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Educational Technology Journals

Educational Technology Journals

10 методов генерации новых идей 10 методов генерации новых идей Творческий процесс требует постоянной генерации новых идей, но где их взять, если вы уже свернули голову, размышляя о своем плане. Об это с нами поделился он-лайновый журнал Business In Web и предложил 10 способ создавать новые оригинальные идеи. 1. Мозговой штурм. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Choosing Graphics for eLearning: Photos vs. Clipart If you are an eLearning developer, you have probably encountered the following question before: Should I use photos or clipart in my eLearning course? If your organization has style guides, this might hold the answer to the question for you. Certain companies ban clipart from being used in their corporate PowerPoints and eLearning courses. They only allow the use of photos, because they find that looks more professional. Clipart has a bad reputation – but it doesn’t have to look ugly. Of course, this is less of an issue if you have either a) an in-house graphic designer who can create custom graphics and clipart for your project, or b) a photographer on hand who can take custom photos for you. The Pros & Cons of Clipart and Photos Regardless of which one you choose to use for your next project, there are pros and cons for both. The pros and cons of using clipart: The pros and cons of using photos: Don’t Mix Photos and Clipart Choose a Clipart Style and Stick To It Like this: Like Loading...
