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Cabala mineralis manuscript

The Alchemy web site on The mine of our mercury is our saltpetre not that of the vulgar. Our sharp bitter vitriol is not that of the vulgar Our ammoniac is not that of the vulgar The sprout of Mercury. The water of life Nine volatile parts fix one part of mercury. Homogenitas the sharp living water. Our mercury. Two to more than three parts of our mercury dissolve one part of the common moon or sun, and they become inseparably one spongeous porous body, which is called our moon or sun, not the common. The sophic calcination of the sun. The sophic putrefaction. The Germination of vegetation. The white sulphur. Volatilisation through liquid. Volatilisation through dryness. The red sulphur. Another fermenation, the Imbibition of the stone. The stone of the wise. Let the eternal God be praised and may his grace be unceasing. The Second Book Related:  figurative artSpiritual Anarchy

Time management for artists I think a lot of us, especially if we are doing this full time, have difficulties in managing our time properly. Its difficult to organize a day when there are 20 things you'd like to paint, emails to respond too, late night deadlines that screw up the next days plans, people knocking on your door thinking that because you are a self employed artist and don;t punch a "normal" clock, you don't have any proper responsibilities and can drop anything you are doing because someone needs a favour. We have commissions to handle, money to manage, shows to submit to. Some of us (me ) actually live in the studio so the line between what is work and rest gets blurred easily resulting in nothing really getting done. What are some of your tips, and what have you learned to avoid throughout your career? I am probably the last person to speak on time management. Find Earl Nightingale and study his material.

ANCIENT EGYPT : The Ten Keys of Hermes Trismegistos I, King Pepi, am THOTH, the mightiest of the gods ... Pyramid Texts, § 1237. I, said he, am POIMANDRES, the Mind of the Sovereignty. Corpus Hermeticum (CH), Libellus I (Poimandres), Book 1.2 "Do You not know that You have become a God, and son of the One, even as I have ?" CH, Libellus XIII, 14. 1 The mental origin of the world and of man. 2 Corresponding harmonics. 3 Dynamics of alternation. 4 Bi-polarity and complementarity. 5 Cyclic repolarisation. 6 Cause and effect. 7 Gender. 8 The astrology of the Ogdoad. 9 The magic of the Ennead. 10 The alchemy of the Decad. "Content is Atum, father of the gods. With this great and might word, which issued from the mouth of THOTH for Osiris, the Treasurer of Life, Seal-bearer of the gods, Anubis, who claims hearts, claims Osiris King Pepi ... Hear O THOTH, in whom is the peace of the gods ... Not the Qabalah (Jewish or Christian), but the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Tradition (or Kemetism) is the backbone of the Western Tradition. Introduction

discussing How To Cite Smarthistory We recommend that you cite content like other online sources. In the discipline of art history, we generally use Chicago or Turabian as style guidelines.If you are citing text from, include the following in your foot or endnote:1) The author’s name, for example: Dr. Joseph Dauben Please note: In many cases, no author is listed and you only need to include 2-5 below 2) The title of the page, for example: “Applications of Linear Perspective in the Renaissance”3) The name of the website, for example: Smarthistory.org4) Date accessed, for example: Accessed October 25, 20115) The URL for the object or subject page, for example: Example citation: Dr. Example citation: “Expressionism & Kirchner’s Street, Dresden” (Video),, Speakers: Dr.

Esoteric Online - Document Library UPDATE 2/24/14: The Digital E-book and MP3 Library is currently being moved to a new server using Cloud technology, and will be a much more solid platform to be able to provide some great improvements. Some of these include: Cloud Technology - This means our Library is very scalable, beiing able to support millions of books on-demand User Account based - Members will now log in using their Esoteric Online credentials Personal Storage - Members now have their own storage available to them, in addition to being able to contribute to the Library Location Mirrors - The Library is being mirrored in several locations world-wide, this will prevent any downtime associated Login Screen Archive Browse Video Theater

Some Moral Dilemmas The Trolley Problem, not in Grassian. Suggested by Philippa Foot (1920-2010), daughter of Esther, the daughter of President Grover Cleveland, but of British birth because of her father, William Sidney Bence Bosanquet. A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are five people who have been tied to the track by a mad philosopher. This is a classic "right vs. good" dilemma. The Costly Underwater Tunnel Compare: 112 men were killed during the construction of Hoover Dam on the Nevada-Arizona border (the "official" number was 98, but others had died from causes more difficult to identify -- or easier to ignore -- like by carbon monoxide poisoning): The first to die was a surveyor, J.G. with a return to a completely unfamiliar Earth, against what seems to be genuine love for Preston, with a life in what actually are rather comfortable circumstances in the spaceship.

