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Comic Master 31 of My Favorite Digital Storytelling Sites I am working on starting a virtual classroom…actually when it is all said and done, it will look more like a virtual club. I have opened up my virtual classroom to students in 3rd-8th grade. My first offering is going to be digital storytelling. In honor of that, I thought I would share the sites I am going to use with the students, as well as some other favorites for digital storytelling. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I couldn’t fit in all of my favorite digital storytelling tools into a 5 week class, here are some more favorites: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ePub Bud– publish ebooks for ebook readers like the iPad 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Sites to get students writing: 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. - cree ton blog et des bandes dessinees Create Your Own Comic | Marvel Super Hero Squad | The Official Web Site A List of The Best Free Digital Storytelling Tools for Teachers 1- ZimmerTwins It is all about creative storytelling. ZimmerTwins is a web2.0 tool that allows students to give vent to their imaginative powers and exercise their storytelling skills from early stages to advances ones. 2- Digital Story Telling in The Classroom This section provides resources and materials for teachers to use with their students in storytelling. 3- Story Bird This is an awesome website that allows students and teachers to create short art inspired stories to read, share or print out. 4- Someries Someries is a fantastic storytelling site . 5- PicLits This is another awesome website where students can choose a picture and start drawing or writing a text on it to create a story. 6- Generator This is a creative studio space where students explore the moving image and create their own digital stories to share with others. 7- Capzles This is where you and your students can create rich multimedia stories with videos, photos, music, blogs and documents.

MashON - Personalize, Merchandize & Socialize your brand. Comic Creator The Comic Creator invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts (prewriting, pre- and postreading activities, response to literature, and so on). The organizers focus on the key elements of comic strips by allowing students to choose backgrounds, characters, and props, as well as to compose related dialogue (shown at left). This versatile tool can be used by students from kindergarten through high school, for purposes ranging from learning to write dialogue to an in-depth study of a formerly neglected genre. Grades K – 3 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Word Study with Henry and Mudge Henry and Mudge is used in this lesson to build students' word recognition through rereading, high-frequency word banks, word studies, and writing.

11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources Digital storytelling comes in many forms. Digital storytelling could refer to creating podcasts, creating videos, or creating multimedia ebooks to name of few of its forms. If you're considering developing your first digital storytelling project for your class, here some resources that can help you get started.Ebooks and web references for digital storytelling. One of the best people I know for advice about digital storytelling is Silvia Tolisano. The Digital Storytelling Teacher Guide is a free twenty-eight page ebook produced by Microsoft. Digital storytelling guru Kevin Hodgson runs a website all about stopmotion movie creation. The Digital Directors Guild is a project designed to help teachers develop digital storytelling projects for their classrooms. Tools for Creating Digital Stories. Myna is a free web-based audio track mixer created by Aviary. Little Bird Tales is a nice site intended for younger students to use to create digital stories.

Comiker, the comic maker - Newest ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! Comic Tools Foreword I like using comics in education. I use comic creation tools in a wide range of classes and year groups. As a learning tool and medium comics appeal to all but in particular the visual and kinesthetic learner. Comic creator This is a comic creation tool hosted on the Read, Write & think website - a useful and simple tool for students to create their own comics Comiker A free site allows you to craete a comic with out registration. Pixton This is a good online comic development tool. Makebeliefscomix This is a great and easy to use flash based resource. Kerpoof Gnomz Not brilliant and a little daunting to start as its in french, but toggle the language switch and you are away ToonDoo They explain it all below.... BitStrip Chogger beta Creaza

Write Comics
