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How to Make Your Own Beauty Products from Scratch - Lifestyle Let's keep things simple this week. When it comes to personal-care products, we are big believers in streamlining what you use—see "Eight Products You Think You Need But Don't" for a refresher—buying less in general, and getting creative. We have both always loved experimenting in our kitchens and our bathrooms, checking ingredients in products we love, isolating the main ones, and then trying them on their own. Simple body scrub Many body scrubs, even the ones that claim to be sugar- or salt-based, actually contain beads made out of polyethylene, which is environmentally deplorable (it all goes down the drain, remember)—to say nothing of the preservatives, fragrance, penetration enhancers, and sulfates that typically bulk up these products. Honey face wash One-ingredient eye liner For the ladies (or the gents with a flair for the dramatic) this is as easy as it gets: Grab a capsule of activated charcoal, which you can get at most pharmacies and any health food store. Perfume Shave oil

dailybreak Already a Member? Sign In Grand Prize $100 Visa Gift Card (One winner chosen at random) Runner Up Prize 100 Coins Terms & Conditions General Terms & Conditions Additional Terms & Conditions Challenge Full Grand Prize winner is... Kasandra L from California Won $100 Visa gift card Runner-Up prize winner is... Amy S from California Won 100 coins Online Tutoring, Homework Help and Test Prep in Math, Science, and English - Six in the Nest If you haven't heard of Diamond Candles, you want to. Diamond Candles are so much fun! These candles are at the top of my holiday want list! So, what is a Diamond Candle? Each Diamond Candle has a ring inside. Diamond Candles was founded in January of 2011. See that shiny gold thing in the candle? I was sooo excited to find out what my ring looked like... The candle smelled great, even before I lit it...but once I did the scent wafted through my home, Lavender Lemon smells great! As you can see, the wick was a little off center.. and it happened to be off center more on the side that the ring wasn't. Now, these candles take a LONG time to burn. So, I waited..... and waited....... and waited some more. There it is! In that foil was a small plastic bag... and, as you can see, in that bag is my ring!! Whooo hoooo! This part was the best... sooo much fun! Diamond Candles responded to a question asking how to tell if the rings are "real", on their Facebook page the other day.

Pinbooster How it works Sign-up and set your per-pin price. Add tags to describe some of your world of pins and personality. When you get an offer, decide whether or not you’re interested Work with the advertiser on the description of the pin. FAQs What is Pinterest? Pinterest is a visually based social media site. Each pin, once clicked, directs the user to the site where the image originated. Pinterest is growing at a breakneck speed – it’s already the third largest social network! What is Pinbooster? Pinbooster understands the unique advertising potential for Pinterest and bridges the gap between great Pinterest users and advertisers. How do I sign up? This is one of our favorite questions! What kinds of people use Pinbooster? People who use Pinbooster are either advertisers or Pinterest pinners. Our advertisers are, in our opinion, the best in their business. One more thing: we value transparency. Why do I have to disclose that a pin is sponsored? It’s the law. What does disclosure look like?

99 Side Hustle Business Ideas You Can Start Today Every side hustle starts with an idea! I put together this monster list of side hustle ideas to help get your creative juices flowing. No more excuses :) Even better, most of these side hustles don’t require a huge initial investment or even any special skills. And while not all qualify as “business ideas,” each has the potential to earn you money in your spare time. These are worth anywhere from $50 to $50,000 a month — it all depends on your execution. Too Many Choices? Join the Free 5-Day $500 Challenge. Sweet! Please enter your name. Please enter a valid email address. Something went wrong. I'll also send you my best side hustle tips and weekly-ish newsletter.Opt-out anytime. 1. With services like Instacart and DoorDash, you can earn money delivering groceries and take-out orders in your town. I sat down with one full-service Instacart shopper who made $10,000 in his first 6 months! And you don’t have to worry about keeping your car spotless for passengers! 2. The kicker? 3. The best part? 4.

11 Unusual Household Uses For Food Items That Will Save You Money photo: charles chan * The next time you find yourself in need of a household product like stain remover, shower cleaner or ant deterrent, check the pantry before heading to the store. You might just find what you need, in the form of a common kitchen ingredient. From a green perspective, going the DIY route eliminates some of the harsh chemicals in your home, reducing your family’s exposure to them. It can also save you money. Post your own tips below, and try these household uses for common foods: Baking soda * Jan Patterson of Cotati, Calif., uses it to remove “stubborn sticky stuff of any kind” from furniture and other household items. * Add vinegar, and the mixture works well as a drain cleaner, says Leslie Reichert, a.k.a. * “Use it as your first treatment when you spill fruit juice or wine,” says lifestyle consultant Joshua Duvauchelle. * Mix with vinegar, and the resulting paste is powerful enough to clean grout, says Maureen Smithe of “Homemade Mothering.” Bananas Beer Cayenne Pepper

rippln "RIPPLN" is the 'active state of a ripple'. It is also a new app that is powered by an enabling technology, which is set to make waves around the world. Rippln is born from a 14 year old infrastructure, which has generated billions of dollars in revenue globally and has focused on driving audience behavior through incentivized sharing. The Rippln app brings long-overdue transparency to the social engagement business and has created a new monetary model for "eyeball acquisition". The app is set to launch in over 78 countries upon its release at the end of May. Check out Rippln's buzz in the marketplace and around the globe We are currently in stealth mode.

Riusuke Fukahori Paints Three-Dimensional Goldfish Embedded in Layers of Resin First: watch the video. Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. Consumer Opinion - Home Fake "Customer Services Evaluator" or "Mystery Shopper" Offers April 2013 We have learned that our name is being exploited to further a fraudulent "mystery shopper" or "secret shopper" scam or a phishing scam. People around the U.S. and Canada are receiving offer letters, emails, or advertisements bearing a Consumer Opinion Institute, "Montaplast Consumer Opinion Institute" or other variation of our Consumer Opinion Institute name and logo, and fake contact information, inviting recipients to become a "customer services evaluator," "mystery shopper," "survey agent" or "customer service rep." These offers are used to further a fraudulent check scheme, or to phish for your personal information for purposes of identity theft or other fraudulent purposes. Random people that are not members of our COI panel are being targeted, so our COI database has not been comprised. If you have received an offer similar to the one described above, we recommend the following:

Black Mirror / rorriM kcalB Panelspeak