Alchemy, a Free Online Course Alchemy is one of the oldest sciences in human history, but access to its true purpose was given only to those who were deemed worthy to receive it. Now, in these critical moments, the doors to the heart of Alchemy have been opened. This free online course is not an introduction to the history or theories of Alchemy, but is rather a exposure of the actual techniques and methodologies of the genuine science that creates the Philosophical Stone, the universal medicine, the fountain of youth, and all the powers of the Alchemist. “By the omnipotent God, and on the salvation of my soul, I here declare to you earnest seekers, in pity to your earnest searching, the whole Philosophical Work, which is only taken from one subject and perfected in one thing. “...whosoever hath this medicine, he hath an incomparable medicine above all treasures of the world. folder Download the audio lectures and references. Transcriptions:

25 Ways To Fuck With Your Characters - StumbleUpon As storyteller, you are god. And to be frank, you’re not a particularly nice god — at least, not if you want your story to resonate with readers. A good storyteller is a crass and callous deity who treats the characters under his watchful eye like a series of troubled butt-puppets. From this essential conflict — storyteller versus character — a story is born. Put differently, as a storyteller it’s your job to be a dick. It’s your job to fuck endlessly with the characters twisting beneath your thumb. And here’s 25 ways for you to do just that. 1. Gods have avatars, mortal or semi-mortal beings that exist on earth to embody the deity’s agenda. 2. The audience and the character must know the stakes on the table — “If you don’t win this poker game, your grandmother will lose her beloved pet orangutan, Orange Julius.” 3. Impossible odds are a powerful way to fuck with a character. 4. Drop the character smack dab between two diametrically opposed choices. 5. 6. This one? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Life and works of Gustav Meyrink and his esoteric side December 17, 2012BPH Erik van den Berg © De Volkskrant (translation of an article which appeared on 23 January 2009) Profile: Gustav Meyrink A heavyweight from the world of high finance is suspected of profiteering and loses his reputation overnight – it’s the talk of the town in Prague when it happens to banker Gustav Meyer in January 1902. The co founder of Bankhaus Meyer & Morgenstern is not just a well-to-do businessman, but above all a celebrated figure in society. A bitter man, he decided to turn his back on Prague and seek out a new life in Vienna. Once in Vienna he found employment almost immediately as the chief editor of the progressive periodical Der liebe Augustin, and began publishing a steady round of satirical stories with only one apparent objective: to affront as many men in high places as possible. Not surprisingly, Meyrink became the target of a nationalistic smear campaign once the war had broken out.

Story Conflict - Plot Structure This page will explain how to add complications and twists to your story conflict to create suspense and keep your reader's attention. How to Complicate Your Plot Let's say we're writing a story about a love triangle. This might be enough for a very short story, especially if the confrontation between Martha and Steve plays out in an interesting way. In a longer manuscript, we might start the story earlier in the affair and build up to the night when Martha delivers the ultimatum. How can we keep the reader interested through all of this? She could unintentionally say something that makes Steve angry. Think about adding new plot complications to your story if: Your conflict is developing in an overly predictable way Your conflict feels two-dimensional Things seem too easy for your main character You're having trouble keeping your story conflict from peaking too quickly Your story lacks suspense or tension Advertisement: Don’t overdo it Signs that you may have too many plot complications:

Raimondo Lullo - Ars generalis (Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4) God, with your supreme perfection here begins The Ultimate General Art by Blessed Raymond Lull. Foreword 1. After composing many general arts, I want to explain them more clearly with this, the Ultimate Art, so named because we do not intend to make any other art more general than this one, as we compiled this art from the other arts and added some new explicit material. Human minds are more given to opinions than to science, and as each science has principles different from those of other sciences, the human intellect requires and seeks one general science with its own general principles in which the principles of all other sciences are contained as particulars of a universal that regulates the principles of other sciences so that the intellect can repose in those sciences by really understanding them and banishing all erroneous opinions. 15.

