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Institute for Responsible Technology -

Say No To GMOs! Print A Solar Noon Calendar for every day in the year for your exact location Objectifs Qu'est-ce qu'un OGM ? Vidéos Bibliographie Liens économique politique philosophique alimentaire environnement agricole juridique Agenda Brevets sur le vivant Pas d'OGM dans ma commune Communiqués de presse Tracts Articles Compte-rendus de conférences Culinaire Poétique Artistique Humoristique Erotique Objectifs Statuts Bilans Compte-rendus d'AG nous contacter Vous n'avez pas activé les javascripts (menu Preference/Avance). Objectifs (version anglaise disponible) L'association OGM dangers a pour objectif de lutter contre les Organismes Génétiquement Modifiés (OGM) notamment dans l'agriculture et l'alimentation, hors de toute attache politique ou confessionnelle. philosophique : La transgénèse propage une perception mécaniste du vivant, comme d'un jeu de construction. >> entrée du répertoire Qui sommes-nous ? > page d'accueil du site OGM dangers > la page de notre moteur de recherches

BE EDUCATED AND BE SAFE.Be wise and make a decison to stop consumptionof GM Contamination Register Existing Coal Map - Beyond Coal Coal plants are one of the largest sources of man-made mercury pollution in the U.S. Every year 300,000 infants are born at risk for developmental defects because of their mother's exposure to toxic mercury pollution. This toxic pollution causes serious health problems, including brain damage. Almost 2/3 of coal-fired plants lack the needed modern pollution controls to keep toxic air pollution, like mercury, acid gases and arsenic, out of our air and water. Check out the map above to find out if there is a polluting coal plant near you and find out how you can help phase out this old, dirty way of generating power and transition to the cleaner, healthier, energy technologies that will power tomorrow's economy. Carbon dioxide is a leading cause of global warming. Coal plants are the largest source of sulfur dioxide pollution. NOx: Nitrogen oxides are a main component of smog. Mercury (lbs): Coal plants are one of the largest sources of man-made mercury pollution in the U.S. HC1 and H2SO4:

Pétition pour une protection de l’apiculture et des consommateurs face au lobby des OGM They did it why can't we? Failure to Yield For years the biotechnology industry has trumpeted that it will feed the world, promising that its genetically engineered crops will produce higher yields. That promise has proven to be empty, according to Failure to Yield, a report by UCS expert Doug Gurian-Sherman released in March 2009. Despite 20 years of research and 13 years of commercialization, genetic engineering has failed to significantly increase U.S. crop yields. Failure to Yield is the first report to closely evaluate the overall effect genetic engineering has had on crop yields in relation to other agricultural technologies. The UCS report comes at a time when food price spikes and localized shortages worldwide have prompted calls to boost agricultural productivity, or yield -- the amount of a crop produced per unit of land over a specified amount of time. Herbicide-tolerant soybeans, herbicide-tolerant corn, and Bt corn have failed to increase intrinsic yields, the report found. The report recommends that the U.S.

Environmental News Network -- Know Your Environment [Réseau Cohérence : pour un développement durable et solidaire] - Sommaire
