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The Official R. Crumb Website 35 Basic Tutorials to Get You Started with Photoshop - Six Revisions Adobe Photoshop is a very powerful and versatile image editing/graphics creation application that is the industry standard in its category. Though Photoshop’s interface is intuitive enough for an absolute beginner to learn basic image editing tasks such as cropping and resizing, to be able to fully master and utilize all of its tools takes a considerable amount of time. If you’re interested in honing your Photoshop skills to create spectacular compositions, this is for you. General tutorials 1. If you’ve never had any experience with Photoshop, this tutorial from SitePoint will get you up to speed with Photoshop’s basic features. 2. This tutorial outlines Photoshop CS2′s interface. 3. This wildly popular and humorous screencast on Photoshop techniques by (probably) fictional character Donnie Hoyle is an excellent Photoshop series to follow if you like laughing and learning at the same time! 4. This tutorial goes over the anatomy of Photoshop’s Toolbox. Photoshop tools and features 5. 6. 7.

Le pipotron Trois heures du matin et plus que quatre heures pour terminer ce rapport pour avant-hier dernier délai, et accessoirement prendre du repos. Heureusement, le projet est bien avancé et il ne reste pratiquement plus que l'introduction et la conclusion à parachever, seules parties de l'ouvrage sûres d'être lues. Mais voilà, l'inspiration a disparu avec les derniers rayons du soleil et ce n'est pas cette mixture verdâtre vendue pour du café qui va être d'un grand secours. Découvrer aussi : [ L'excusotron - L'insultron v1 - L'insultron v2 - La déclaration d'amour ] WWII in Color | Watch Air Traffic - LIVE! - We said cash, not ash! 5 Sources for Free and Legal Images Everyone knows that almost any blog post is better with images. However, getting them can be a difficult matter. With a maze of licensing and fair use issues making it hard to decide what is and is not legal to use, many bloggers don’t wish to use images that they have not taken themselves. But while using your own images is always the best way to go, there are several great sources to help you find and locate images that you can use as part of your blog posts. In fact, there are some very neat tools designed specifically to help you correctly license and use other people’s photography, art and more. The best part of all is that these tools are free. Photo Dropper Photo Dropper is hands down one of my favorite WordPress plugins. Photo Dropper is extremely simple to use. From there, you’ll be able to search for keywords related to your post. Photo Dropper may take some fiddling to get relevant images and you might have to tweak the HTML to get it to fit well in your posts. Zemanta GumGum with a Volcano Ashes Layer 34 Essential Tutorials To Get Started With Digital Photography | Photo Contests And Tutorials - Starting out with digital photography can be quite overwhelming if you have no idea where to start. Luckily, there’s plenty of free quality information available on the web… with the potential of making you a semi-professional photographer in a matter of weeks. We’ve compiled the best photography tips and tutorials found on the web for you. Starting with basics to make your first purchase, all the way to the inner workings of your camera. Choosing a Digital Camera The world of photography will change when most content originates in computer-readable form. How to Choose the Right Digital Camera In this tutorial section we’ll try to guide you toward a sensible camera choice that’s right for you. Tripods Tripods have been around virtually as long as cameras themselves, but the ease with which today’s cameras may be used tends to make the user overlook the advantages of some accessories. Using Tripods What Is… Aperture? What Is… Correct Exposure? What Is… Noise? Digital Camera Fundamentals

20 Websites That Made Me A Better Web Developer - Six Revisions As a web developer, if you’re to be successful, you have to have a constant yearning for learning new things. In an industry that evolves rapidly, you’ve got to keep up or you risk being obsolete and outdated. Keeping up with trends, weeding out the fads, and adopting new techniques to your web-building arsenal is an essential part of being a web developer. I spend (literally) most of the day in front of the computer and even in my spare time, I choose to read, learn, and keep up with web technology news. This leads to a massive collection of bookmarked links, but through the years, there are only a handful of websites that I frequent. I’d like to share 20 websites that have broadened my knowledge, expanded my skill set, and improved the quality and efficiency of my web development projects. 1) Alertbox: Current Issues in Web Usability Alertbox is Jakob Nielsen’s bi-weekly column that discusses web usability. 2) 3) A List Apart 4) Getting Real by 37 Signals 7) mootools

Make Your Portrait a Work of Art with Photoshop | The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource Tools, Tutorials by Bill Jones 0inShare Ok you were inspired by our last post. Portrait Enhancement Tutorials Super Fast and Easy Facial Retouching Whitening Teeth & Eyes 3 Photoshop Steps to Eyes that POP Photo-Retouching Hair (Video) Create Contrast in Your Portraits Soft Contrast Create Thicker Eyelashes Color Correction How to Turn Humdrum Photos Into Cinematic Portraits Ultimate Makeup Like Our Site? 12 Comments Chaz said:Thanks for the great collection of tutorials! Leave a Reply Topics
