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Foundations Revealed

Foundations Revealed
Written by Mark Garbarczyk In this second part of this bra pattern drafting and making series we will be drafting (drawing) the blocks/patterns for the cups, cradle and wings of a simple under wired “Darted Cup” Bra. Think of this bra as your first test into the world of bra pattern drafting and making. In this part, I will be screaming, “ACCURACY” ... This bra is the simplest bra to make as the cups only have one short dart seam to sew. I know that the debate on underwires in bras is always a hot topic, but the correct sized, properly “sprung” underwires can do a good job of supporting the cup / cradle shape to support the breast weight, and until an alternative to the bra under wire comes along (I am still working on that one) we will try to work with them. We will come to “Breast root tracing” and “springing” a bra wire in a moment, but first we must get some drafting/drawing tools together. Drafting a Bra Cup Block TRY TO BE AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE. Step Seven: Shift Grading Step Eight Related:  Allaitement et Grossesse

How to get housework done with a newborn baby Use a baby carrier When there are chores to do, make use of your baby carrier or baby sling and get in some cuddle time while pulling off some light housework. Just be sure to avoid spraying chemicals around your newborn and engaging in any movements that will put your little one in harm's way. It's also a good trick when getting a baby to sleep is challenging, too! >> Learn more about the top 4 safe baby carrier options Clean efficiently Use your time wisely; instead of tidying up all day long, designate a basket to put everything in its proper place at end of day. Enlist your kids' help Older kids can pitch in with housework when your newborn arrives. >> Discover 20 age-appropriate chores Chip away at chores There's no rule that says you have to clean your house from top to bottom in a single swoop. Vacuum Your Newborn to sleep Getting baby to sleep can be easier when your vacuum pulls double-duty. Let others lend a hand >> Brush up on these 11 ways to beat new mom fatigue Hire help

20 Truths About Breastfeeding | baby gooroo by Heidi Green December 09, 2013 Here, breastfeeding moms tell us what they wish someone had told them about breastfeeding; plus tips from the gooroos (that’s us!) on how to overcome almost any breastfeeding challenge. Keep reading—we promise, the advice gained is worth your investment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Здравословна диета за кърмещата майка | Кърменето е особено важен етап от развитието на бебето. Природата е оформила женското тяло по такъв начин, че майката да е основен източник на храна за детето си поне през първите 6 месеца от живота му. Диетата, която спазваме през периода на кърменето, е особено важна и за нас, и за здравето на бебето. Докато е още в утробата, бебето получава хранителни вещества само от това, което ядем. По време на бременността и кърменето трябва да се уверим, че се храним добре, защото това ще има дълготрайни ефекти върху здравето на бебето ни. Много фактори трябва да се вземат предвид, когато се планира диетата на кърмещата майка. Консумация на калории Калориите са много важни за производството на енергия в тялото. Храни, богати на фибри Фибрите са много важни за усвояването на всякакви хранителни вещества в тялото, включително на витамини и минерали. Пресни плодове и зеленчуци Винаги е по-добре да ядем пресни плодове и зеленчуци, които са в сезон, вместо консервирани или замразени продукти.

Comment augmenter votre lactation | Feuillets de LLL France Beaucoup de nouvelles mères se demandent comment savoir si leur bébé a pris assez de lait et craignent de ne pas avoir une sécrétion lactée suffisante pour leur enfant.Comprendre le mécanisme de la lactation vous aidera à avoir confiance en vous. La quantité de lait que produisent les seins dépend de la fréquence des tétées et de l'efficacité de la succion du bébé au sein. Quand le bébé est au sein, sa succion provoque la libération par l'hypophyse de deux hormones, l'ocytocine et la prolactine. La prolactine est considérée comme l'hormone de la production du lait.Plus le bébé tète, plus le corps de la mère libère de prolactine et plus les seins produisent du lait. La seconde hormone, l'ocytocine, provoque des contractions musculaires dans les seins, contractions qui font cheminer le lait dans les canaux lactifères et le font jaillir du mamelon lorsque le bébé tète. La production de lait est un très bon exemple du principe de l'offre et de la demande. Votre bébé prend-il assez de lait ?

DIY Hot Air Balloon Decoration » Random Tuesdays Need a cute hot air balloon to decorate for a baby shower or a little girl’s room? You’re going to love this tutorial! You can completely customize this Hot Air Balloon to fit any theme or style. So sweet! 1K+ You’ll need: White Paper LanternTissue PaperSpray AdhesiveBaker’s TwineCupcake BoxLarge NeedleAcrylic PaintHole Punch (optional)Double sided tapeScrapbook Cardstock (optional)Flag Punch (optional) 1K+ Cut out strips of your desired color of tissue paper. 1K+ Cut four pieces of the twine. 1K+ Paint the paper mache basket, with acrylic paint in your choice of color. 1K+ Using a large needle, string each of the twine groupings through the punched holes. 1K+ Knot in place and cut off extra twine. 1K+ For a little added flair. 1K+ Hang the flag strand around the hot air balloon and you’re done : ) Via Crafts unleashed Tags: baby shower, craft, crafts, cute, cute crafts, decor, DIY, easy, hot air balloon, how to, ideas, nursery, party, photos, step by step, wedding Share this article:

