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MyDrive - wangcong Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire Online Invoicing and Timesheet Tracking | invotrak Ramenos : référencement naturel, outils de recherche et web 2.0 LittleEngine | LittleEngine is a directory for Small Businesses who want to publicize, network and communicate with their local communities...Join Today! Online Mind Mapping - MindMeister

Home - OfficeArrow Generate Your Own Fonts Online Complete Template Use a suitable pen (e.g. a black permanent marker of fine or medium thickness) to draw the characters the way that you normally write. Make sure you draw your characters into the designated cells. Only characters that are written down on the template are added to the font, so if you only need a few characters, then only write those down. All cells (except the signature cell) contain horizontal guidelines (actually four little marks on both left and right side of each cell) that should help you write the characters in the right dimensions, and in the best possible position in each cell. The image below illustrates how to get the best results (first row) and what you should avoid (second row).

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