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Portugal Drug Policy: Decriminalization Works

The Art of Decentralization by Butler Shaffer Just because everything is different doesn’t mean anything has changed. ~ Irene Peter Operating on the assumptions (1) that Ron Paul will not be the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, and (2) that he is likely to retire from future presidential campaigns, I focus on the question: where are those who advocate peace and liberty to now direct their energies? My experiences and inquiries keep me convinced that trying to dismantle political thinking from within the system is both a futile and contradictory undertaking. Anyone who believes that Ron Paul has simply dreamed up an ideology that young people find attractive has no understanding of what is transpiring in this movement. Ron Paul did not invent this mobilization of the human spirit, nor will the energies subside after November’s elections. Those who are drawn to libertarian sentiments and ideas are generally in agreement that there is no definitive answer to the question of how free men and women will live.

Mexican Drug Cartels Have Infiltrated All Of These US Cities 30,000 Canadians are homeless every night - Canada Despite sporadic success in addressing homelessness in Canada, little progress has been made toward a permanent cross-country solution, says a national report into the extent of the problem. The report's initial numbers tell a grim story. Among the report's findings: At least 200,000 Canadians experience homelessness in any given year. Those numbers come from the Canadian Homelessness Research Network (CHRN) and the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, the groups behind what they call the first extensive national report card on homelessness. Their look at the state of homelessness in Canada found that annual shelter use did not change substantially from 2005 to 2009, while the average stay grew longer. As a result, the report's authors say, it's time the country shifted its focus from crisis management — from things like emergency shelter beds and soup kitchens — to more permanent solutions. "The reality is it isn't the best we can do at all." Who is homeless? Degrees of homelessness

L'altruisme, une affaire de matière grise | Science Photo : iStockphoto La disposition à s'intéresser à autrui, à manifester de la générosité et du désintéressement serait liée à la quantité de matière grise dans le cerveau, affirment des chercheurs suisses. Selon Ernst Fehr et ses collègues de l'Université de Zurich, ces travaux laissent à penser qu'il existe un lien entre l'anatomie du cerveau, son activité et un comportement altruiste. Ainsi, plus une personne dispose de matière grise, qui est située dans le système nerveux central, moins elle aura tendance à se comporter de manière égoïste, révèle l'étude. Pour arriver à ce constat, l'équipe de recherche a demandé à des participants de partager un montant d'argent entre eux et un autre joueur anonyme. Les auteurs de ces travaux affirment qu'il s'agit d'un comportement altruiste, puisque la personne peut en aider une autre à ses propres dépens. Les observations ont étonné par la différence entre les participants.

How the drug war hurts everyone Something as massive and amorphous as America’s War on Drugs can be difficult to imagine in concrete terms. This web of failed policies is so huge, so persistent and so deeply woven into the fabric of our nation that it’s hard to envision an alternative — or even appreciate what the conflict is currently siphoning resources away from. That’s why the past week has been so important for the cause of ending the drug war — because it has provided three tragic examples of how that war harms not only its dead and/or incarcerated victims, but also how it makes society as a whole more susceptible to horrific crimes. In Boulder, Colo., for example, the Daily Camera reports that “the University of Colorado announced a new plan to snuff out the Boulder campus’s 4/20 smoke-out, warning that police will ticket pot smokers at this month’s event.” That’s a key point: Focusing police resources on safety is distinctly different than focusing them on the drug war.

Obesity in Canada - Healthy Living To share this page just click on the social network icon of your choice. [Previous Page] [Table of Contents] [Next Page] The main focus of this report has been to highlight new data and findings concerning the prevalence of obesity in Canada, as well as to summarize our current understanding of its determinants and the health and economic burden. General principles Even though scientific knowledge is still evolving and incomplete, waiting for the “perfect solution” may not be an option, and decisions about how best to address obesity at a population level must be made. Approaches to combat obesity can be categorized into three streams: health services and clinical interventions that target individuals,community-level interventions that directly influence behaviours, andpublic policies that target broad social or environmental determinants. In practice, these are not mutually exclusive categories but, rather, overlapping and complementary lines of action. Individual-based interventions

illuminati | Brands & logo's | Coca Cola & Nike The US Has Sent 200 Marines Into Guatemala To Directly Combat The Drug War Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network NOPREN At a Glance NOPREN is a thematic research network of the Prevention Research Centers Program. Its mission is to conduct transdisciplinary nutrition- and obesity-related policy research and evaluation along a policy change continuum (see below). The work of NOPREN members helps foster understanding of the effectiveness of policies related to preventing childhood obesity through improved access to affordable, healthy foods and beverages in a variety of settings including communities, workplaces, healthcare facilities, childcare institutions, and schools. What are Nutrition and Obesity Policies? Policies that affect the nutrition environment and influence lifestyle choices and behavior. Examples include: (adapted from McKinnon RA et al.”Considerations for an Obesity Policy Research Agenda” Am J Prev Med 2009.) Relevant Policies Relevant policies may be enacted at the local, state, federal, or tribal level and typically include: Click here to download a full summary of NOPREN Terms of Use
