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Digitprop - Paper design

Digitprop - Paper design
This is the official announcement for the papercraft alphabet I just finished uploading. That was quite some work, especially with two hyperactive kids climbing all over me while I am typing. By the way, if you speak German: Hätte auch auf Deutsch funktioniert. Anyway, the alphabet is now complete – a collection of 26 papercraft templates for all letters 0f the alphabet, each representing an animal, thing, or people starting with that letter: You will find the complete list of templates here. Here is a ZIP file containing all templates as PDFs. Have fun with these – and if you do, I wouldn’t mind if you help to spread the word… Edit: I have just uploaded numbers to go with the alphabet. Related:  Paper toys/crafts

{Valentines day} pixelated popup card I‘ve been scratching my head trying to come up with a card for my hubby {AKA the non-romantic type}. I finally decided to make this pixely popup heart card! They are really minimal (which I love) and take about 20 minutes to make (that includes the card, insert and envelope). You can even make some pixely confetti to put inside the card (if you are a big kid like me!). Full instructions and printable templates below! (BTW I remember seeing something similar in a popup book years ago. How to 1. (If you have a cutting machine then see note at end of post!) Cut along the black lines and score the grey lines. 3. 5. 7. Edited to add: The lovely Kayla from saynotsweetanne has send me a .dfx file of the card which you can use if you have a cutting machine.

L’invasion recommence… Allez pour ce petit retour sur Artskills : Télécharge les papertoys, monte-les et envoie les photos présentant les papertoys assemblés ou customisés à cette adresse mail. Elles seront publiées sur le blog insect-pachworks. Papertoy en téléchargement ici ou là. Paper Ponies by Kna on deviantART

Papercraft Wall-E by Disney Envoyé par e-mail aux possesseurs de la carte VISA Disney, ce modèle « officiel » est aussi réaliste que mignon. Si vous avez apprécié le film d’animation et si vous aimez les robots, ce papertoy est fait pour trôner dans votre chambre ou sur votre bureau… Petit robot héros du film éponyme de Disney/Pixar sorti en 2008, Wall-E est extrêmement curieux, très indiscret, mais surtout très seul (les humains l’ont laissé à son sort 700 ans pour nettoyer la Terre…). « Waaaallleeee » Partager Par Toy Boy, le 26 juillet 2011 dans Cinéma, Cute, DIY, Divers, Enfants, Geek, Lifestyle, Mascottes, Papercraft, Papertoys, Ressources, Robots

Twitter Bird Have you ever wished the twitter bird could come alive… sit on your window sill and watch you as you tweet away your afternoon? lol…no? Well, how about the Twitter Birdie in 3-D perched atop your computer screen then So, no need to break out the bird seed, but you must admit, its pretty cool right? Download the PDF file here and make your own Twitter Bird toy! Related Posts No Related Post Using Gravatars in the comments - get your own and be recognized! XHTML: These are some of the tags you can use: <a href=""><b><blockquote><code><em><i><strike><strong>

DIY: Wearable words When I was looking around for tutorials on making paper beads, I found some really striking "book beads" and accessories, now collected in this post. I understand (after all the browsing) that you can make really durable "beads" easily ... very little time, skill or money required. Woohoo! Who doesn't need more jewelery? (UPDATE 6/12: See the follow up post for more wordy accessories) First, this wonderful necklace. Inexpensive, easy scrap-paper earrings? Need a little more inspiration? PAPERMAU: SpongeBob SquarePants - Gary Paper Toy - by Ddi7i4d "A very easy papercraft with an improved technique. No straight edges, much less flaps, comfortable to make. Grab a child, scissors and glue, I would love to see your results! "Um papercraft bem fácil com uma técnica melhorada. Link: Link: SpongeBob and Patrick Paper Toys - by Ddi7i4d - Bob Esponja De Papel Link: More Toons Characters Paper Models related posts: Felix the Cat - Bag Of Tricks Paper Model - by Phil Creations Adventure Time Papercraft - Finn Paper Toy - by Paper Pokes Pepetz Friends Paper Toys - by Pepetz.Com - Paper Toys Made in France Werewolf Paper Toy - by UOL - Lobisomem De Papel

Chouette The first kit of the new year is this deceivingly simple looking little owl to expand the bird-population in 3EyedBear’s universe. We all know owls are one of the wisest creatures and this one certainly will be one day too. Thing is: she’s still very young and inexperienced, but she compensates that with a passion for reading thick books while you sleep. It don’t hurt to have her posted in your bedroom since owls hunt for little scary creatures by inborn instinct. She will watch over you. Happy dreams everyone (click one of the images to download Howie) Collect them all! Edit: Thank you for all the lovely blog-title suggestions in the comment-box. Now let’s send some pictures of one of the owls and share how you are taking care of them. -Darla from delicious Bakingdom created 3 Harry Potter-themed owls here for downloading. TAGS: None

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