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Salem Witch Museum - Salem, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Museum - Salem, Massachusetts

Salem Witch Museum - Salem, Massachusetts In January of 1692, the daughter and niece of Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village became ill. When they failed to improve, the village doctor, William Griggs, was called in. His diagnosis of bewitchment put into motion the forces that would ultimately result in the death by hanging of nineteen men and women. To understand the events of the Salem witch trials, it is necessary to examine the times in which accusations of witchcraft occurred. In June of 1692, the special Court of Oyer (to hear) and Terminer (to decide) sat in Salem to hear the cases of witchcraft. As years passed, apologies were offered, and restitution was made to the victims' families. Education Department -

The Crucible by Arthur Miller (2) undefined Want money for doing nothing? Check this out! The Crucible (2) By Arthur Miller Drama, Tragedy Contemporary 1. Arthur Miller was born in 1915 in New York City. 2. The Crucible is told from a third person objective point of view. 3. Miller structures The Crucible into four acts. 4. The main characters in this play such as the ministers and the proctors are well developed and three dimensional. Reverend Parris - Reverend Parris is in his middle forties. he is a widower and has a daughter named Betty who is ten years old. John Proctor - John Proctor is a farmer. he is in his middle thirties. Abigail Williams - She is a very beautiful girl. Rebecca Nurse - Rebecca is an old devote lady at 72. 5. The Crucible is set against the backdrop of the mad witch hunts of the Salem witch trials in Salem, Massachusetts in the late 17th century. 6. The theme of this play was rising over adversity, and standing for truth even to death. 7. Miller’s style is very simple. 8. Passage 1: Passage 2: 10.

The Middle Colonies The nine colonies whose early history we have traced were all established by Englishmen; but we have now to notice one, destined in future to be the most populous and wealthy community of them all, which was founded and controlled for forty years by a different people -- the Dutch. The people of Holland,1 after a long and terrible war with Spain, had won religious and political independence. With the fall of the Spanish Armada the naval power of the Dutch began to rise, and by the coming of peace in 1609, the Briton alone could rival the Hollander upon the sea. The Dutch has taken possession of the Molucca Islands and had seized from Portugal the control of the Indian Ocean. Their navigators were unsurpassed in daring adventure. As early as 1597 the Dutch made voyages to the West Indies, but it was left for an Englishman in the employ of the Netherlands to make the one and only discovery in the New World by which that nation is remembered. Footnotes

The Crucible by Arthur Miller undefined Want money for doing nothing? Check this out! The CrucibleArthur Miller Introduction Arthur Miller was an American playwright who was born in 1915. Summary Act one begins with Reverend Parris praying over her daughter, Betty Parris, who lies unconscious on her bed. Plot In The Crucible all the event flow naturally from one event to the next. Characters Each character has his own distinct quality. Parris - A minister in Salem who is more worried about his own reputation than the town or the truth. Betty - Parris’ daughter. Abigail - Parris’ niece and Proctor’s mistress. Tituba - Parris’ slave from Barbados. Mrs. Ruth - Daughter of the Putnams. Mercy Lewis - Putnams’ servant. John Proctor - Main character. Elizabeth Proctor - John Proctor’s wife. Mary Warren - Proctor’s servant. Reverend Hale - Self proclaimed expert on witchcraft. Deputy Governor Dansforth - Deputy Governor of Massachusetts who believes the testimony of the girls despite evidence to the contrary.

Southern Colonies The New World had been discovered for a century, and the territory of the present United States was still a wilderness, uninhabited except by the native savage.1 It was not possible that such a condition could endure. North America presented wonderful opportunities for future development. It was bounded by two oceans, while Europe had but one; its central river valley for extent and fertility was unequaled in the world; nor could Europe match the Great Lakes, the cataract of Niagara, the Mississippi River, the Rocky Mountains, or the Grand Cañons of the Colorado and the Yellowstone. It was only through colonization that this vast and beautiful land could become truly useful to mankind, and the time was ripe for a portion of Europe to transplant itself permanently to North America. The burning question during the closing decades of the sixteenth century was, Which of the European states will succeed in becoming the mother of civilization in North America? Raleigh was still undismayed.

McCarthyism The Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was originally established in 1937 under the chairmanship of Martin Dies. The main objective of the HUAC was the investigation of un-American and subversive activities. Soon after his appointment Dies received a telegram from the Ku Klux Klan : "Every true American, and that includes every Klansman, is behind you and your committee in its effort to turn the country back to the honest, freedom-loving, God-fearing American to whom it belongs." The HUCA originally investigated both left-wing and right wing political groups. Some called for the leaders of the Ku Klux Klan to be interrogated by the HUAC. Eventually Ernest Adamson, the HUAC's chief counsel, announced that: "The committee has decided that it lacks sufficient data on which to base a probe." Martin Dies soon came under attack from those who saw the HUCA as a method of blocking progressive policies being advocated by Franklin D.

St. Augustine Exhibition - Introduction Welcome to St. Augustine... Seventy three years after Columbus sailed to America, another Spanish admiral, Pedro Menéndez de Aviles, landed in Florida and established a colony among the Timucua Indians. He named it St. Much of St. This exhibit was funded in part with historic preservation grant assistance provided by the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Florida Department of State, assisted by the Historic Preservation Advisory Council. McCarthyism U.S. anti-Communist literature of the 1950s, specifically addressing the entertainment industry During the McCarthy era, thousands of Americans were accused of being communists or communist sympathizers and became the subject of aggressive investigations and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and agencies. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees, those in the entertainment industry, educators and union activists. Suspicions were often given credence despite inconclusive or questionable evidence, and the level of threat posed by a person's real or supposed leftist associations or beliefs was often greatly exaggerated. Some conservatives regard the term as inappropriate and deprecate what they say are myths created about McCarthy.[6][7][8][9] Origins[edit] The historical period that came to be known as the McCarthy era began well before Joseph McCarthy's own involvement in it. Institutions[edit] Executive Branch[edit] J.

13 Originals The history of the original 13 colonies is a tangled tale indeed. There are many ways to view the events and, in hind sight, it is easy to think you understand. But no one knew where they were headed at the time and it could have ended up very different. A Map of the Colonies At the End of the Revolution A new Colonial Time Line Hargrett Rare Library Map Collection - Colonial America Boundaries of the Contiguous United States - Animation Other maps from the Colonial Period (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents [ Massachusetts | Rhode Island | Connecticut | New Hampshire ] [ New York | Delaware | New Jersey | Pennsylvania ] [ Virginia | Maryland | North Carolina | South Carolina | Georgia ] Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh : 1584Everybody remembers Jamestown, Capt. Based on George Weymouth's accounts of voyages to the New England area in 1606, two private companies were formed to seek a patent for colonization on the Atlantic Coast.
