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Rastafari movement

Rastafari movement
The Rastafari movement is an Abrahamic religion which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as King of Ethiopia in 1930. Its adherents worship Haile Selassie I, emperor of Ethiopia (ruled 1930–1974), some as Jesus in his Second Advent, or as God the Father.[1] Members of the Rastafari way of life are known as Rastas, or the Rastafari. The way of life is sometimes referred to as "Rastafarianism", but this term is considered offensive by most Rastafari, who, being critical of "isms" (which they see as a typical part of "Babylon culture"), dislike being labelled as an "ism" themselves.[2] The name Rastafari is taken from Ras Tafari, the title (Ras) and first name (Tafari Makonnen) of Haile Selassie I before his coronation. World-views and doctrines[edit] Jah[edit] Rastafari are monotheists, worshiping a singular God whom they call Jah. The Trinity[edit] Haile Selassie I[edit] Haile Selassie I (1892–1975) was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974.

Bob Marley: Biography from Answers Singer, songwriter, guitarist In his brief life, Bob Marley rose from poverty and obscurity to international stardom, becoming the first Third World artist to be acclaimed to that degree. It was largely through him that the world became familiar with reggae music and Rastafarianism, the religion embraced by much of Jamaica’s black underclass. Robert Nesta Marley was born to Cedella Malcolm Marley when she was barely nineteen years old. When Bob was about five years old, Cedella received a letter from her estranged husband asking that his son be sent to Kingston in order to attend school. Jamaican society held few opportunities for blacks. true—he’d released his first single, "Judge Not." Their early success was based on popular dance hits in the "ska" music style, but as time passed, they added social commentary to their lyrics, and were instrumental in transforming the light, quick ska beat into the slower, bass-heavy reggae sound.

Caribbean Religion: Rastafarianism | Although the Caribbean has been, since the earliest days of European conquest, nominally Christian, the black power movements of the early 1900s helped launch a completely different kind of religion. Based on Christianity and the King James Bible, Rastafarian beliefs also include the worship of Ras (meaning Prince) Tafari of Ethiopia. This movement began in Jamaica, though it has since spread throughout the Caribbean, in fact, practitioners can be found around the globe. It began in 1932 when Ras Tafari became Emperor of Ethiopia. Crowned Haile Selassie, the religious movement begun by Marcus Garvey still bears his princely name. Selassie, however, was not just any man. Although most beliefs are considered Christian, the Rastafarian movement associates Africa with heaven. Political Leanings The Rastafarian movement in Jamaica, like most movements on the island, became linked with politics. However, "yard" Rastas were the more radical sect. Acts of Faith Cultural Expressions

Changing Oceans: Viewing Coral Reefs Through a Cultural Lens - S In the late 1980s, things were not going well for the coral reefs at Jamaica's Montego Bay Marine Park. Overfishing had taken out a lot of the fish that eat algae, and algae were taking over the reef. "It was a classic case of ecosystem decline," human geographer Joshua Cinner says. He arrived in Jamaica in 1996 as a Peace Corps volunteer after graduating from the University of Colorado, Boulder, with a double major in environmental conservation and geography. He was particularly interested in parks and preserves. He'd landed in the middle of a war. Special Issue: Changing Oceans This article coincides with a special issue of Science devoted to the topic of changing oceans. The conflict got Cinner thinking about how conservation really works. Now a senior research fellow at James Cook University (JCU) in Townsville, Australia, Cinner studies how coral reefs and people interact in a vast swath of the Southern Hemisphere. Managing fishing and fish (Courtesy, Joshua Cinner) Adapting to change

City structure of Kingston, Jamaica City structure Previous rivals Generally, Kingston is comprised of a port, which historically fostered trade and naval wars in the 18th century. Today import, export and transshipment are lucrative businesses. In 1755, after it was obvious that Kingston far out distanced in commerce and fashion over Spanish Town, The governor passed an act transferring the government offices to Kingston. City layout The number of earthquakes in Kingston accounts for the lack of historic buildings and for Jamaica’s strict building codes in the early 20th century. The original structure of Kingston comprised only of North, West and East Street, and the sea. In the 1960s, city expansion was focused on the development of New Kingston. In response to the concern of the deterioration in the down town areas, the government created the Kingston Waterfront Development Company, to rehabilitate 95 acres along the waterfront. On the port, there is an industrial section, home to firms such as J. Recent projects

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