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Timeline yourself

Laying Out Your Online Experience What do you think most people want when they turn to these social technologies? If we throw away the terms for a moment, here’s what I think they want: A Sign We need a way for people to find us. Having a blog and/or other web presence touchpoints (or outposts) is a good start. It’s an easy way for people to find you. A Friendly Place If your online presence is friendly, like a really clean and well-designed site, or if it has a place for you to relax and get acquainted, won’t that help the process of getting to know you? Networking Connections Building an online presence also gives you the chance to connect with people. Connecting is part of the whole social experience. A Storefront This is optional, but if one goal of your blog and your online presence is to sell something (even if that’s just YOU), make that clear. A People-Centric Mindset Good happy people (like Jim and Adrienne in the picture above) should really be the ultimate goal of your online experience. That All Said…

Editor e gravador de áudio livre How To Lifestream From Your iPhone Recently, we took a look at the growing trend involving lifestreaming and how more people are choosing to go this route instead of establishing a more traditional blog. But outside of certain celebrity lifestreamers like Julia Allison, the streams belonging to "regular folks" may serve more as a personal collection of content for your own reference instead of a site that's meant to draw traffic or readers. There's nothing wrong with that, though, and you don't need any special software to "lifestream" in this way either...all you need is a platform and an app. And there are at least a few apps from the iTunes app store that can help you get going. What's Lifestreaming? Before we look at apps and other solutions, let's try to nail down just what exactly is lifestreaming. There are people that argue that sites like FriendFeed are not, in fact, lifestreaming sites because "aggregation is not lifestreaming." Apps For The iPhone LifeCast WordPress and TypePad Apps: Blogs Can Be Lifestreams, Too

home, un d-magazine producido por Hugo Pardo Kuklinski y Carlos Scolari. New Wordpress Theme Agregado Designed for Lifestreaming – September 15, 2008 Review , Software We’ve seen quite a bunch of WordPress plugins released this year for Lifestreaming which has been great. Now we are finally starting to see theme developers incorporate Lifestreaming into their designs. Earlier in the year Chris Pirillo released the WicketPixie theme which included a Lifestreaming plugin and incorporated it into the design. The Agregado theme was designed from the ground up specifically with Lifestreaming in mind. Click image to visit demo site I installed this on my dev server to test it out and I really like the design. Lifestream module with carousel Animated dropdown menus Custom archives page Built-in contact form module with AJAX sent/fail message Built-in drop caps for paragraphs Numerical pagination on archive and search pages Author-highlighting for comments User profile module Widgetized bottom bar on homepage Widgetized sidebar on single post pages ‘More in this Category’ sidebar module Admin Screen Custom Archives page. Theme Home

Fine Tuna - Fine tune a design or image by adding feedback & comments How to Create or Add Your Lifestream to Facebook There’s been plenty of talk, both positive and negative, about the new Facebook layout and design. One of the best changes in my biased opinion is the fact that they now offer the ability to create a Lifestream, and make it front and center on your profile. I personally have my largest group of friends IRL on Facebook so I have always wanted to take advantage of the ability to add a Lifestream to reach them there as opposed to forcing them to use my preferred networks. There have been several options based on services that offer apps (discussed later) but I’m happy they finally are realizing the adavantages of just incorporating it themselves. Prior to the new design they slowly had started adding functionality that offered the ability to import a few limited services. This was a nice start allowing people to slowly understand and start the process of creating a Lifestream. How to add a Lifestream on Facebook To get started follow these steps: My Lifestream on Facebook Posts you might like

Mixx - Latest news and top videos and photos from around the web Immersion: a people-centric view of your email life Lifestreaming: a ReadWriteWeb Primer - ReadWriteWeb Lifestreaming, according to Wordspy, is "an online record of a person's daily activities, either via direct video feed or via aggregating the person's online content such as blog posts, social network updates, and online photos." In this post we review some of the top lifestreaming web apps: Onaswarm,, Soup, Jaiku (the service Google bought), and perhaps the most popular of them all, Tumblr. There's even a niche blog devoted to lifestreaming, called The Lifestream Blog. It recently noted that Wired magazine named lifestreaming a "wired" technology (as opposed to 'tired' or 'expired'). So it seems lifestreaming is the new black. Tumblr For a recent episode of Read/WriteTalk Sean Ammirati sat down with David Karp, the founder of Tumblr. A variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Read more... Onaswarm Onaswarm is a new lifestreaming application from Toronto's David Janes and BlogMatrix.
