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Quirky, softly-lit bars are to Neukölln what kid-friendly Bio-Cafes are to Prenzlauer Berg. They’re everywhere. In fact, if you fell over within a 1km radius of the Schillerpromenade, you’d probably land on an upcycled armchair with a Moscow Mule in your hand. It ticks many boxes of the modern Kneipe: There’s foosball out back, giant art on the wall, and the vibe is more ‘kick back’ than ‘kick off’. Friends of the place spin crackly, old gramophone tunes on quieter nights, and let loose with meatier sets of a higher BPM come the weekend. Related:  Deutschland

Slow Travel, vacation rentals, villas, reviews, Europe travel guide (Italy, France, England) Spreepiraten-Berlin Alternative Subculture Underground Berlin Tours ATLAS HISTORIQUE - Cartographie & histoire Learn Cool Microsoft Excel Conditional Formatting Tricks - Be a Rock star (Tips | How tos - Save time, impress everyone) | Pointy Haired Dilbert - Excel conditional formatting is a hidden and powerful gem that when used well, can change the outlook of your project report / sales budget / project plan or analytical outputs from bunch of raw data in default fonts to something truly professional and good looking. Better still, you dont even need to be a guru or excel pro to achieve dramatic results. All you need is some coffee and this post to learn some cool conditional formatting tricks. So you got your coffee mug? The 5 tricks we are going to learn are, 1. If you are new to Excel Conditional Formatting, please read the Conditional Formatting Basics article before proceeding. I have created an excel sheet containing all these examples. 1. Often when you present data in a large table it looks monotonous and is difficult to read. Click OK.Congratulations, you have mastered a conditional formatting trick now 2. Project plans / gantt charts are everyday activity in most of our lives. 3. The above is a table of visits to 4. 5.

Danemark :: Itinéraires conseillés Une semaine au Danamark Copenhague (3 jours) Voir les itinéraires conseillés à Copenhague. La Sealand du Nord (2 jours) Le Karen Blixen Museet Le musée d’Art moderne de Louisiana Helsingør Fredensborg Le château de Hillerød Roskilde (la cathédrale et le musée des Bateaux vikings) La Sealand du Sud (2 jours) Køge L'île de Møn L’île de Falster (ainsi que l’île de Lolland et le Middelaldercentret) Deux semaines au Danamark Reprendre l’itinéraire pour 1 semaine. La Fionie (2 jours) Nyborg Odense Le château d’Egeskov L’île d’Ærø Le Jutland (5 jours) Kolding Ribe (la cathédrale, balade dans les vieilles rues) Les îles de la mer des Wadden Excursion à l’île de Mandø Billund et Legoland Horsens Silkeborg Århus La région de Mols Ebeltoft (la frégate Jylland) Les côtes du Djursland par Grenå Le Himmerland (parc national de Rebild) Sæby L’île de Læsø Skagen et Gammel Skagen Råbjerg Mile

Berlino: qualche mio consiglio di viaggio Mi si chiede spesso di Berlino, una delle città in cui mi trovo meglio. Ogni volta mi trovo a dover spiegare questo e quell’altro, fare copia-incolla di innumerevoli mail, tra cui quella che poi ha fatto riferimento a un bell’articolo di un’amica che non trovo più. Ora ho sistemato e messo qui senza nessuna velleità di fare il pretenzioso o essere esaustivo: solo i posti che mi sono piaciuti e dove mi sono trovato bene. Bar, locali, sale concerto Ce ne sono una marea: ipoteticamente per un weekend lungo pianificherei così in modalità molto aggressiva. Giovedì, cercatevi Cookies, serata del giovedì po’ troppo fighetta in Friedrichstr. altrimenti vedete voi se nei locali di seguito c’è qualcosa Venerdì, vedete voi tra Watergate/Renate/Katerholzig/Astra Kulturhaus/Astro Bar/Lido/Fritz Club am Post Bahnhof, Stadt Bad am Wedding. Altrimenti Club der Visionnäre, nella foto, a Kreutzberg. Nhow Hotel (Kruetzberg): sulla Sprea fa capolino la prua di questo nuovo hotel della famosa catena.

Welcome to the British Museum Bottoms Up! | A Love Affair with Taverns, Bars & Pubs For a lot of us, one of the most exciting milestones in our lives is when we reach that magical age when we’re finally old enough to buy and consume alcohol– and step foot into a bar for the first time. America has a longtime love affair with drinking and bars– alcohol seems to be the magic elixir for all our worries, and the hazy comfort of a favorite bar can be like collagen for our souls. Just seeing all the shiny glasses & colorful bottles lined-up and ready for business is comforting, and seems to put all things in order. Subway Series: Rapt audience in bar watching World Series game from New York on TV-- Chicago, 1952. The 21 Club's Jack Kriendler relaxing at the bar with a drink, a bartender holding a bottle on the other side of the bar-- NYC, 1941. A view showing people drinking at the Saloon (R) and the public bar (L) at "The Dove"-- U.K., 1940. Bar under casino in resort town-- Bulgaria, 1963. Patrons crowding up to the bar on a Saturday night-- Wheeler, MT 1963. Like this:

Laut Instagram: Das sind Deutschlands 15 schönste Kleinstädte 2018 Wann waren Sie zum letzten Mal in einer Kleinstadt? Nein, nicht um die liebe Verwandtschaft zu besuchen, sondern um dem Trubel der Großstadt zu entfliehen und mal etwas Neues zu entdecken. Denn davon haben Deutschlands Kleinstädte allerhand zu bieten – manche ziehen jährlich mehr als eine Million Besucher aus der ganzen Welt an. Bei Instagram gibt es dafür auch jede Menge Beweisbilder. Aus einigen Kleinstädten mehr, aus anderen weniger. So sah es vergangenes Jahr aus In diesem Jahr hat sich einiges getan. Platz 1: Füssen, Bayern Wie klein? Wie oft für Instagram abgelichtet? Und, lohnt sich ein Kurztrip? Platz 2: Winterberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen Wie klein? Wie oft für Instagram abgelichtet? Und, lohnt sich ein Kurztrip? Platz 3: Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Bayern Wie klein? Wie oft für Instagram abgelichtet? Und, lohnt sich ein Kurztrip? Platz 4: Kühlungsborn, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Wie klein? Wie oft für Instagram abgelichtet? Und, lohnt sich ein Kurztrip? Stimmen Sie hier ab Wie klein?

Matisse au Centre Pompidou : pour une esthétique de la répétition Matisse au Centre Pompidou : pour une esthétique de la répétition © Crédit photo : © Succession H. Matisse, La Blouse Roumaine, 1940 L'exposition « Matisse, Paires et séries », inaugurée au Centre Pompidou le 7 mars, explore l'ensemble de l'œuvre du peintre fauviste à travers la répétition des motifs et la variation des formes. Une approche inédite pour comprendre la genèse de chaque projet, et porter un regard neuf sur l'art d'Henri Matisse. Et si on regardait Matisse autrement ? Variations, répétition et cohérence« Je souhaitais montrer la cohérence de son oeuvre à travers un aspect singulier, essentiel et continu : la manière dont l’artiste a travaillé en reprenant ou répétant les mêmes compositions selon des toiles et des traitements formels distincts, en paires ou séries ». © Succession H. © Succession H. Selon C. Matisse, paires et séries - du 7 mars au 18 juin... par centrepompidou Pour plus d’info (Avec AFP)Crédit photo : © Succession H.
