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35 Splendid Examples of Forced Perspective Photography

35 Splendid Examples of Forced Perspective Photography
Fotografie von Nousheen Aquil Dieser Post beschäftigt sich mit einem interessanten und herausfordernden Ansatz in der Fotografie – nämlich der Forced Perspective – was sich in etwa mit erzwungener Perspektive übersetzen lässt. Im Wesentlichen geht es um eine optische Täuschung, die das Objekt größer oder kleiner wirken lässt, als es tatsächlich ist. Durch verschiedene Tricks und den Einsatz skalierter Objekte sowie deren Relation zum Blickwinkel des Betrachters oder zur Position der Kamera, wird der menschlichen Wahrnehmung eine andere Perspektive als die tatsächlich fotografierte vorgegaukelt. Hier geht es allerdings nicht um die Technik, sondern um die Effekte und 35 gut gemachte fotografische Beispiele der Forced Perspective. Forced Perspective Photography Candy Clouds Little Push / Empurrãozinho Ah it’s so little! Model Town It’s too big for the hole 82/365 Clearing the Waters Brincando com a perpectiva Nubes de paz/ Nuvole di pace Drink Leaning Tower of Pisa Clean up……. Evrenye Fighter :)

the right moment to photograph It isn't enough to choose the best angle from which to take a photograph, it's also essential to know how to capture a precise moment. In that, Cartier-Bresson had a point. And, even though, at times, the photographer is extremely lucky and all he has to do is press a button to capture an unrepeatable occurence, most often, the patience and the preparation to obtain a photo of a given predictable moment are due to the photographer's own personal achievement. And so, nearly surreal images are created... There are even those who dedicate themselves, with a bit of sadism, to capturing people in awkward or ridiculous situations, and not even animals escape these photographers' sharp sense of humour. These excelent photographs are from Matt Stuart.

The Impossible Action Art Of Li Wei Sep 29, 2010 / Category : Art / 0 Comments China has been enjoying a burgeoning of the performing arts in recent years. One of the most striking artists to emerge from this thriving scene is Li Wei, who has become renowned for his arresting and seemingly gravity-defying photographic work. His work is a mixture of performance art and photography that creates illusions of a sometimes dangerous reality. Li Wei states that these images are not computer montages and works with the help of props such as mirror, metal wires, scaffolding and acrobatics. (source) 51 Breathtaking Post-Apocalypse Wallpapers Humanity has an obsession with its own destruction. From countless religions, myths, legends and doomsday predictions, humanity has always been curious about what the Earth would be like without us. Based on the Earth’s past, it almost seems inevitable that natural destruction will occur at some point, and man-made methods of destruction exist as well. In this post, we’ll look at 51 breathtaking, post-apocalyptic wallpapers that show artistic representations of what Earth would look like after a cataclysmic event. Hope you like them! (Click for the largest wallpaper size available).
