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Kinder, Kinderseiten - Seitenstark :: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vernet 8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating “Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder. Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class. On his desk next to his computer sat crunched Red Bulls, empty Gatorade bottles, some extra pocket change and scattered pieces of paper. In the pocket of his sweat pants rested a blaring iPod with a chord that dangled near the floor, almost touching against his Adidas sandals. On his computer sat even more stray objects than his surrounding environment. Mike made a shift about every thirty seconds between all of the above. Do you know a person like this? The Science Behind Concentration In the above account, Mike’s obviously stuck in a routine that many of us may have found ourselves in, yet in the moment we feel it’s almost an impossible routine to get out of. When we constantly multitask to get things done, we’re not multitasking, we’re rapidly shifting our attention. Phase 1: Blood Rush Alert Phase 2: Find and Execute Phase 3: Disengagement

Mamagie DIY Popsicle Memory Game DIY Popsicle Memory Game This one works for me on so many levels… ! a DIY Popsicle Memory Game which LOOKS good enough to eat! I have very fond recollections as a child sitting down an and playing adhoc memory games with my family, and at school. We moved on to playing this same memory game with printed cards, which we also loved, so combine that fun with these fab DIY Popsicle Memory Game Cards from Eat Drink Chic and you are on to a winner! We are always SAVING our lolly sticks, but for this game I think you need new ones! How gorgeous do these cards look? contains affiliate links for your convenience Did you like this?

Wegerer - Webs und Material für die Volksschule How to Learn (Almost) Anything This is a guest post by Glen Allsopp of PluginID. Have you ever read an informative book, only to later remember just a few main points — if anything at all? The problem might be that you’re using one of the least efficient ways of learning available. The Cone of Learning I remember back about 7 years ago when I was taking music lessons at school, there was a poster on the wall that really grabbed my attention. To be fair, it wasn’t difficult for a random object to attract your gaze as our Scottish teacher at the time didn’t have much in the way of keeping you interested. Image Credit After doing some research, I found that the contents of that poster were based upon the work of Edgar Dale back in 1969. Today, many of you may know this as the Cone of Learning, but beware: although the cone is in fact based upon the results of Dale’s research, the percentage figures were never actually cited by Dale, and added by others after the initial investigation. Based on the research we can see that:

Badekugeln - Blubbern in der Badewanne | Spielen und Werkeln Stand: 28.12.2012 Richtig hohen Wellengang in der Badewanne kriegst du mit diesen Badekugeln sicher hin. Kaum wirft man sie ins Wasser, fängt es an zu blubbern und zu duften. Und so wird's gemacht: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tipp : Du kannst auch größere Kugeln machen und noch geheime Botschaften in die Kugelmitte einbauen – die kommen dann erst im Badewasser zum Vorschein! Viel Spaß beim Basteln & Baden wünscht Kristina Richter! Printable Easter Wreaths - Easy Peasy and Fun We’re not quite done with our Easter activities for kids yet, today we have 2 printable Easter wreaths to share with you, one cuter than the other. *this post contains affiliate links* We created two fun versions of printable Easter wreaths for you, one with a chick and one with a bunny. You can grab one of these right here on our website, while the other one found it’s home over at Red Ted Art (links to both are at the end of this tutorial). We think these will be a great Easter decoration for your home, or a nice classroom decoration if you are a teacher. Printable Easter Wreaths What you need our printable template (you can grab it at the end of this tutorial)heavier print paperprinterthreadscissorsmarkers or crayons (or anything else you fancy) Optional: hole puncher, glue How to Make Easter Wreaths Print out the templates. Color the wreaths and little chicks and bunnies in the baskets with your favorie coloring medium. Once colored cut the templates out. “Hang” it on the wreath- All done!

Teaher's Guide to Information Crap Detection Information overload, information crap,information pollution...are some of the words that are being used now to describe the tsunami of irrelevant information we are bombarded with day and night.In December 2009, Google began customizing its search results for all users, and we entered a new era of personalization. With little notice or fanfare, our online experience is changing, as the websites we visit are increasingly tailoring themselves to us.Everywhere you turn you find information that seems relevant to you but in fact is nothing but crap. This is probably why Eli Pariser recommended what he called Information Bubble. Howard Rheingold is another guy who has done a lot of writings on Information Crap. I have already reviewed his awesome book Net Smart: How to Thrive Online in an article posted last year. 2- Internet Detective This is another great resource full of lessons, tutorials on how to teach your students to be good consumers of online information. 4- Crap Test 5- Video

Cute Girls Hairstyles | 5-Minute Hairstyle Video Tutorials Four Seasons Tree Craft With Template - Easy Peasy and Fun We have a wonderful four seasons tree craft template to share with you, this one can fold nicely into a 4 seasons book or you can assemble it together to stand on it’s own. Print our template, there are more versions, and have the kids get creative with their seasons. *this post contains affiliate links* We thought a nice little four seasons tree craft would be a nice addition to exploring and learning about the seasons of the year. There are many ways the kids can decorate this project, and there certainly is no need to limit yourself to markers, crayons or pens! We will talk about ideas for decorating the seasons a bit more in the tutorial itself (we’ve got quite a few for each of the season). Ready to make your own tree? How to Make the Four Seasons Tree Craft What you need: our Four Seasons Tree Craft template (you can grab it at the end of the tutorial)printerheavier print papercoloring medium (crayons, markers, pencils…)gluescissors A Few Ideas for Four Seasons Art Before We Start Spring

8 must-reads detail how to verify information in real-time, from social media, users Over the past couple of years, I’ve been trying to collect every good piece of writing and advice about verifying social media content and other types of information that flow across networks. This form of verification involves some new tools and techniques, and requires a basic understanding of the way networks operate and how people use them. It also requires many of the so-called old school values and techniques that have been around for a while: being skeptical, asking questions, tracking down high quality sources, exercising restraint, collaborating and communicating with team members. For example, lots of people talk about how Andy Carvin does crowdsourced verification and turns his Twitter feed into a real time newswire. Some things never go out of style. At the same time, there are new tools, techniques and approaches every journalist should have in their arsenal. From the post: So, already you have three must view links about verification (1,2,3). Verification must reads 4. 5. 6.

Selbst Machen! | Gruppen Oft wird gesagt "Dafür habe ich keine Zeit" oder "Das kann ich nicht" Dabei ist es oft nicht so zeitaufwändig und auch nicht so schwierig, etwas selbst zu machen, wie oft gedacht wird. Egal, ob es sich dabei um Lebensmittel wie z.B. Brot, welches sehr einfach und schnell selbst gebacken werden kann oder ein effektiver Wärmetauscher ist, der mit ein wenig handwerklichem Geschick selbst hergestellt werden kann. Lasst uns hier die besten Tipps sammeln, wie einfach es ist, etwas selbst zu machen und damit u.A. auch Müll vermieden, weil mit Einfällen auch aus Abfall noch etwas Nützliches werden kann oder mit wenig Aufwand viel, u.A. auch Energie, Material und nicht zuletzt Geld eingespart werden kann. mehr weniger Vieles kann ganz einfach selbst hergestellt werden, nur wissen viele Menschen nicht mehr, wie? Essen zum selber machen, Rezepte und vieles mehr Selber basteln mit den unterschiedlichsten Materialien Selbermach-Ideen im Bereich Kleidung und Mode