Les premières semaines d’un bébé (allaité) – Poussées de croissance Les premières semaines d’un bébé (allaité) – Poussées de croissance Posted by Carpediem on 7 décembre 2012 · 15 Commentaires Poussées de croissance : Votre bébé de quatre semaines, qui était jusque là entièrement satisfait de votre lait, se met à boire frénétiquement chaque heure. Bienvenue dans ce merveilleux monde de la poussée de croissance, un moment où le bébé demande le sein beaucoup plus souvent ! Les poussées de croissance ont tendance à se produire à 3 jours, 7-10 jours, 2-3 semaines, 4-6 semaines, 3 mois, 4, 6 et 9 mois. Les auteurs complètent ensuite le tableau avec un bébé à tendance irritable, qui recommence à se réveiller la nuit s’il dormait bien et préviennent que celle de 3 mois est particulièrement éprouvante tant bébé semble insatisfait. Ces poussées peuvent être très déroutantes surtout si une routine semble en place et qu’on a l’impression d’enfin comprendre comment son bébé fonctionne, et que tout d’un coup rien ne va plus. Like this: J'aime chargement…

Суровата истина или как полезното може да е вкусно без угризения - В един магазин за храна най-мъчни за изминаване са последните два - три метра, които човек прекосява от касата до изхода. Ако до тогава покупките в кошницата са били предварително планирани и внимателно избирани, то пред засадата на вафлите и шоколадите капитулацията е почти сигурна и решенията се вземат импулсивно, подпомогнати най-вече от снимките на разтапящ се карамел и хрупкави фъстъци по опаковките. За хората, които се хранят съзнателно и избягват да се поддават на този тип развалящи режима изкушения, престоят около касата никога не е бил лесен. Една от причините за това е, че са Произведени в България В момента има най-малко две компании, които са разпознаваеми на пазара и успяват да наложат собствените си продукти в търговската мрежа в страната.Едната е софийската "Курабийница", която произвежда десертите Roobar, а другата е "Аеон Фуудс" от Пловдив, която прави серията Soul Mate. И двата бизнеса се появяват в сектор, който прави ръстове от около 100% на година. Рообаровци

Anti- Stretch marks oil- Childbirth education and labor doula services in Chicago » Bred-n-Butter (Anti-Stretch Mark Salve) | Holly Barhamand During my first pregnancy (8 years ago!), my mother sent me a care package full of ALL SORTS of goodies. I remember a few pregnancy and parenting books, a folder full of articles about pregnancy, some tea and a jar of belly rub. The belly rub was so fantastic. Every morning I would scoop a little of the yellow salve out, rub it between my hands and slather it on every possible inch of skin – especially my expectation-shattering belly. I was young, terrified of having a mother’s body, and also a little itchy from the Chicago winter. Either way, and whatever my motives, it got me through my transition from maiden to mother. I have also made this same belly rub for my friends and clients. I just made a fresh batch and have listed it in my etsy store: The 4-oz size The 2-oz size However, maybe you’d like to make your own batch for your friends or the next ten pregnancies you plan to carry. First, the ingredients. This is the exact recipe used in the products listed in my etsy shop, currently.

Nursing top Fr La mère en marine - cemamanlafee ... enfin, en bleu pétrole... mais en rayures marines.Soit. Sarouel façon Parfum du ciel en lin pétrole assez lourd, ceinture jersey par flemme d'envisager l'ajustement de la taille et la pose d'une fermeture éclair. T-shirt d'allaitement (si, on y croit, ça va durer malgré la reprise du boulot ;-)) jersey marin : très largement copié d'un pull marin vu chez k**kaï... quand le montage est simplissime, pas de raison de se priver. D'autant que, si l'original est tout synthétique, le mien est en jersey de coton bien agréable à porter ! OK, non porté, ça ressemble à pas grand chose... ; clichés devant et dos ; D'ailleurs, vu que c'est réellement simplissime à réaliser, bien pratique pour allaiter, que le jersey marin se vend bien cette année... un petit tuto pour la route ?? un p'tit tuto tout propre à télécharger ?? Patron et tuto_T_shirt_d' allaitement_jersey marin Vous me direz ce que ce tuto vous a inspiré ??

7 Natural Baby Care Recipes I love using natural products for all of my personal care, cleaning and household needs, but if you’re not ready to jump on the DIY deodorant and toothpaste bandwagon just yet, at least consider using all natural products on your kids! Most kids are exposed to a scary number of chemicals on a daily basis, and even babies are born with chemicals in their umbilical blood. Most baby products and shampoos contain chemicals and many are not actually safe for baby. For example, many baby shampoos (including J&J) have some of the worst chemical ratings and baby oil is just liquid petroleum oil with some added (artificial) fragrances. A baby or child’s perfectly soft skin absorbs almost anything put on it, so natural options are really important! These are the recipes I use on my own kids and give to friends when they have babies. Natural Diaper Cream-Cloth Diaper Safe! We started cloth diapering with our third child and I will never go back! Ingredients : How to Make Natural Diaper Cream
