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Welcome to the CIWEM web site - The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management

Engineering Council - recognising professional excellence - Engineering Council Home Freelance Se denomina trabajador freelance o freelancer o consultor (o trabajador autónomo, cuentapropia o trabajador independiente) a la persona cuya actividad consiste en realizar trabajos propios de su ocupación, oficio o profesión, de forma autónoma, para terceros que requieren sus servicios para tareas determinadas, que generalmente le abonan su retribución no en función del tiempo empleado sino del resultado obtenido, sin que las dos partes contraigan obligación de continuar la relación laboral más allá del encargo realizado. Otras veces pueden firmar contratos por obra o trabajo y cobrar por tiempo, sobre todo en el mundo de las tecnologías de la información. Origen del término[editar] La etimología de la palabra deriva del término medieval inglés usado para un mercenario (free-independiente y lance-lanza), es decir, un caballero que no servía a ningún señor en concreto y cuyos servicios podían ser alquilados por cualquiera. Ventajas y desventajas[editar]

Sistema educativo USA Institution of Civil Engineers - Career prospects When deciding on the kind of job you want to do as a profession, it’s important to think about the opportunities you’ll have to be successful in your career. ICE has put together some questions you should ask about civil engineering: How much would I get paid? Civil engineers can earn anywhere between £20,000 and £80,000. Imagine that! To earn £80,000, you would have to work hard and gain a lot of experience but it is possible as a civil engineer! You salary is likely to start around £20,000 and increase as you gain more experience and become professionally qualified. back to top Can I work abroad? There are projects all over the world that need civil engineers. Projects abroad aren’t all well known. ICE can help you become a professionally qualified civil engineer with a qualification that’s highly recognised qualification around the world! Do civil engineers work on site all the time? No. Can my careers advisor help me? What are the different types of civil engineering?

Título de grado Título de grado es la titulación de educación superior que se consigue al finalizar una carrera universitaria de entre tres y seis años, dependiendo de la universidad y del país en el cual se imparte, aunque en la mayoría de los casos es de cuatro años. Equivale al bachelor's degree anglosajón. Se engloba, junto con el grado de asociado existente en algunos países, dentro de los grados académicos llamados de pregrado. A continuación de la obtención del título de grado pueden cursarse estudios de posgrado (principalmente máster, o maestría, y doctorado). Argentina[editar] También se denomina título de grado a las carreras de 4, 5 o más años de duración. Colombia[editar] En Colombia los programas académicos técnicos (2 años), tecnológicos (3 años), profesionales (4-6 años) y licenciaturas (5 años) conducen a título de grado. El título de grado se obtiene tras la culminación de los estudios (en el coloquio colombiano "terminar materias"). España[editar] Bachiller[editar] Referencias[editar]

Chemical Engineering How to Calculate your GPA (Grade Point Average) HOW TO CALCULATE YOUR GPA (GRADE POINT AVERAGE) – Semester System There are two grade point averages that are relevant to your academic standing. Your semester grade point average is the average of your grades for any one given semester of your college career. Grade point averages are computed for courses in which you earn grades A-F and U, and their plus and minus forms. Quality Points Each grade is assigned a numerical equivalent (see the Catalogue under "grade point average"). Grades of S (satisfactory) or P (pass) do not affect your grade point average, although you will receive credit for the course. To find out how many quality points you have earned for each course, multiply the number of semester hours the course bears times the numerical equivalent of the grade you received, as above = The result is called the "quality points" for that course/grade. For example, let's imagine a student who took MATH 111, 4 semester hours, and earned a B+. Semester grade point average

Grading (education Grading in education is the process of applying standardized measurements of varying levels of achievement in a course. Grades can be assigned in letters, as a range (for example 1 to 6), as a percentage of a total number correct, or as a number out of a possible total (for example out of 20 or 100). In some countries, all grades from all current classes are averaged to create a grade point average (GPA) for the marking period. The GPA is calculated by taking the number of grade points a student earned in a given period of time of middle school through high school.[1] The GPA can be used by potential employers or educational institutions to assess and compare applicants. A Cumulative Grade Point Average is a calculation of the average of all of a student's grades for all of his or her complete education career.[2][3] Most nations have individual grading systems unique to their own schools. Similarly, the IBDP classes are graded on the 7-point grading scale. University University: U.S.

Degree Programs Bachelor of Science (B.S.) The Berkeley EECS major, offered through the College of Engineering (COE), combines fundamentals of computer science and electrical engineering in one major. The EECS Department offers two undergraduate programs: Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Both of these programs are accredited through September 2015. Students working for the B.S. degree select an Option within their program. Options can be changed at any time up until graduation. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) This CS major is for students enrolled in the College of Letters & Science (L&S). The L&S Computer Science program does not admit students to the major as freshmen. The B.A. program in Computer Science is not an ABET accredited program. Undergraduate Minors Five Year Bachelor/Master's Program (B.A. This program, beginning Fall 2006, is available only to Berkeley EECS and CS L&S Undergraduates. Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) 2013-2014 Areas of Concentration:

Sistema educativo USA Associate´s Degree: Esta graduación tuvo un desarrollo relativamente reciente reflejando el gran crecimiento de títulos otorgados por estudios de una duración de dos años. Atento a que muchos estudiantes no completaban su graduación de Bachelor, nació la necesidad de otorgar un título para aquellos que, al menos, completaban dos años completos de estudios. Los más comunes son el A.A. (Associate of Arts) y el A.S. Bachelor´s Degree: Es esta una graduación altamente difundida en todo el mundo, de unos cuatro años de duración y de 120 a 125 créditos en promedio. Master´s Degree: El Master es obtenido luego del Bachelor y se considera una graduación menor al Doctor. Doctorate: Es una antigua graduación, utilizada ya en tiempos bíblicos, siendo actualmente una graduación académica de importancia. Professional Degrees: Esta graduación es prácticamente la misma en todo el mundo y se reconocen como "profesionales"; es decir, médico, abogado, contador, dentista, etc. Certificados de graduación:
