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Радикальная идея Пола Ромера: города хартии

Радикальная идея Пола Ромера: города хартии

Visualisation of Ontologies and Large Scale Graphs | Scimantica - Semantic Science For a whole number of reasons, I am currently looking into the visualisation of large-scale graphs and ontologies and to that end, I have made some notes concerning tools and concepts which might be useful for others. Here they are: Visualisation by Node-Link and Tree jOWL: jQuery Plugin for the navigation and visualisation of OWL ontologies and RDFS documents. Visualisations mainly as trees, navigation bars. OntoViz: Plugin into Protege…at the moment supports Protege 3.4 and doesn’t seem to work with Protege 4. IsaViz: Much the same as OntoViz really. NeOn Toolkit: The Neon toolkit also has some visualisation capability, but not independent of the editor. OntoTrack: OntoTrack is a graphical OWL editor and as such has visualisation capabilities. Cone Trees: Cone trees are three-dimensional extensions of 2D tree structures and have been designed to allow for a greater amount odf information to be visualised and navigated. Welkin: Standalone application for the visualisation of RDF graphs.

VicesAreNotCrimes Vices Are Not Crimes A Vindication Of Moral Liberty Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property. In vices, the very essence of crime --- that is, the design to injure the person or property of another --- is wanting. It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. Every voluntary act of a man’s life is either virtuous or vicious. It is not often possible to say of those acts that are called vices, that they really are vices, except in degree.

Paul Romer | Charter Cities und die Vorteile globaler Migration Elektrizität war in Haiti schon vor dem Erdbeben teuer, da ineffektive Regeln es privaten Firmen am Markt schwer gemacht haben. Die Ineffektivität der Polizei förderte Kriminalität. Firmen, die Haitianer anstellen hätten wollen, gingen daher nicht nach Haiti. Firmen, die Haitianer beschäftigten, verließen das Land. Im Ergebnis kann ein Arbeiter sein Einkommen um den Faktor 7 steigern, indem er von Haiti in die USA geht. Gallup hat herausgefunden, dass 700 Millionen Menschen gerne dauerhaft auswandern würden, wenn sie die Möglichkeit dazu hätten. Es gibt drei spezifische Rollen: Gastgeber, Quelle und Bürge Eine Charter City nimmt ihren Anfang mit einem unbewohnten und freiwillig zur Verfügung gestellten Stück Land, welches groß genug ist, einer Stadt Platz zu bieten. Es gibt drei spezifische Rollen für die beteiligten Staaten: Gastgeber, Quelle und Bürge. Ein Land wie Indien könnte beispielsweise alle drei dieser Rollen zugleich übernehmen, analog zu Chinas Sonderwirtschaftszonen.

The Global Creativity Index - Jobs & Economy Earlier this week I identified the world’s leading nations on innovation, technology and the creative class. Today, I turn to a new, more comprehensive measure of global economic competitiveness and prosperity my team and I have created, the Global Creativity Index. The ongoing economic crisis has seriously challenged to the way we understand and measure economic growth. An increasing number of economists, social scientists, and policy-makers suggest that traditional measures like Gross National Product have outlived their usefulness and have sought to replace them with broader measures of economic prosperity, sustainability, and/or happiness and subjective well-being. The Global Creativity Index evaluates and ranks 82 nations on Technology, Talent, and Tolerance, the three critical “Ts” of economic development. The map above shows how the nations of the world stack up on the GCI.

LSDIS : Semantic Visualization Semantic Visualization project provides a comprehensive visualization and interactive search and analytics interfaces for exploiting Semantic Web capabilities for all levels of systems architecture. OntoVista Ontologies build the backbone for many life-sciences applications. Semantic Analytics Visualization "Semantic Analytics Visualization" (SAV) is a 3D visualization tool for Semantic Analytics. Semantic EventTracker Semantic EventTracker (SET) is a highly interactive visualization tool for tracking and associating activities (events) of suspects in a Spatially Enriched Virtual Environment (SEVE). Paged Graph Visualization Paged Graph Visualization (PGV) is a new user-centered, semi-autonomous visualization tool for RDF data exploration, validation and examination.

