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Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society

Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society
About the Course This is a course aimed at making you a better designer. The course marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Student Testimonials from Earlier Sessions of the Course:"An amazing course - a joy to take. "When I signed up for this course I didn't know what to expect; the experience was so good and rewarding. See examples of student projects: here Recommended Background No specific background is required. Suggested Readings To get a feel for the style of the instructor and the material in the course, this book is a good place to start: Ulrich, K.T. 2010. The free digital book is available at Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. Other highly recommended reading is the textbook: Product Design and Development by Karl T. The PDF, found here, contains detailed instructions on how to purchase the text. Course Format

social network analysis About the Course Everything is connected: people, information, events and places, all the more so with the advent of online social media. A practical way of making sense of the tangle of connections is to analyze them as networks. In this course you will learn about the structure and evolution of networks, drawing on knowledge from disciplines as diverse as sociology, mathematics, computer science, economics, and physics. Online interactive demonstrations and hands-on analysis of real-world data sets will focus on a range of tasks: from identifying important nodes in the network, to detecting communities, to tracing information diffusion and opinion formation. Course Syllabus Week 1: What are networks and what use is it to study them? Concepts: nodes, edges, adjacency matrix, one and two-mode networks, node degree Activity: Upload a social network (e.g. your Facebook social network into Gephi and visualize it ). Week 2: Random network models: Erdos-Renyi and Barabasi-Albert Week 4: Community

Специалист мобильный Главная > Курсы > Интернет-технологии Веб-дизайн — это то, с чего начинается сайт для вашего посетителя. Это — то первое впечатление, после которого посетитель решает, останется он на Вашем сайте или нет. Для веб-дизайнеров «Специалист» предлагает курсы веб-дизайна и юзабилити, Photoshop и Flash. Вы хотите просто сделать сайт для своей компании и организовать свою студию и выполнять заказы? Центр «Специалист» предлагает Вам овладеть HTML5 — новейшим языком веб-разметки. Курсы веб-дизайна в «Специалисте» одобрены комиссией по веб-разработке РАЭК. Вы сможете выбрать удобные для Вас время, место и режим занятий в нашем гарантированном расписании на год. Присоединяйтесь к их сообществу! - Комплексная программа - Записаться *«Цена от» - минимальная возможная цена на данный курс, зависит от выбранного времени занятий и указана с учетом действующих акций и специальных предложений.

Made With Paper | FiftyThree Free Music Production Tutorials Organizational Analysis About the Course Best MBA Mooc in 2013 as per review in the Financial Times! "The best [MBA Mooc] was Organizational Analysis taught by Stanford's Dan McFarland" - Philip D. It is hard to imagine living in modern society without participating in or interacting with organizations. Each case is full of details and complexity. Through this self-paced course you will come to see that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. Join your future classmates and course alumni on Facebook! Course Syllabus Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Decisions by rational and rule-based procedures Module 3: Decisions by dominant coalitions Module 4: Decisions in organized anarchies Module 5: Developing organizational learning and intelligence Module 6: Developing an organizational culture Module 7: Managing resource dependencies Module 8: Network forms of organization Module 9: Institutions and organizational legitimacy Module 10: Summary Suggested Readings Course Format

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pneumatic potato cannon | OverActive Ingenuity What it is: Ever hear of a potato gun? This is a 1 shot gun that shoots potato plugs at high velocity with compressed air. Just think of this as an adults version of a Nerf gun… but much more dangerous! Tools Needed: Tape MeasureHacksawHand Drill & Drill BitPVC GlueTeflon Pipe TapeHand fileWire cutters/stripperElectrical solder/soldering gun Bill of Materials: *Note – All pipe/couplings listed are Sch 40 PVC(3) – 1.5″ pipe x 30″ long.(3) – 1.5″ slip/slip 180 deg coupler(6) – 1″ pipe x 2.5″ long (15″ total length of 1″ pipe)(3) – 1.5″ to 1″ reducer coupling(2) – 1″ slip/thread male adapter(2) – 1.5″ end caps(1) – Schrader Valve(2) – 1″ 90deg slip/slip elbows(1) – 1″ T slip/slip coupling1″ Sprinkler valve – 180deg, threaded. Build It! Glue (1″ pipe x 2.5″ long) into 1″ Threaded male adapter.Glue 1″ T coupling onto 1″ pipe.Glue (1″ pipe x 2.5″ long) into T CouplingGlue (1″ 90 deg elbow) onto each side of T Coupling – Make sure all pipe openings are parallel! Pressure Chambers: Barrel: Trigger:

Data Analysis About the Course You have probably heard that this is the era of “Big Data”. Stories about companies or scientists using data to recommend movies, discover who is pregnant based on credit card receipts, or confirm the existence of the Higgs Boson regularly appear in Forbes, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. But how does one turn data into this type of insight? The answer is data analysis and applied statistics. This course is an applied statistics course focusing on data analysis. Recommended Background Some familiarity with the R statistical programming language ( and proficiency in writing in English will be useful. Course Format The course will consist of lecture videos broken into 8-10 minute segments.
