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Démo Le Flash Player 10.1 propose une API pour gérer les événements multi-touch. Les écrans multi-touch sur mobiles, PCs ou bornes, vont créer de nouveaux usages et codes de navigation. Je me suis intéressé à deux projets qui sont réalisés en Flash, et en "Simple Touch". Lorsque l’on ne dispose que d’un doigt, il faut aussi savoir innover pour proposer une expérience efficace. C’est ce qu’a réussi SQLi en remportant le concours organisé par la SNCF pour repenser la borne de billeterie. Autre expérience disruptive, la version électronique du magazine WIRED. Like this: J'aime chargement…

Conférence de Dali à Polytechnique, vidéo Conférence - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? Facebook Headquarters by Studio O+A San Francisco based interior design firm Studio O+A have designed the new offices for Facebook in Palo Alto, California. Full description after the photos…. Facebook Headquarters by Studio O+A Employees of Facebook recently moved to a new headquarters that facilitates interaction and connection, reflecting the company’s mission as a social networking website provider. Formerly a laboratory facility for high-tech manufacturer Agilent Technologies, the 150,000-square-foot structure at Palo Alto’s Stanford Research Park brings together more than 700 employees originally scattered throughout 10 locations in and around downtown Palo Alto. The design of the space relied heavily on input from the users, appropriate for a flatly structured company that weights every employee’s opinion equally. Because the new facility houses employees coming from various locations, the company wanted to maintain each division’s distinct identity. Visit the Studio O+A website – here.

Et la Palme d’Or du nanar est attribuée à… | Tracks | Culture #Psychovinyle #Trackshare #Replay 360 Degree Aerial Panorama | 3D Virtual Tours Around the World | Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth | Soul Type Quiz from "The Instruction: Live the Life Your Soul Intended " by Ainslie MacLeod (Publisher: Sounds True) Caregiver The quintessential characteristic of a Caregiver type is the desire to take care of others. For this reason, Caregivers may be drawn to the long-term care of children or the elderly. If you recognize yourself as a Caregiver, you may already have noticed the tendency to put others’ needs ahead of your own. You are loyal to the extreme, and you guard those who are entrusted to your care with your life. Your empathy allows you to understand nonverbal emotional signals. Click here to learn more about your soul type and how it influences your soul’s age, mission, talents, and challenges, and to purchase Ainslie MacLeod’s book, The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended. Creator As the name suggests, Creators are drawn to creativity of all sorts. Without a creative outlet, Creators can become miserable, which is why, if this is your type, you will be drawn to express yourself creatively in anything you do. Educator Educators are drawn to teaching. Helper Hunter Leader Performer

Virtual tours - ::. :: photos panoramiques .::      

Laissez ce pauvre chien tranquile... by francois May 27

j'arrivais pas à nettoyer mes écrans de l'intérieur ! C'est chose faite ! by uglycharly May 27

Le mien est maintenant nickel... by bil May 19

d'ailleurs, le mien étant un peu sale... by chloe May 19

Qu'est ce qu'il y a de dégueu dans le fait de nettoyer un écran à grand coup de langue? by bil May 19

hoo, c'est... un peu dégeulasse nan ? by chloe May 19

d'où l'intitulé de ce pearltree by maite May 19
