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The Official Simon's Cat Website

The Official Simon's Cat Website ! Des fails 100% fr ! Oxhorn's Warcraft Machinima Dear blank, please blank. Welcome to funzu | the Craziest photo blog on the net FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Funny Pictures and Funny Videos of Owned, Pwned and Fail Moments Improv Everywhere de Zekerweter Clients From Hell The Different Kinds Of People You Meet At Airports I spend a lot of time in airports. I was first put on a plane when I was just two months old. After that, my parents decided that I would just have to become accustomed to a nomadic lifestyle. My father’s work required him to move all over the world and, even when we weren’t in the process of moving, we were constantly going places – part of my parents’ attempts to instill a sense of culture and global awareness in my sister and me, driven by the fear that, god forbid, one day we’d ask to go to Disneyland instead of the Berlin Wall or the Louvre. Traveling with family at a young age, I wasn’t able to really take in my surroundings. 1. Most commonly found working for major airlines and has seen the glamour of her occupation dissipate before her eyes (you have to fight for your seat on an easyJet flight?!) 2. As a rule, people don’t look their best while traveling. 3. Don’t have much to say about this other than: Why didn’t you choose your seat in advance? 4. 5. 6.

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