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The Death Of SEO: The Rise Of Social, PR, And Real Content

The Relationship Between SEO and Inbound Marketing I attended Distilled LinkLove this year, and toward the end of the day, Will Critchlow announced that it would actually be the last LinkLove – not because links are dead, but because the things we do should be worth more than a link. Increasingly, he added, LinkLove is more like “Content and Social Love’ because that’s what we’re doing. SEO is now part of the growing online marketing ecosystem of “inbound marketing.” However, there are very few companies who have one person per bullet point. Image credit: “To Do List by steakpinball, on Flickr” Who Does Inbound Marketing? Different teams are going to have different solutions for who does what when it comes to inbound marketing. So where does SEO fit in to all of this? Image credit: “Thank you for being a friend by lululemon athletica, on Flickr” What happens when a company has a lot of employees with SEO knowledge, but no SEO? The result? The SEO as Inbound Marketer Image link: “Buck Stops Here by akasped, on Flickr”

6 Tools to Find Online Influencers in Your Vertical When it comes to expanding the reach of your business, brand, or website, one of your goals should be finding influencers in your industry. Even just a tweet from a well-known name in your industry could be the difference between getting one hundred visits to your website in a day vs. one thousand. The best… When it comes to expanding the reach of your business, brand, or website, one of your goals should be finding influencers in your industry. Even just a tweet from a well-known name in your industry could be the difference between getting one hundred visits to your website in a day vs. one thousand. The best part is, you can get results without even asking for help. The key to this is finding influencers in the right verticals so that any mentions you get from them will reach your target audience. FollowerWonk Followerwonk is one of our favorite tools for finding Twitter users with a specific keyword in their bio. Twitter Elite Twellow Klout Topics So how do you find topic pages?

The 10 Greatest Books of All Time Let's not mince words: literary lists are basically an obscenity. Literature is the realm of the ineffable and the unquantifiable; lists are the realm of menus and laundry and rotisserie baseball. There's something unseemly and promiscuous about all those letters and numbers jumbled together. Take it from me, a critic who has committed this particular sin many times over. But what if—just for argument's sake—you got insanely rigorous about it. Yes, it would probably still be an obscenity. Each individual top 10 list is like its own steeplechase through the international canon. There's plenty of canon fodder on the lists. There are several lifetimes' worth of promising literary leads here—544 books in all. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Hamlet by William Shakespeare The Great Gatsby F.

Is Social Media the New SEO? “SEO is Dead” – was the the trending topic in one of my LinkedIn groups last month. This discussion was in response to a Forbes article, “The Death Of SEO: The Rise of Social, PR, And Real Content.” The author, Ken Krogue, makes the case for social media being the new seo: “Google used to think if you linked to someone on the Internet they must have valuable content. Now Google seems to believe that if you promote content with social media it is more indicative of relevant content and less likely to be faked. Does this argument hold true? To understand the rising importance of social media on search, let’s backtrack to two interesting developments to Search: The launch of Social Search (Content that is shared within your social networks is given priority) and The general inclusion of social signals in rankings (The amount of likes, shares, reddits etc. that an article receives has a direct impact on its rankings). According to this video, we know that: Here is the video:

How Social Media is Changing the SEO Industry It is painfully cliché to talk about “the rise of social” and “the power of social media.” That happened a long time ago. Now it’s settled, and we can make some real progress. The power of social lives on beyond its ubiquity, and wields a transformative impact on SEO. Please understand that I’m not going to propagate any myths about how to increase your rankings via social media. The argument over the correlation of social likes and search rankings is moot. First, social likes are important. Bloggers and pundits love to discuss the search ranking value of an active social presence. There’s little value in debating such claims. Social Factors That Impact SEO Keep in mind that SEO is alive and well. 1. By default, Google returns results that are most relevant to you personally, assuming you are logged in to a Google account. The icon circled in red indicates that your SERP is “currently showing personal results.” See the circled icon? Personalized results have a huge impact for real life.