For richer, for poorer – Prospect Magazine « Prospect Magazine Forget aid—people in the poorest countries like Haiti need new cities with different rules. And developed countries should be the ones that build them Lacking electricity at home, students work under the dim lights of a parking lot at G’bessi Airport in Conakry, Guinea On the first day of TEDGlobal, a conference for technology enthusiasts in Oxford in July 2009, a surprise guest was unveiled: Gordon Brown. He began his presentation with a striking photograph of a vulture watching over a starving Sudanese girl. When disaster strikes—as in the recent Haiti earthquake—the prime minister is right. So, two days later, I opened my own TED talk with a different photo, one of African students doing their homework at night under streetlights. The deeper problem, widely recognised but seldom addressed, is how to free people from bad rules. How would such a city work? Why the right rules matter Consider development the other way round. What could go wrong? The demands of migration

Casino a bad bet for Toronto “Toronto deserves a world-class casino,” city councillor and one-time mayoral hopeful Giorgio Mammoliti declared recently. Why? What did the good city of Toronto do to deserve such a costly, socially destructive boondoggle? There are lots of things that economic development experts disagree about — whether it’s more important to create a better business climate with tax abatements or attract new residents with quality-of-life amenities; whether mass transit and bike trails or highways and stadiums deserve bigger subsidies. But about one thing, urbanists across the ideological spectrum are unanimous. It’s true that a host of major cities in the U.S. and around the world — New York, Miami, Chicago, Madrid, Seoul, Dublin, the list goes on — are planning or building equally or even more lavish casinos than the one that has been envisioned for Toronto. And, yes, Toronto and the province are desperate for revenue. Casinos produce little real wealth for their communities.

Инфографика: Полсотни лучших сервисов для построения красивых зрительных образов В последнее время в компьютерной среде особенно модно стало изъясняться на языке инфографики - через ряд зрительных образов. Объём информации, доступной в сети, огромен, и люди уже начинают выбирать способы её восприятия, яркая выразительная графика кажется им интереснее слов и чисел. Однако, построение инфографических рисунков требует отточенности аналитического мышления и богатства фантазии. Можем вас обрадовать - в сети достаточно ресурсов в помощь начинающим дизайнерам инфографики. Данная публикация содержит полный перечень ресурсов и сервисов, облегчающих вам процесс генерации инфографических изображений. 01. Набор бесплатных javascript/HTML5-инструментов для построения диаграмм почти на все случаи жизни - от статичных образцов инфографики до встраиваемых "живых" схем! 02. Бесплатный онлайн-сервис для лёгкого построения наглядных диаграмм связей и их последующей печати или рассылки остальным участникам "мозгового штурма". 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

A ne pas confondre Знакомство с сервисами построения графов | Новосибирская открытая образовательная сеть Знакомство с сервисами построения графов Постановка задачи и поясняющий материал. Этот шаг мы посвящаем специальным сервисам построения карт знаний или интеллектуальных карт (Mind Map). Под картой знаний, как правило, понимается обычный граф, то есть некая структура состоящая из отдельных узлов (вершин) и связей (ребер) между этими узлами. В математике есть целый раздел, называемый теорией графов, который имеет огромное количество самых различных приложений. Все инструменты, позволяющие создавать карты знаний можно условно разбить на две группы: специальные программные средства (свободно распространяемые и платные), преимущественно для локального использования на ПК и выставления готовых карт в сеть. Для первоначального знакомства с диаграммами связей и инструментами, позволяющими их создавать, нужно посмотреть следующие источники: Практическое задание: Строим диаграммы связей в bubbl и Mindomo. Первое задание. Второе задание. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Graphviz | Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software

Paul Romer's New Economy based on the millions of ideas yet to be thought up is a compelling one. The quality of our Future will be determined by the quality of our thinking. by pauljacobson Jan 16
