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Seven Weird Habits That Will Change Your Life

Some habits will help you live a better life. They’ll help you improve what’s already working or help you fix what’s not working very well. But what about habits that completely change the game entirely? These are seven habits that won’t just improve your game, or help you “level up.” Regularly engage in time travel. These are just a few habits I’ve found that have made a huge difference for me. So now my question for you is this: What habit has made the biggest difference for you? photo courtesy of platinum Share: Get everything you need to finally leave your job for good. The first few weeks of the Job Escape Kit has already produced some outcomes I’d never thought I’d see in my whole career.” ~ Nick Burk Related:  Mental Health

6 Things You Can Do When You Lack Discipline Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter. One of the biggest problems people face is the lack of discipline — they have goals or habits they want to achieve, but lack that discipline needed to stick with it. Then we beat ourselves up about it. We feel crappy because we can’t stick with it. And that leads to more failure, because we’re forming a mindset that we don’t have the necessary discipline. Here’s what to do when you face a situation like this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. —If you liked this article, please share it on, StumbleUpon or Digg.

Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. Health Shake a leg. Balance Sleep on it. Perspective and Focus Change your focus, part 2. Recall Techniques Listen to music. Visual Aids Every picture tells a story. Verbal and Auditory Techniques Stimulate ideas. Kinesthetic Techniques Write, don’t type. Self-Motivation Techniques Give yourself credit. Supplemental Techniques Read as much as you can. For Teachers, Tutors, and Parents Be engaging. For Students and Self-Studiers Be engaged. Parting Advice Persist. Sources For This Article This is only a partial list of sources, focusing only on Web sites. Did you enjoy this article?

Mark Twain's Advice for a Kick-Ass Life “It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” “Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” “When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old.” You may know Mark Twain for some of his very popular books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Twain is known for his many – and often funny – quotes. 1. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” If you don’t approve of yourself, of your behaviour and actions then you’ll probably walk around most of the day with a sort of uncomfortable feeling. This can, in a related way, be a big obstacle in personal growth. What you may be bumping into there are success barriers. Or if you make some headway in the direction you want to go you may start to sabotage for yourself. So you need give yourself approval and allow yourself to be who you want to be. 2. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. 3. 4.

Procrastination Is your procrastination hindering you? Ten things you should know. There are many ways to avoid success in life, but the most sure-fire just might be procrastination . Procrastinators sabotage themselves. They put obstacles in their own path. They actually choose paths that hurt their performance. Why would people do that? Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators. It's not trivial, although as a culture we don't take it seriously as a problem. Procrastination is not a problem of time management or of planning. Procrastinators are made not born. Procrastination predicts higher levels of consumption of alcohol among those people who drink. Procrastinators tell lies to themselves. Procrastinators actively look for distractions, particularly ones that don't take a lot of commitment on their part. There's more than one flavor of procrastination. arousal types, or thrill-seekers, who wait to the last minute for the euphoric rush.

Authentic and Eudaimonic 8 Acts Of Authenticity "It's the best way to figure out what it feels like to be in someone else's head—and that's what helps us to distinguish our own identity . "Meditative absorption creates moments of happiness not contingent on outcomes or external factors or manipulation of the environment . "Authenticity consists in being aware that you have choices and consciously choosing what you do "People often make better decisions when they don't think about them. "Quiet and time for the self are a big plus. "Community is an outlook toward life in which you define yourself in relation to the world around you, rather than only in connection with yourself. "Whether it's taking an art class, playing basketball, running, or just hanging out with friends, doing something you really enjoy allows you to express who you really are "Feelings of inauthenticity are heightened by a lack of a philosophy that allows failure to be part of life. The New, True, Eudaimonic You

What is walking meditation? Bodhipaksa Walking meditation is a form of meditation in action. In walking meditation we use the experience of walking as our focus. We become mindful of our experience while walking, and try to keep our awareness involved with the experience of walking. Actually, there are several different kinds of walking meditation. We’ll just be looking at one of them in detail, although we’ll touch on the others. Obviously, there are some differences between walking meditation and sitting meditation. We have to be aware of things outside of ourselves (objects we might trip over, other people that we might walk into) and there are many other things outside of ourselves that we will be more aware of than when we are doing sitting – especially if we sit inside. But one of the biggest differences is that it’s easier, for most people, to be more intensely and more easily aware of their bodies while doing walking meditation, compared to sitting forms of practice. Comments

50 Ways To Be AWESOME by Meg RulliFebruary 18, 2013 Sharebar Tony and I just completed our trip around the world and as we are reconnecting with friends and family from home, I keep getting asked the same question: “Did travel change you?” In short: Nope! I am still the whacky girl that left on a jet plane last January to explore the world with my equally whacky husband. But one thing did change… Traveling made me a happier person and made me appreciate life and love so much more. And it’s never too late to put yourself first and live life on your terms. Make yourself a priority in life Set both big and small goals for yourselfActually stick to your goals! Your turn: What awesome tips would you add to this list?