How I Became a Best-Selling Author This summer, Darcie Chan's debut novel became an unexpected hit. It has sold more than 400,000 copies and landed on the best-seller lists alongside brand-name authors like Michael Connelly, James Patterson and Kathryn Stockett. It's been a success by any measure, save one. Ms. Five years ago, Ms. [More from Readers Guide to Big Sellers] "Nobody was willing to take a chance," says Ms. This past May, Ms. The story of how Ms. Self-publishing has long been derided as a last resort for authors who lack the talent or savvy to hack it in the publishing business. [More from Why Book Critics Matter] A handful of self-published authors have achieved blockbuster status, selling more than a million copies of their books on the Kindle. Self-published titles have been buoyed by an explosion in digital book sales. The march of self-published authors has put publishers and literary agents on guard. Digital self-publishing still has serious drawbacks. J.A. Ms. Five years passed. Ms. Ms.

SEO and Social Media - A Winning Combination - Gadzoog Google+ Adds Content Recommendations For Mobile Websites Website owners with a Google+ page will soon be able to add content recommendations to the user experience on their mobile websites. Google just announced the new feature today, which blends both Google+ activity (such as +1s and shares) and search authorship to determine the best related content to show to users as they browse mobile website content. Readers will see recommendations whether they’re signed in to a Google account or not. If they are signed in, though, they’ll see more personalized recommendations that involve content that was +1′s or shared by their people in their Google+ circles. The feature works for iOS and Android, for the Android browser, Chrome and Safari. There’s a video on that Google blog post that shows best how it works, but that video is inexplicably not on YouTube and doesn’t appear to be easily embeddable. You can see it in action now by reading any article on your mobile device; and here’s a screenshot showing the recommendation in action:

One Race, Every Medalist Ever - Interactive Graphic Sources: "The Complete Book of the Olympics" by David Wallechinsky and Jaime Loucky, International Olympic Committee; Amateur Athletic Assocation; Photographs: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times, Getty Images, International Olympic Committee By KEVIN QUEALY and GRAHAM ROBERTS Usain Bolt vs. 116 years of Olympic sprinters Based on the athletes’ average speeds, if every Olympic medalist raced each other, Usain Bolt (the London version) would win, with a wide distribution of Olympians behind him. Usain Bolt2012 Meters behind 2012 Bolt Medals by country This chart includes medals for the United States and Australia in the "Intermediary" Games of 1906, which the I.O.C. does not formally recognize. Notable winners of the 100-meter sprint Archie Hahn United States The “Milwaukee Meteor” also won the 50-meter dash and the 200-meter dash in 1904. Jesse Owens Also set the world record in the 4x100 relay and Olympic records in the long jump and 200-meter dash. Jim Hines Carl Lewis

Social Media Shares And SEO This article explains the importance of having a natural looking link profile including a reasonable amount of links from social media. It's not a good idea to say that this is the way to rank a page on Google, or that it isn't, because as soon as you figure something out with SEO, it changes. Social media shares are more important for SEO than they ever have been before, especially since the recent changes to the algorithms in Google. Having said that, by the time I write this, it might be that Google realizes that they went too far, and changed the algorithms too quickly, and that they need to change them back so that all of the billions of pages made in the preceding years are not unfairly ranked. SEO started out being about back links from pages with a certain amount of page rank. This was soon exploited by sites who made back links by the millions through spam methods to millions of sites set up for the sole purpose of making spam back links. What Does Work In SEO These Days?

Is Social Media Taking Over SEO? Last week, UK newspaper The Guardian was the latest to join the ‘SEO is dead’ debate in a scathing article which described SEO as “a flawed concept” which is now dying. However, this is something that we seem to have heard for many years now, the idea that SEO is dead or dying is almost as old as the discipline itself. The Guardian asserts that these days, businesses would do better to consider social media optimization, rather than SEO. The article insists that focusing on customer-centric interaction will always mean a company fares better than being found on Google. The Guardian claim that: “a recent Forrester report on how consumers found websites in 2012 shows that social media is catching up with search, accounting for 32% of discoveries“. According to Martin Macdonald, who wrote a response to the article ‘SEO is not dead, it just got a sibling’, this statement is “taken out of context and highly misleading.” Social or SEO? It still doesn’t mean that SEO is dead though.
