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colwiz - Research Management, Collaboration and Productivity in one place 4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code In a recent PC Pro article, Professor Steven Furber, developer of the ARM microprocessor, laments the sharp decline in interest in computer science classes in the UK. And although the U.S. hasn't seen that same drop in enrollment, a recent survey of some 14,000 U.S. high school teachers by the Computer Science Teachers Association found that only 65% of respondents taught in a school that offered some sort of introductory computer science course. As our world becomes more tech-oriented, educators are faced with not just teaching children how to use computers, but how to build and program them as well. ReadWriteWeb's Back to School Coverage: "We need to get students interested in computer science and that has to be done at an early age before they decide (incorrectly) that they can't do computer science or that it is dull and boring," says Alfred Thompson, Microsoft's K-12 Computer Science Academic Relations Manager. 1. 2. In July, Google announced the launch of the Android App Inventor.

Beautiful web-based timeline software Open Facebook Search - Search Facebook without logging in EDITIONS ERES - Institution et changement Voir le sommaire Cet ouvrage a été conçu dans un rapport étroit entre le travail clinique sur le terrain et l'élaboration de concepts utiles à l'analyse, en dialogue avec différentes théories de la psychanalyse et des sciences humaines portant sur l'institution et le changement. Traiter de l'évolution des structures, de changements individuels et collectifs, concerne le vécu des personnes dans des équipes, des services, des établissements dont elles font partie, mais qui font aussi partie d'elles-mêmes. L'approche que proposent les auteurs est centrée sur les processus psychiques, sur les difficultés, les conflits, les souffrances éprouvées dans le cadre professionnel. Jean Claude Rouchy, psychanalyste, analyste didacticien de groupe, rédacteur en chef de la Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe (érès) et de Connexions (érès). Monique Soula Desroche, analyste didacticienne de groupe et d'institutions, psychanalyste, chargée de cours à l'Institut de psychologie de Paris V.

ABC Network Le projet ABC Network, A pour Art, B pour Business, C pour Creativity Concevoir et expérimenter une méthodologie fiable, stable, mesurable et opérationnelle à l’intérieur des entreprises, faisant de la créativité artistique un moteur de dynamisme et de croissance économique. Elle est basée sur l’utilisation des arts et du processus de créativité artistique au sein du programme de formation professionnelle continue. Spécialement adaptée aux dirigeants et aux managers, elle permet de stimuler leur créativité, de faire de leur environnement un espace fertile pour l’innovation et d’anticiper les besoins de demain. - Apporter des solutions concrètes aux problèmes de créativité rencontrés dans les entreprises européennes. - Aider les personnes en entreprise à sélectionner des prestataires compétents pour la formation et à créer de la transparence dans un marché qui n’y est pas habitué. - Lier davantage la créativité à l’innovation.

Maqetta – Open Source & Web-Based WYSIWYG Editor For Creating HTML5 Interfaces Maqetta is a web-based WYSIWYG application which focuses on easing the process of creating HTML5 web pages. The project is open source, does not require any plugins to run and can be used as a hosted service or by installing locally. Its interface works with drag 'n' drops, there is support for desktop-like functions like undo/redo, preview in browser, save/save as and much more. This version of Maqetta has the best support for Dojo library and enables you to insert the widgets/controls (like buttons, accordion menus, calendar, etc.) of the library instantly. The application makes getting feedback for the pages developed easier with the ability to create multiple reviews (for ex: for each version). Maqetta has much more integrated features like the ability to create wireframes with the help of a sketch theme, mobile authoring tools and more.

15+ Amazing Project Management and Collaboration Tools Project management and collaboration skills play a major role in every business and often the outcome of a project is highly affected by the initial planning and monitoring stages. Project management is especially important for small and flexible businesses where all the work is based on a few people who have to communicate and develop the workflow. Globalization has made collaboration even more essential since many modern businesses like web design agencies don’t even have a constant address – people all around the world are working from their homes. Web-based online project management tools are the top choice of hundreds of entrepreneurs and thousands of small and medium size businesses. Continue reading if you’re looking for your first project management app or if you’re just seeking to check out alternatives. Also, a trial period is available with most of them so you’ll have the chance to examine and check out if it’s the right choice. Best Choice: ASANA 1. Features: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