The 26 Best Self-Improvement Posts Ever Need a place to find the best self-improvement blog posts ever? One big list of inspiring geniuses? Well, here it is… my list of the best self-improvement posts ever: 1. – How to be Creative – Originally published in 2004 by Hugh Macleod at the Gaping Void. If you haven’t read it, you’re missing some of the best advice ever given freely over the internet. If you have read it, read it again… 2. – How to Make Money From Your Blog – If I had a dollar for every person who started blogging after reading this post… well… I could quit my job. 3. – Zen To Done (ZTD): The Ultimate Simple Productivity System – This is a post you can put to use to improve you life immediately. 4. – How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour (Plus: A Favor) – Tim Ferris describes in detail how you can learn the basics of new language quickly through a method he calls deconstruction. 7. – Do You Have Weirdo Syndrome? 9. – 279 Days to Overnight Success – This isn’t a blog post.

Reversing Regrets All of us have regrets at some time. It may be spending too much time in a problematic relationship, buying something you realize is not what you thought it would be, wearing a tie that clashes with your jacket, or eating too much dessert. For me, it was buying Lehman Brothers stock before the company crashed. We all find ourselves at times caught in an endless loop of negative self-recrimination -- "I could have, should have, would have." Sometimes the negative voice lasts a few minutes, sometimes a few days, and sometimes years. Are you stuck in your regrets? We would have to be immune to learning from experience to say that we never regret something we have done. How can we move beyond the moment of regret so that we don't get stuck? Is there any advantage to continuing your regret? Keep in mind that good decision making is acknowledging a mistake, learning from it, and making life better in the future. For more by Robert Leahy, Ph.D., click here. For more on mindfulness, click here.

100+ Nutrition Facts About 25 Well-Known Foods Email this article to a friend Dr. Mercola's Nutrition Plan Some foods naturally contain disease-fighting, health promoting properties, while others contain elements that may hinder your health goals. Asparagus Asparagus is high in glutathione, an important anticarcinogen It also contains rutin, which protects small blood vessels from rupturing and may protect against radiation Asparagus is a good source of vitamins A, C and E, B-complex vitamins, potassium and zinc Back to top Avocado Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, which is easily burned for energy. Bananas You don’t need to eat bananas for the potassium! Back to top Beet Greens/Root Beet greens contain notable amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus They also contain vitamins A, B-complex and C Beet roots are high in carbohydrate levels and should therefore be used sparingly Broccoli Celery Celery is the best vegetable source of naturally occurring sodium. Cilantro Chicory Chinese Cabbage Dandelion Greens Fennel Green Beans Kale

60 Selected Best Famous Quotes In this posting you will find my selection of the very best 60 quotes, from nearly a decade of collecting them. They range from the profound to the intriguing to the just plain funny. One way or the other, you’ll surely find many of them to be thought-provoking and entertaining. This selection is, of course, based solely on my personal taste (and even that varies largely from day to day according to my mood). Wisdom Quotes 1. —David Allen 2. —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 3. —Unknown Author 4. —Wayne Gretzky 5. —Ambrose Redmoon 6. —Gandhi 7. —Lin-Chi 8. —A. 9. —Abraham Maslow 10. —Aristotle 11. —Baltasar Gracian 12. —Basho 13. —Lao-Tze 14. —Georg Christoph Lichtenberg 15. —John Ruskin 16. —Marcel Proust 17. 18. —Virgil Garnett Thomson 19. —Will Rogers 20. —Zig Ziglar Funny Quotes 21. —John Wilmot 22. —Oscar Levant 23. —Oscar Wilde 24. —New York City detective 25. —Norm Crosby 26. —Kurt Vonnegut 27. —Carl Sagan 28. —Jean Rostand 29. —Lily Tomlin 30. —Richard Lewis 31. —Robert Wilensky 32. —Scott Adams 33. —Anon 34. 35. 36.

List of 100 The List of 100 is a powerful technique you can use to generate ideas, clarify your thoughts, uncover hidden problems or get solutions to any specific questions you’re interested in. The technique is very simple in principle: state your issue or question in the top of a blank sheet of paper and come up with a list of one hundred answers or solutions about it. “100 Ways to Generate Income”, “100 Ways to be More Creative” or “100 Ways to Improve my Relationships” are some examples. “One hundred entries? Isn’t that way too many?” Bear with me: it’s exactly this exaggeration that makes the technique powerful. When starting your list you may believe that there’s no way to get it done. Unlike the related Idea Quota tool — whose primary goal is to acquire the habit of coming up with ideas — the goal of a List of 100 is to take your mind by surprise. Ground Rules There are only two simple principles to keep in mind when making Lists of 100: 1. 2. The Dynamics of Making Lists of 100 1. 2. 3.

If You're Too Busy to Meditate, Read This This morning, like every morning, I sat cross-legged on a cushion on the floor, rested my hands on my knees, closed my eyes, and did nothing but breathe for 20 minutes. People say the hardest part about meditating is finding the time to meditate. This makes sense: who these days has time to do nothing? It’s hard to justify. Meditation brings many benefits: It refreshes us, helps us settle into what’s happening now, makes us wiser and gentler, helps us cope in a world that overloads us with information and communication, and more. How? Research shows that an ability to resist urges will improve your relationships, increase your dependability, and raise your performance. Our ability to resist an impulse determines our success in learning a new behavior or changing an old habit. As it turns out, that’s one of the things meditation teaches us. When I sat down to meditate this morning, relaxing a little more with each out-breath, I was successful in letting all my concerns drift away.
