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40 Ways Education Technology Will Be Used In The Future

Do you know what technology you’ll be using in the classroom 5 years from now? What about 10 years from now? A new visualization may be able to help. Thanks to the hard work by Envisioning Tech , it’s simple to see what we could expect to happen in the next few decades. From today’s iPads to holograms in the year 2040, there’s a lot coming to a classroom near you. Better still, the visualization below is categorized into color-coded topics. Want to post this up in the teacher’s lounge or on your desk?

What Is Successful Technology Integration? Technology integration is the use of technology resources -- computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms and networks, software applications, the Internet, etc. -- in daily classroom practices, and in the management of a school. Successful technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is: Routine and transparent Accessible and readily available for the task at hand Supporting the curricular goals, and helping the students to effectively reach their goals When technology integration is at its best, a child or a teacher doesn't stop to think that he or she is using a technology tool -- it is second nature. Defining Technology Integration Before we can discuss how to shift our pedagogy or the role of the teacher in a classroom that is integrating technology, it is important to first define what "technology integration" actually means. Types of Technology Integration Online Learning and Blended Classrooms Image © 2012, by Dr.

Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities Standardization Will Destroy Our Education System, If It Hasn't Already Cross-posted at the Huffington Post.This summer I have made a commitment to reading more and have chosen books that I think will help me become a better leader. A few weeks ago I finished Drive by Daniel Pink and am now halfway through with Linchpin bySeth Godin. I highly recommend both of these book at any educators who is interested about the science behind motivation or overcoming resistance to become and indispensable component of an educational organization. Through my reading of both books it has become painfully clear that many of our current politicians and so-called educational reformers have it completely wrong when it comes to standardization. Image credit: Dan Pink reveals that the keys unlocking and sustaining intrinsic motivation are autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Unfortunately we are being forced in the opposite directions.

SCHOOLCIO : A Plan for Technology Integration 4/27/2012 By: Bob Sprankle I’ve been working on our school’s technology budget for next year, so I’m looking at our “needs” and “wants” closely, knowing items in both categories will be cut due to dwindling budgets that I’m sure most districts are well acquainted with. Introducing new technologies into learning is not an easy process. Purpose I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had educators approach me with something similar to the following quote: “Okay, we just bought 500 iPod Touches (or other technology) for our teachers/school/district. This has always concerned me, as this is the “cart before the horse” scenario. Without thinking about Technology at all, the process must start with identifying the need. Assessment Schools fortunate enough to have Technology Integrators or “tech-savvy” colleagues are then able to go and ask those folks what tools already exist to help achieve the goals identified. Beta Test Group (with Small amount of the Identified Technology acquired) In Summary

Free online tutorials for learning to use technology and ict in education How to work with screencasting tools uses Camtasia for making the training videos. I also use JING for making short videos. If you look at the menu on the left-hand side, you can see a complete list of the screencasting tools that I have worked with and made videos for. Here are a few of my favourites. Camtasia 7-Two sets of videos All the videos I have made on this site use Camtasia 7. SnagIt SnagIt is not free but it is a very reasonably priced option for creating screencasts and it also allows for doing much more. SnagIt part two ScreenR A simple screen cast tool that works on the web. ScreenCast-o-matic Another free screen casting tool that does not need any download and allows you to record quite long videos. Russell Writes in the Teacher Training Journal

Teachers union to urge focus on teaching, learning -- not standardized testing | Metro Detroit A growing backlash against what critics say is the nation's fixation on standardized testing will hit Michigan this weekend, as thousands of teachers from across the country take up a resolution that urges policy makers to put the classroom focus back on teaching and learning -- and not preparing for high-stakes exams. "We're not saying end testing," said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which is holding its annual convention at Cobo Center in Detroit starting today and running through Monday. "We're saying end the fixation on testing." More than 3,000 delegates from AFT units nationwide are expected in Detroit. And although the delegates will take up dozens of resolutions on topics ranging from early childhood education to health care, the one on testing is among the most important of the convention, Weingarten said. An AFT petition that calls for a similar end has gathered 22,000 online signatures within the last two months, Weingarten said.

What is Technology Intelligence? What is Technology Intelligence? What is technology intelligence? Do you have it? Do you need it? Why? I wrote down a few observations and thoughts. Technology Intelligence is the ability to look at developments in technology and use them as enablers. Can you track technology, using technology? That is what we do for a living. Like this: Like Loading... About Dorai Thodla Look at, Oracle Education Foundation, Progetti | Concorso | Libreria What's So Unique About Teaching Middle Schoolers? Posted 10/13/2009 6:57PM | Last Commented 07/31/2015 10:02AM OK, so every middle school teacher that I've known has fallen into their current position. In other words, teaching middle schoolers rarely calls to new teachers so much as they discover how awesome it is. What's so great about them, after all? Well, I've always said that Middle schoolers are ready to talk and ponder about the big issues, yet still yell, ‘Crayons!’ when the blessed colored wax sticks appear on their desk. But why? So why is it that we all love teaching this level? Come, join the discussion!

Join the Movement to Transform Learning: A Guest Blog by George Lucas I didn't enjoy school very much. Occasionally, I had a teacher who would inspire me. But as an adult, as I began working with computer technology to tell stories through film, I began to wonder, "Why couldn't we use these new technologies to help improve the learning process?" Twenty years ago when we started The George Lucas Educational Foundation, we could see that digital technology was going to completely revolutionize the educational system, whether it liked it or not. Yet, in light of extraordinary advancements in how we use technology to communicate and learn, our schools and districts have been frustratingly slow to adapt. Unfortunately, much of our system of education is locked in a time capsule that dates back to the Industrial Revolution, when learning became an exercise in pumping as much information into kids as possible. What we need today and in the future are citizens who can wield the tools of technology to solve complex problems. Consider a few powerful examples.
