to get all of the aspects of filmmaking into the right gear. This list serves not only as a compiled source of recommendations that we hope helps to gain more attention and recognition to this compact pieces of brilliance but to also highlight some of the best short films ever created. Reasons being vary, from inspirational causes, new age inventiveness, boundary pushing material, or overall well rounded superb examples of filmmaking. 25. A tale like no other and a film like no other. The Cameraman’s Revenge should be viewed on that inventiveness and originality alone and the fact that this was made way back in 1912. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. Pages: 1 2 3

4 Unique Places To Find New Content To Share | Cruise Media Group Tools Save Us From A Spaceballs Situation Running multiple Facebook accounts for all sorts of different businesses means that we are always looking for new ways to find interesting, entertaining, and informative content to share. But instead of combing the Internet, we have several tools that help us find content faster. Finding content faster means that we can spend more time tailoring custom messaging for clients, and personalizing it for their customers. These tools are helpful to anyone looking to share, or just read, interesting content fast. 1. Lasagna Cupcakes Are A Thing And I Want Them This is a constant stream of semi-curated content for any topic you desire. 2. Use Topsy to search popular stories around a chosen topic – you can even search specific links, tweets, photos, videos or people. 3. Reddit has a deep user base that votes on valuable content. My personal favourite is r/PhotoshopBattles, for whenever you want to see the true power and majesty of photo manipulation. 4.
