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About the Course This is a course aimed at making you a better designer. The course marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Student Testimonials from Earlier Sessions of the Course:"An amazing course - a joy to take. "When I signed up for this course I didn't know what to expect; the experience was so good and rewarding. See examples of student projects: here Recommended Background No specific background is required. Suggested Readings To get a feel for the style of the instructor and the material in the course, this book is a good place to start: Ulrich, K.T. 2010. The free digital book is available at Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society. Other highly recommended reading is the textbook: Product Design and Development by Karl T. The PDF, found here, contains detailed instructions on how to purchase the text. Course Format

Sammensæt dyr og ting  | Håndværk og design Videoen viser, hvordan en kort og let opgave om at sammensætte et dyr og en ting kan sætte kreativiteten i gang hos eleverne. Opgaven hedder ”tænk kreativt” og Anja Maria Schmelling introducerer til hvilke materialer og regler, der skal bruges. På 10 min skal eleverne individuelt koble dyr og ting til nye konstellationer og på den måde træne deres kreativitet. Rune Rex beskriver mulige abstraktionsniveauer til biomimik og lægger vægt på, at øvelsen hovedsagligt handler om at opbygge elevernes kreative selvtillid, komme i den rigtige stemning, lege for legens skyld og turde skabe mange idéer. Eleverne præsenteres for designmetoder og afprøver ideer. Her er et par eksempler på elevernes ideer: Læringsmål: eleverne kan frembringe egne ideer ud fra givne rammer. Videoen er den anden i en serie af videoer, der tager os igennem et undervisningsforløb i design med fokus på kreativ tænkning/idéudvikling. Filmet november 2015 på Kastrupgårdsskolen, Tårnby kommune.

Advanced Interior Design Core Course Description This course provides students the opportunity to develop advanced skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors. Portfolio projects are integrated throughout the course to provide applications as the students continue their study of floor plans, color schemes, lighting, textures, fabrics, and furniture design and style. Appropriate computer design programs are used in this course. The students will explore the various career opportunities related to interior design. For specific information regarding this course, contact the Utah State Family and Consumer Sciences Education Specialist. Prerequisite: Interior Design I & II Core Standards of the Course Standard 1 Students will review and apply architectural history and identify selected architectural features and styles. Standard 2 Students will select and apply furniture styles. Standard 3 Students will identify quality furniture. Ny portal til håndværk og design Vi knokler på livet løs på det nye HåndværkDesignfaget. På samme måde som Clio Onlines øvrige portaler vil den nye portal være bygget op omkring de forenklede Fælles Mål. Samtidig er den et komplet digitalt materiale til sit fag, hvor du kan finde alt det, du skal bruge til undervisningen i håndværk og design – samt meget mere. Spændende forløb og komplette årsplaner Som lærer vil du finde masser af inspiration og sparring til din undervisning i håndværk og design med spændende undervisningsforløb, alsidige aktivitetstyper og komplette årsplaner, som løbende bliver udviklet og opdateret, og som indeholder masser af muligheder for differentiering. Spækket med videoer, billeder og interaktivitet Den nye portal vil samtidig være fyldt med spændende videoer, billeder og interaktive funktioner, der både gør læringen sjovere og mere motiverende for eleverne. LÆS OGSÅ: Fem nye portaler til praktisk-musiske fag Portalen vil blive delt op i fem spændende kategorier:

Interior Design II Core Course Description This course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors. Projects are integrated throughout the course to provide applications as the students study: architecture, furniture styles and constructions, surface treatments and backgrounds, design and function of space and lighting. Prerequisite: Interior Design I Core Standards of the Course Standard 1 Students will discuss architectural history and identify selected architectural styles and features. Objective 1 Explain basic terms and identify illustrations of architectural features and styles. Objective 2 Identify the American adaptations of housing styles such as: Performance Objective #1 Complete a project related to architectural styles and features Standard 2 Students will distinguish features of selected furniture styles and characteristics of quality furniture. Objective 1 Identify selected furniture styles and common characteristics of each

Håndværk og Design Interior Design I Core Course Description This course enables students to explore their creativity in the field of interior design. Identification of the elements and principles of design are emphasized. Core Standards of the Course Standard 1 Students will demonstrate professional design presentation techniques Objective 1 Students will practice various methods of interior design presentation. Demonstrate professional lettering and labeling, such as block/architectural lettering, legends or keys, etc. Performance Objective #2 Demonstrate professional lettering and mounting techniques. Standard 2 Students will identify the two basic types of design. Objective 1 Identify structural design (simple lines, no ornamentation, cannot be separated without destroying the object) Explain the meaning of form follows function Objective 2 Identify decorative design (applied ornamentation to an object, can be separated without destroying the object.) Objective 1 Identify, explain and use the basic elements of design

Stonehenge - another perspective Timewatch has always had an interest in new areas of research and in examining topics which inspire debate. Stonehenge in particular prompted lively comments on our Timewatch forum. Here Dr. Olwen Williams-Thorpe, an archaeological scientist, presents her own perspective on Darvill and Wainwright's theory as explored by the Timewatch Stonehenge8 programme. The central theme of the program was the hypothesis that Stonehenge was a prehistoric ‘healing’ centre. Unfortunately, this simply does not fit the geological evidence. My work includes extensive research into the bluestones at Stonehenge which started in 1987 when I and a small group of OU colleagues were granted the unique privilege of drilling some tiny samples from the bluestones for modern geochemical investigation. As a result it is clear to me that the bluestones actually come from all over South Wales. Copyrighted image Credit: Stonehenge. Of course we must to try to understand the significance of Stonehenge. Ixer R.

Introduction to Photography | Architecture