Nautilus Cups and Unstill Life – Journal18: a journal of eighteenth-century art and culture Eugenia Zuroski Fig. 1. Nautilus cup, Delft, 1592. In A Description of the Villa… at Strawberry-hill, near Twickenham (1774), the catalogue of his famous collection, Horace Walpole lists among the contents of the Great North Bedchamber “a nautilus mounted in silver gilt, with satyrs and the arms of Paston” that once “belonged to the last earl of Yarmouth.”[1] It is striking, when one has seen the cup, that Walpole would neglect to mention a primary aspect of its design: the enormous cresting head of a toothed sea monster at the top (Fig. 1). Fig. 2. This cup presents an intriguing instance of the cultural life of curiosities. An Empty Shell Fig. 3. While the creature itself largely eluded scrutiny until the nineteenth century, its empty shells made their way into human cultural traffic. LEFT: Fig. 4. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Combined with the proliferation of grotesque motifs, the cup’s exaggerated monster pushes the bounds of its ability to serve as a stable icon of human nautical power. Save

textes_divers Bibliothèque alchimique et articles d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences sur l'alchimie frontispice de la Royale Chimie de Crollius, 1624 revu le 3 décembre 2006 Nous présentons au lecteur quelques textes alchimiques en relation avec nos recherches. Tous les textes sont annotés et commentés ; certains sont illustrés selon les originaux ; pour d'autres textes, nous avons ajouté des gravures ou des photographies qui nous paraissaient illustrer au mieux le propos. L'Entrée Ouverte au Palais Fermé du Roi [chap I à VIII, Philalèthe - en cours] Les Douze Clefs de Philosophie [attribué à Basile Valentin, apocryphe - commentaire entièrement revu et mis à jour le 13 mars 2004] Le Livre des Figures Hiéroglyphiques [attribué à Nicolas Flamel, apocryphe] précédé d'une étude sur la maison de Nicolas Flamel La Parole Délaissée ou Verbum Dimissum [Bernard Le Trévisan] Le Chemin du ciel chymique de Jacques Tol Le traité du Mercure [Nouvelle Lumière Chymique ou Douze Traités] d'Alexandre Sethon 1.

Pythagoras & Sacred Geometry Reposted from The Awakening Website Pythagoras was an Ionian Greek philosopher who lived during the time of Buddha, around 570-495 BC. He was born on the island of Samos in the North Agean Sea. Throughout his life, Pythagoras made influential contributions to philosophy and religious teaching, and is often revered as a great mathematician, mystic and scientist. But only fragments of his writings survive to give clues to all of his many philosophies, the most famous fragment being a compos-ite entitled the Golden Verses. To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. It was the standard belief in antiquity that Pythagoras undertook extensive travels for the sole purpose of accumulating knowledge and wisdom. Upon his return to the Mediterranean, Pythagoras founded Pythagoreanism, a religious movement within which education, science and religion were all perfectly unified.

Code of St. Germain You may communicate these things to no person because you would render unworthy my divine bounty and you would not have the success for which you have obtained hope.~ Triangle Book St. Germain wrote two books, the initiatory allegory, Trinosophia and the hidden treasure Triangle Book, concealed from the public to this day. Typical of the literature of its time, it was full of ciphers and secret levels of meaning. What is said of most texts of the time is moreso for The Triangle Book. St. People had good reasons for coding and keeping secrets in an era when such knowledge could get you marked or even killed. Philalethes cautions, "I have spoken about Mercury, Sulpher, the vessel, their treatment, etc., etc.; and of course, all these things are to be understood with a grain of salt. Fulcanelli writes in The Dwellings of The Philosophers: "With their confused texts, sprinkled with cabalistic expressions, the books remain the efficient and genuine cause of the gross mistake that we indicate.
